Author Topic: A simple help with respawn script.....  (Read 561 times)

Legacy_Who said that I

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A simple help with respawn script.....
« on: August 15, 2015, 11:45:54 am »


okay am working on a new project and a module that "has it all" so I do not have the hassle anymore with the things I wish to add '<img'> 


HOWEVER, I do not like the respawn function it is using. so in short this is what it does....



- Now you can specify areas (by Resref) where death and bleeding is imposible.

- Now you can specify areas (by Resref) where Instant Death due to a single hit is allowed.

- Force auto-respawn after being dead for a specified time. (configurable)

- Force auto-raise after being dead or respawned for a specific time. (configurable)

- Auto-raise can be configured to only work if the player possesses raise dead / resurrection scrolls that are consumed in the process. If this is enabled then the dying can never cause raise dead/resurrection scrolls to be dropped or destroyed. (configurable)

- Additional force auto-raise timer for solo players only. (configurable)

- Henchmen have their own separate auto-respawn and auto-raise timers.

- DMs can bring dead players back to life with no penalty by using a DM heal.



- The same bleeding/death/respawn system can be used for henchmen by modifying your henchmen OnDeath scripts. Requires two additional lines to your henchmen scripts and should be compatible with all henchmen AI provided that they use the NW_ASC_BUSY condition properly.

- Henchmen support does not require any other modifications.



- Separate % GP/XP penalties for respawn, raise dead and resurrection. (configurable) - XP penalty can be configured to prevent level loss. (configurable)

- GP penalty can be configured to have a maximum amount to take. (configurable)

- If dropping/destruction of all gold is enable, then no gold will be lost to the penalty (since the player drops the items before the penalty is applied). (configurable)

- There is no penalty for henchmen bleed/death.

- User defined functions called at bleed, respawn, raise and rez that can be used to apply other penalties without having to go deep into the internals of our code.



- Item dropping on player death can be configured as any combination of the following options. Any options can be configured to do nothing (0), drop item (1) or destroy item (2). The conditions are evaluated in an order of precedence. (configurable)

- Drop nothing.

- Drop all gold. (this will avoid any GP penalties since gold is dropped before penalty applied) - Drop equipped left-hand/right-hand items.

- Drop a random equipped item.

- Drop the most expensive equipped item.

- Drop all equipped items.

- Drop Raise Dead / Resurrection scrolls.

- Drop a random backpack item. - Drop the most expensive backpack item.

- Drop all backpack items. - Dropped items are NOT automatically re-equipped or picked up. (would create lag if it did)

- If players forget to pick up items they dropped, they are automatically reminded every 30 seconds. (configurable)

- The placeable created to store dropped items is automatically destroyed when it empties.

- If all of the drop settings are disabled then the placeable is not created.

- There is an option to destroy dropped items rather than store them in a placeable. (configurable)



- Persistence can be disabled with a flag. (configurable)

- Persistence only works with a multiplayer server. It has no effect in single player (no OnClientLeave event in single player). Exception: Using BindStones.

- Statistics to keep track of how many times the player has bled/died in total, how many times since the server was restarted, and how much gold/XP the player has lost in total from penalties.

- Persistent DB functions for storing bleed/death/respawn state. - Auto-respawn and auto-raise timers are stored persistently at various increments.

- Players remain in the same state over module restarts, even with local vault characters.

- Persistent data is stored with one DB write at OnClientLeave and one DB read at OnClientEnter. It is very fast with minimal DB size (less than 1kb per player record).

- When bleed/death/respawn is restored at player log in, it does not reapply the penalties or falsely increment the statistics.



- Can be used with other respawn systems (a custom fugue system was added) (configurable)

- Option to disable death GUI to remove respawn. (configurable)

- Option to disable respawn button but leave death GUI (configurable)

- Additional system to respawn as a ghost with no player control. (configurable) - Using bandages on respawned ghost makes them follow you if you are in the same party (simulates carrying a corpse). (disabled with the current fugue system)

- Living players can barter with respawned ghosts (simulates search the players corpse for scrolls, except corpse has a say in what is taken).

