Author Topic: Quest not ending...  (Read 671 times)


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Quest not ending...
« Reply #15 on: September 28, 2015, 06:44:46 pm »


Did you read the rest of what I wrote?  Have you checked that you are setting the states to values which are in the journal? And only the tag you are working on.


As to the rest of the info... well, in order for me to check the above I'd need all the scripts related to this quest and your journal file etc. So it would be better for you to do it.


So you are saying you have the expected entry in the completed list _and_ a blank one in the pending? Sounds like you have two journal quests with the same name and some script it still using the tag of the second one. I don't think you will get a single quest to be in both completed and pending states at the same time. 



Legacy_Who said that I

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Quest not ending...
« Reply #16 on: September 28, 2015, 07:58:10 pm »


Letter deliver quest:

NPC 1 


- (after completion)


//:: FileName dlg_bug_01



//:: Created By: Script Wizard

//:: Created On: 19-9-2015 8:12:45


int StartingConditional()



    // Inspect local variables

    if (!(GetLocalInt(GetPCSpeaker(), "NW_JOURNAL_ENTRY" + "LOVE") == 3))

        return FALSE;


    return TRUE;





- (During quest)


//:: FileName dlg_plott_01



//:: Created By: Script Wizard

//:: Created On: 17-9-2015 6:58:19


int StartingConditional()



    // Inspect local variables

     if (!(GetLocalInt(GetPCSpeaker(), "NW_JOURNAL_ENTRY" + "LOVE") == 1))

        return FALSE;


    return TRUE;





- (Quest acceptation) 


//:: FileName dlg_plott_02



//:: Created By: Script Wizard

//:: Created On: 17-9-2015 7:08:27


#include "pqj_inc"

void main()


    // Set the variables

    SetLocalInt(GetPCSpeaker(), "iLoveQuest", 100);

    // Give "letter" to the PC.


// Get the PC who is in this conversation.

    object oPC = GetPCSpeaker();


    // Give "letter" to the PC.

    CreateItemOnObject("letter", oPC);


    // Update the player's journal.

    AddPersistentJournalQuestEntry("LOVE", 1, oPC, FALSE);





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Quest not ending...
« Reply #17 on: September 28, 2015, 08:27:49 pm »


Those are some of them yes...  I assume you have some action taken scripts as well?


Are you using the conversation to set any journal entries directly?  You should not be when using PQJ.  Maybe you have one left over

from before?


Have you looked for extra things that assign journal entries? Do you have a second journal quest with the same name?  You are the one who needs to do this looking...



Legacy_Who said that I

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Quest not ending...
« Reply #18 on: September 28, 2015, 08:30:30 pm »

               No i do not. What I did do though was rename the journal tag.

Right now still have the original scripts from the plotwizard for this quest



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Quest not ending...
« Reply #19 on: September 28, 2015, 09:14:20 pm »


Ahh, well you may still have a persisted entry for the old one.   If it's persisted it will add a journal quest entry on restore and it may give you a blank one if there is no journal item with that tag.   I assume your answer was referring to the last of the questions I asked.


You could set that quest with the old tag to state 0 on client enter (after reloading persisted states).



Legacy_Who said that I

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Quest not ending...
« Reply #20 on: September 29, 2015, 07:39:03 am »


This is what I get AFTER I completed the quest. Thought this screenie would possibly help with understanding said issue?


How do I do that?



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« Reply #21 on: September 29, 2015, 02:46:08 pm »


If that shows up on completion then you are setting an entry for a quest with tag p001 in one of your action taken scripts OR in the conversation node.   I assume that the tag of the Lover's Walk quest is not p001 anymore.


Please look at your conversation and make sure that the journal or quest entry field is not set on any of the nodes.  Take a look at your action taken scripts for the completion of the quest. (You have not bothered to post that one which I'd think would have some bearing.) Make sure you are not adding a journal quest entry for "p001" anywhere.


Since it only shows up on completion it is going to be one of the things I mentioned above rather than a persisted state of the old tag so don't worry about that.



Legacy_Fester Pot

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« Reply #22 on: September 29, 2015, 04:17:48 pm »


Agree with meaglyn here.

Blank journal entries are exactly that, unspecified entires completely removed from the journal, incorrect tag of a journal, or unspecified number of a properly tagged journal entry.

Search your scripts wide for "p001". If you don't find that entry, it is most likely a journal entry located in a conversation under the Other Actions Journal tab.




Legacy_Who said that I

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« Reply #23 on: September 29, 2015, 11:58:07 pm »


Agree with meaglyn here.

Blank journal entries are exactly that, unspecified entires completely removed from the journal, incorrect tag of a journal, or unspecified number of a properly tagged journal entry.

Search your scripts wide for "p001". If you don't find that entry, it is most likely a journal entry located in a conversation under the Other Actions Journal tab.




If that shows up on completion then you are setting an entry for a quest with tag p001 in one of your action taken scripts OR in the conversation node.   I assume that the tag of the Lover's Walk quest is not p001 anymore.


