Author Topic: Persistent Storage System  (Read 293 times)

Legacy_The Mad Poet

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Persistent Storage System
« on: August 22, 2015, 06:45:00 pm »


I've been wracked with this problem awhile. The first try I did was something I myself made with StoreCampaignObject. Which worked well, but I found that after storing about 20 items in a chest it would sometimes 'Forget' certain items when opening the chest again.


The second attempt I used PCNT, which worked fabuously except for one major issue. It hashes all the items when storing. This isn't much of a problem except that when players would put customized items such as tailored clothes, or items they themselves have enchanted into the chest, they would revert to their original appearance and statistics when opening them back up.


Recently I started trying OMW's version, which for some bloody reason refuses to work with custom appearances. I'm sure it is something I'm doing wrong.


So then I read that Scarfaces was well liked. Works great too. Except I need storage that I can place in multiple locations and be unique. That way players can leave letters in mailboxes, items in guild halls... etc etc... Scarfaces appears to only work from a single 'Banker' chest.


So my question for everyone is this. Do you know of any system I can use that can suit me? Or perhaps is there an edit I can make to suit me?


  • Needs to store in multiple locations, not just one chest per PC. If the players visit a chest in area 1, the inventory needs to be different than the inventory in the chest next to it.

  • Needs to be able to store custom item appearances and enchantments. Assuming this needs to be done through StoreCampaignObject.

  • Needs to be Bioware DB, or at least NDBE. I'm not knowledgeable enough in SQL to even start, and frankly my player base isn't high enough that I need to stress over it yet. Might change in the future, but for now not.

I'd appreciate any input.



Legacy_Squatting Monk

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Persistent Storage System
« Reply #1 on: August 22, 2015, 07:02:19 pm »


Back when S&S was under development, we were using HerMyT's Persistent Chests. It hits all of the points you listed.



Legacy_The Mad Poet

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Persistent Storage System
« Reply #2 on: August 22, 2015, 08:44:11 pm »


Thanks. Going to give that a shot.