- Respawned ghosts cannot be DM moved by shift-click.

- Respawned ghosts cannot be recovered in single player by using the dm_heal console command. So the respawn state could be used as permanent death in a single player game by setting the auto-respawn timer to 0.1.

- Permadeath for PWs is supported (requires you to script what leads the player to permadeath, see the custom permadeath function at script "habd_onpcrespawn"; furthermore you must specify a waypoint in the options there) - Casting raise or rez brings respawn ghost back to life, but applies raise/rez penalty on top of respawn penalty.

- DMs can bring the "ghosted" PC back to life by toggling invulnerability (no penalty). Casting raise or rez also works, but DM heal does not.

- Respawned PCs can be moved to a waypoint or to a BindStone. (done in custom fugue system) (configurable)


Onrespawn code here


// Henchmen Always Bleed to Death

// By Demtrious, OldManWhistler and IntrepidCW




// OnPlayerRespawn event handler.


/* Clarifications about HABD states:

NWN original has only Two states: Death (-10 or less hps), Dying (0 to -10 hps),

and Alive (0+ hps). But death and dying are similar: you are out.

HABD 'fakes' a new state and changes the rules, we have 5 states: Alive - Bleeding

- Death -Respawn -Permadeath

  For NWN, HABD_Alive and HABD_Respawn are 'alive'. HABD_Bleeding is NWN Dying

  and HABD_Death is NWN Death.

  In this order, a player starts Alive. Then he drops to Bleeding and triggers the

  OnDying Event. He could drop to Death after Instant Kill or after Bleeding.

  When Death the PC remains on the ground until Respawned. Respawned is NOT Alive

  , respawned is the state of a Ghost or a PC soul that can not leave a 'Hell'

  area. When Raised, the PC becomes really Alive.



/* Notes about JumpToLocation (important if you modify this code)

JumptoLocation Does not affect creatures that are dead; they must have HP above

0 for this function to work properly.

Unfortunatelly the Effect Heal is not instantaneous... healing needs some time,

and what is worst, this time depends of the amount of hps to be healed.

It is often needed to call ClearAllActions() to use jumptoloc.

More important, if you set the PC NOT comandable, just after calling the Jump it

will not work, you must delay a bit the set commandable FALSE.

Some things cannot be done when the player travels to another area, as working

with inventory or equipment.



#include "habd_include"

#include "_cb_respawn"


// Change this value if it is causing server lag.

// Ghost processes (check status, follow master, etc..) are done only when

// GHOST_LOOP_TIMER seconds have passed (repeteadly). Less than 6 seconds will

// make it more fluid, but most CPU costly (and maybe laggy).

const float GHOST_LOOP_TIMER = 6.0f;


// ****************************************************************************


// Set to TRUE to activate the function HABDUserDefinedRespawnFinished, otherwise

// it will never run.

const int USE_RespawnFinished_Function = FALSE;


// When called, we are sure the PC is an Area (not jumping to another), and set

// to NOT commandable, with PlotFlag. If you make he commandable or NO-Plot,

// you should return to not commandable and Plot at the end of the script.

// If you use jumping to a 'hell' i counsel to use a script in OnEnter of the

// Hell Area, because someone closing the NWN Client when moving to another

// area could cause a problem.

// Furthermore, we are sure the rest of the respawn script is finished.

void HABDUserDefinedRespawnFinished(object oPC)




// ***************************************************************************






int HABDUserDefinedPermadeath( object oPC)


/* You MUST script the conditions that lead to permadeath AND the effects of

PERMADEATH (some effects should be better scripted in the respawn script).

Take in mind that this function is called from the RESPAWN script.

This function MUST return TRUE or FALSE. True if it is permadeath, False if no

permadeath. Note that, when returning true, the respawn script will no longer

run, and no respawn effect/penalties will be applied.