Please look at your conversation and make sure that the journal or quest entry field is not set on any of the nodes.  Take a look at your action taken scripts for the completion of the quest. (You have not bothered to post that one which I'd think would have some bearing.) Make sure you are not adding a journal quest entry for "p001" anywhere.


Since it only shows up on completion it is going to be one of the things I mentioned above rather than a persisted state of the old tag so don't worry about that.



so basically (if I understand this right)  Deleting those scripts should fix the issue? Since now I even get it upon taking the quest (And no none of the original p001 scripts are in the conversation nodes)




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« Reply #24 on: September 30, 2015, 12:51:46 am »


I don't know what scripts you are talking about deleting...


In the conversation it is not scripts we were talking about. It would be, as FP said, the journal entry under the Other Actions tab.


If you want to show us the action taken scripts for the conversation maybe that would show something.



Legacy_Who said that I

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« Reply #25 on: September 30, 2015, 01:06:29 am »


npc quest giver


//:: FileName dlg_plott_02



//:: Created By: Script Wizard

//:: Created On: 17-9-2015 7:08:27


#include "pqj_inc"

void main()


    // Set the variables

    SetLocalInt(GetPCSpeaker(), "iLoveQuest", 100);

    // Give "letter" to the PC.


// Get the PC who is in this conversation.

    object oPC = GetPCSpeaker();


    // Give "letter" to the PC.

    CreateItemOnObject("letter", oPC);


    // Update the player's journal.

    AddPersistentJournalQuestEntry("LOVE", 1, oPC, FALSE);





npc reciever


//:: FileName dlg_plott_03b



//:: Created By: Script Wizard

//:: Created On: 17-9-2015 15:57:33


#include "pqj_inc"

void main()


    // Give the speaker some gold

    GiveGoldToCreature(GetPCSpeaker(), 150);


    // Give the speaker some XP

    GiveXPToCreature(GetPCSpeaker(), 200);



    // Remove items from the player's inventory

    object oItemToTake;

    oItemToTake = GetItemPossessedBy(GetPCSpeaker(), "letter");

    if(GetIsObjectValid(oItemToTake) != 0)


    // Set the variables

    SetLocalInt(GetPCSpeaker(), "iLoveQuest", 200);

// Get the PC who is in this conversation.

    object oPC = GetPCSpeaker();


    // Update the player's journal.

    AddPersistentJournalQuestEntry("LOVE", 3, oPC, FALSE);






in the toolset i get a notification for bad journal entry, the error, and asks me if i wanna remove the tag but it does not matter what i reply the results are the same




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« Reply #26 on: September 30, 2015, 01:27:05 am »


In the toolset if you are getting an error then it must be because  you have an Other Action Journal entry set to your non-existent tag.  The toolset will not complain about a bad tag in a script. Go back through the conversation and look at every single node and check the journal entry setting. I don't know what else to tell you...



Legacy_Fester Pot

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« Reply #27 on: September 30, 2015, 03:06:12 am »


Pretty much that's what the issue is. Other Action has a journal entry set that no longer exists - it did at some point - but as you started creating Persistent Journal Entries, may have changed the TAG of the journal, or removed it completely.

Errors like this will appear if you do such, or import conversations from another module without having the proper TAG of a journal entry available upon import.

Regardless of whether or not you imported a journal/quest, it is certainly hiding in the Other Actions section.

The best way of locating this, is to play your module, go through the segments you've created for the quest, then make a note of when this particular journal entry appears. Note down the specific conversation dialog (before, during and after), then search for said dialog, and review each line of said dialog under Other Action.

Remove any or all journal entries you come across that are looking for the old entry.




Legacy_Who said that I

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« Reply #28 on: September 30, 2015, 05:54:28 am »


In the toolset if you are getting an error then it must be because  you have an Other Action Journal entry set to your non-existent tag.  The toolset will not complain about a bad tag in a script. Go back through the conversation and look at every single node and check the journal entry setting. I don't know what else to tell you...



Pretty much that's what the issue is. Other Action has a journal entry set that no longer exists - it did at some point - but as you started creating Persistent Journal Entries, may have changed the TAG of the journal, or removed it completely.

Errors like this will appear if you do such, or import conversations from another module without having the proper TAG of a journal entry available upon import.

Regardless of whether or not you imported a journal/quest, it is certainly hiding in the Other Actions section.

The best way of locating this, is to play your module, go through the segments you've created for the quest, then make a note of when this particular journal entry appears. Note down the specific conversation dialog (before, during and after), then search for said dialog, and review each line of said dialog under Other Action.

Remove any or all journal entries you come across that are looking for the old entry.



Okay well I found NOTHING in the other action taken tab BUT I did manage to fix it and that was to override the "blank" entry in that tab with the actual quest. Even though there was nothing set in the bar from previous quest entry setting the journal entry to 1 of my own quest did fix this issue so thanks guys! '<img'>




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« Reply #29 on: September 30, 2015, 01:57:38 pm »


Hhm, seems to be a toolset bug.  You should try now setting it to blank since you don't really want it using that mechanism to set your journal entries. You need it to happen in scripting using PQJ routines. I suppose as long as you do both and they are the same states it won't matter...