Note: habd_utils, has code for a raising portal that raises Permadeath PCs, as a

safety measure you can place the portal in a Non-accesible part of the area...

or into a DM exclusive use area.


    int iPermadeath = FALSE;

    object oMod = GetModule();

    string sID = GetPCPlayerName(oPC)+GetName(oPC);

    //usefull player stats that help to determine when we apply permadeath.

    int DeathCount = GetLocalInt(oMod, HABD_DEATH_COUNT+sID); //number of times the PC has died

    //int BleedCount = GetLocalInt(oMod, HABD_BLEED_COUNT+sID); //idem with bleeding

    //int LostXPCount = GetLocalInt(oMod, HABD_LOST_XP_COUNT+sID); //Total XP lost

    //int LosGPCount = GetLocalInt(oMod, HABD_LOST_GP_COUNT+sID);  //Total GP lost

    //int PCLevel = GetHitDice (oPC);

    //int PC_Con = GetAbilityScore(oPC, ABILITY_CONSTITUTION);

    //int PC_AloneInArea = HABDPlayerAloneInArea(oPC);


    //Now, script the condition that drops the player to Permadeath.

    // if ( DeathCount > 3*PCLevel )   { iPermadeath = TRUE; } //example


    /*  //correct negative hitpoints reached when you died due to instant death

        if (GetLocalInt(GetModule(), HABD_MINHPLASTBLEED+sID)<=-30)

        { iPermadeath = TRUE; } //example



    //The custom-use variable can help you to script complex and persistent

    //permadeath effects and conditions

    // string scvar = HABDGetCustomVar(oPC);

    // if (PCLevel >10) HABDSetCustomVar(oPC, "Permadeath_Hell_N10"); //example


    //No Permadeath

    if ( iPermadeath == FALSE )

        return FALSE;

    //PERMADEATH !!!!



        SendMessageToPC(oPC, "OOC: Permadeath. Moving to Fugue Plane.");



        //Save info to DB (and maybe export PC) to avoid server crash problems,

        //now that we are sure the PC is Permadeath.

        if ( HABD_SMART_SAVETODB == TRUE )


        SetCommandable(TRUE, oPC);

        // "Raise" the player (only effect), MANDATORY!!

        ApplyEffectToObject(DURATION_TYPE_INSTANT, EffectResurrection(), oPC);


        return TRUE;



// ***************************************************************************






// This function acts as a player heartbeat while the player is under the

// "respawn effect".

//   oOldFollow - is the last object the player was told to follow.


void Ghost(object oOldFollow = OBJECT_INVALID)


    object oMod = GetModule();

    object oPC = OBJECT_SELF;

    string sID = GetPCPlayerName(oPC)+GetName(oPC);

                        //DEBUG: Not translated to spanish

    if (HABD_DEBUG) SpeakString("DEBUG: HABD OnGhostHB, "+GetName(oPC)+", PlotFlag:"+IntToString(GetPlotFlag(OBJECT_SELF))+", CommandableFlag:"+IntToString(GetCommandable())+", HP: "+IntToString(GetCurrentHitPoints(oPC))+", master: "+GetName(GetMaster(oPC))+", state:"+HABDGetPlayerStateName(oPC), TALKVOLUME_SHOUT);


    int iState = HABDGetHABD_PLAYER_STATE(sID, oPC);


    if (

        (GetPlotFlag(OBJECT_SELF)) &&




        // Is there someone to follow?

        object oFollow = GetLocalObject(oPC, HABD_GHOST_AUTOFOLLOW);



        // Most important, schedule the next iteration of the heartbeat.

        DelayCommand(GHOST_LOOP_TIMER, Ghost(oFollow));

        if (GetIsObjectValid(oFollow))


            if (oFollow != oOldFollow) FloatingTextStringOnCreature(GetName(OBJECT_SELF)+" is now following "+ GetName(oFollow), oPC, TRUE);

            if (GetArea(OBJECT_SELF) != GetArea(oFollow))


                if ( HABD_GHOST_COMMANDABLE == FALSE)



                    SendMessageToPC(oPC, "Jumping to "+GetName(oFollow));

                else if(HABD_USERLANGUAGE==1)

                    SendMessageToPC(oPC, "Saltando hacia "+GetName(oFollow));

                // Not in same area, jump them there




            } else {

                // In same area, move them there


                DelayCommand(0.5, ActionForceFollowObject(oFollow, 6.0f));



         // Apply effects to make them a ghost.

         // Don't set the concealment too high just incase they find a way to abuse the system.

         effect eBad = EffectConcealment(1);

         eBad = EffectLinkEffects(EffectVisualEffect(VFX_DUR_PROT_SHADOW_ARMOR), eBad);

         eBad = EffectLinkEffects(EffectVisualEffect(VFX_DUR_GHOSTLY_VISAGE), eBad);

         if ( HABD_GHOST_EFFECTS_ON == TRUE)

         ApplyEffectToObject(DURATION_TYPE_TEMPORARY, eBad, oPC, GHOST_LOOP_TIMER+2.0f);

        // Remove their ability to control themselves





        // make sure that the ghost effects on/off doesnot raise players -avoid

        // the exploit caused by using the PlotFag as condition (see the if conds)







// ****************************************************************************


// This function checks that the player is not jumping to another area, it will

// trigger a function HABDUserDefinedRespawnFinished when finished the travel.

// It makes sure that we are in known circunstances.


void CheckGhostIsJumping(object ofPC)


    if ( GetArea(ofPC)!= OBJECT_INVALID )





// ***************************************************************************



// This function checks that the player is not jumping to another area, it will

// make the player jump to the respawn point when finished the travel. It fixes

// some problems when jumping when we come from persistence.

void JumpToRespawnPoint(object oPC)


 if ( GetArea(oPC) != OBJECT_INVALID )


  if ( HABDRespawnWPTag(oPC) != "")


        object oRespPoint = GetWaypointByTag(HABDRespawnWPTag(oPC));

        if ( GetIsObjectValid (oRespPoint) ) //check the waypoint existes


          location lRespLoc = GetLocation( oRespPoint );

          SetCommandable(TRUE, oPC);    //make sure the PC is commandable to jump

          if (GetCurrentHitPoints(oPC)<=0)


            effect eHealto1HP = EffectHeal(1-GetCurrentHitPoints(oPC));

            ApplyEffectToObject(DURATION_TYPE_INSTANT, eHealto1HP  , oPC );


          AssignCommand (oPC,ClearAllActions(TRUE));

          AssignCommand (oPC, JumpToLocation (lRespLoc) );

          DelayCommand ( 0.001, SetCommandable(FALSE, oPC) );




 else DelayCommand ( 1.0, JumpToRespawnPoint(oPC) );


// ***************************************************************************



//searchs the nearest DeathBag of the PC

object SearchDeathBag(object oPC);

object SearchDeathBag(object oPC)


    object oBag = OBJECT_INVALID;

    int i=1;

    oBag = GetNearestObjectByTag(HABD_PLACEABLE_BAG, oPC, i);

    while ( oBag!=OBJECT_INVALID && i>0)


        oBag = GetNearestObjectByTag(HABD_PLACEABLE_BAG, oPC, i);

        if ( GetLocalObject(oBag, HABD_BAG_OWNER) == oPC )

            i = -1000;




    return oBag;




//Creates the miscelaneous item Corpse of the oPC, into the object oBag Inventory,

//or the location lDrop if oBag is INVALID or is not found.

//oPC must be logged in!!

object CreateCorpse (object oPC, location lDrop, object oBag = OBJECT_INVALID );

object CreateCorpse (object oPC, location lDrop, object oBag = OBJECT_INVALID )


    object corpse = OBJECT_INVALID;

    string sResRef = "";

    if( GetGender(oPC) == GENDER_FEMALE )





    string sID = GetPCPlayerName(oPC) + GetName(oPC);


    if (oBag != OBJECT_INVALID)


      //create item on the bag

      corpse = CreateItemOnObject(sResRef, oBag, 1);

      //store info in the corpse

      SetLocalString(corpse, HABD_CORPSE_OWNER_PLAYERNAME, GetPCPlayerName(oPC) );

      SetLocalString(corpse, HABD_CORPSE_OWNER_PCNAME, GetName(oPC) );




      //create item on the location

      corpse = CreateObject(OBJECT_TYPE_ITEM, sResRef, lDrop);

      //store info in the corpse

      SetLocalString(corpse, HABD_CORPSE_OWNER_PLAYERNAME, GetPCPlayerName(oPC) );

      SetLocalString(corpse, HABD_CORPSE_OWNER_PCNAME, GetName(oPC) );


    //store in the PC, the corpse item object ID, it will help us to delete the

    //corpse when the PC is raised

    if (corpse != OBJECT_INVALID)


        SetLocalObject(GetModule(), HABD_PC_CORPSE_OBJECT_ID + sID, corpse);


    return corpse;


// ***************************************************************************



// OnPlayerRespawn event handler.


void main()







    // Check to see if the system is supposed to run this script, otherwise

    // it may be configured improperly.

    if (HABD_RESPAWN_SCRIPT != "habd_onpcrespawn")






    object oPC; //lets see who is the death guy

    // Catch if the script was forced to executed.

    // usually when coming from persistence, or timeforced respawn



        oPC = OBJECT_SELF;


    } else {

        oPC = GetLastRespawnButtonPresser();



    object oMod = GetModule();

    string sID = GetPCPlayerName(oPC)+GetName(oPC);

                               //DEBUG: Not translated to Spanish

    if (HABD_DEBUG) SpeakString("DEBUG: HABD OnRespawn, "+GetName(oPC)+", HP: "+IntToString(GetCurrentHitPoints(oPC))+", master: "+GetName(GetMaster(oPC))+", state:"+HABDGetPlayerStateName(oPC), TALKVOLUME_SHOUT);


    if (GetLocalInt(oPC,"NewVamp")==1)


        // Just let the new Vampire PC respawn with no extra pain




    //Dinamically change the Respawn configuration, when the PC is carrying

    //some special items

    object oDinamicItem = OBJECT_INVALID;

    int Dinamic = 0;



        int iolddinamic = GetLocalInt(oPC,HABD_DINAMIC_OPTION1);

        //if no item is found, config variable is reset to 0

        oDinamicItem = HABDSetDinamicRespawnByItem(oPC,0);

        Dinamic = GetLocalInt(oPC,HABD_DINAMIC_OPTION1);

        if (HABD_DINAMICRESPAWN1==2)

            if (oDinamicItem!= OBJECT_INVALID)





    if ( HABDUserDefinedPermadeath(oPC) == TRUE )





    // Set the player state to respawn.



    // Make it look like something happened.

    ApplyEffectToObject(DURATION_TYPE_INSTANT, EffectVisualEffect(VFX_IMP_DOOM), oPC);

    // Raise the player (only effect)

    ApplyEffectToObject(DURATION_TYPE_INSTANT, EffectResurrection(), oPC);


    // Most important, schedule the ghost heartbeat.

    AssignCommand(oPC, DelayCommand(3.0, Ghost()));


    // If they have a master, set up the master as the autofollow.

    if (GetIsObjectValid(GetMaster(oPC))) SetLocalObject(oPC, HABD_GHOST_AUTOFOLLOW, GetMaster(oPC));



        // Remove any old autofollow objects.

        DeleteLocalObject(oPC, HABD_GHOST_AUTOFOLLOW);



    // Apply the user defined effects.

    AssignCommand(oPC, HABDUserDefinedRespawn());


    // Check if we are re-entering this state from persistence.

    if (GetLocalInt(oPC, HABD_PERSISTANT_REAPPLY) != 1)


        //determine the penalty to be applied

        int xp_penalty = HABD_RESPAWN_XP_LOSS;

        int gp_penalty = HABD_RESPAWN_GP_LOSS;

        //Bindstone Respawn feature




                object oBWP = HABDGetBindStoneWP(oPC);

                int i = 0;

                i = GetLocalInt(oBWP, HABD_BINDSTONEWP_XPPENALTY);

                if ( i != 0)


                    if (i<0) xp_penalty = 0;

                    else     xp_penalty = i;


                i = GetLocalInt(oBWP, HABD_BINDSTONEWP_GPPENALTY);

                if ( i != 0)


                    if (i<0) gp_penalty = 0;

                    else     gp_penalty = i;



        //Dinamic config feature

        if (HABD_DINAMICRESPAWN1!=0)

        if ( Dinamic>0 )


            xp_penalty = HABDDinamicRespawnXP(Dinamic, xp_penalty);

            gp_penalty = HABDDinamicRespawnGP(Dinamic, gp_penalty);



        // Apply the respawn penalty.

        HABDApplyPenalty(oPC, xp_penalty, gp_penalty, HABD_EVENTRESPAWNSIGNAL);



    // Make them invulnerable


    SetPlotFlag(oPC, TRUE);

        else    SetPlotFlag(oPC, FALSE);


    // Make them ignored by hostiles

    if (!GetLocalInt(oPC, HABD_OLD_FACTION_SET))


        SetLocalInt(oPC, HABD_OLD_FACTION, GetStandardFactionReputation(STANDARD_FACTION_HOSTILE, oPC));

        SetLocalInt(oPC, HABD_OLD_FACTION_SET, 1);


    SetStandardFactionReputation(STANDARD_FACTION_HOSTILE, 100, oPC);


    // Apply effects to make them a ghost.

    // Don't set the concealment too high just incase they find a way to abuse the system.

    effect eBad = EffectConcealment(1);

    eBad = EffectLinkEffects(EffectVisualEffect(VFX_DUR_PROT_SHADOW_ARMOR), eBad);

    eBad = EffectLinkEffects(EffectVisualEffect(VFX_DUR_GHOSTLY_VISAGE), eBad);



    //the ghost function reaplies the temporal effects (temporal to avoid logout

    // bugs)


    //Drop a corpse if needed, never when we apply respawn from persistence

    //do it before the guy is moved from the area where the loot bag was placed!


    if (GetLocalInt(oPC, HABD_PERSISTANT_REAPPLY) != 1 )


        object oLootBag = SearchDeathBag(oPC);

        location lBag = GetLocation(oPC);

        //if death bag is found, use location of death bag placeable

        if (oLootBag!=OBJECT_INVALID)

            lBag = GetLocation(oLootBag);

        //we should create a corpse placeable if we dont

        //found the placeable! Otherwise the corpse will be created at PC location

        if (oLootBag==OBJECT_INVALID)


            oLootBag = HABDCreateDeathBag(oPC);

            if (oLootBag!=OBJECT_INVALID)

                lBag = GetLocation(oLootBag);


        object oICorpse = CreateCorpse(oPC, lBag, oLootBag);



    //jump to waypoint when respawn.

    //dont jump when coming from logout or persistence

    if (GetLocalInt(oPC, HABD_PERSISTANT_REAPPLY) != 1 ||



        //Dinamic config feature

        int irjold = -1;HABDRespawnTeleportNumber();

        int irjnew = -1;HABDDinamicRespawnTeleport(Dinamic, irjold);


        if (HABD_DINAMICRESPAWN1==0)



            HABDJumpToBindStonePoint (oPC);


              JumpToRespawnPoint (oPC);



        //Dinamic config feature


            irjold = HABDRespawnTeleportNumber();

            irjnew = HABDDinamicRespawnTeleport(Dinamic, irjold);

            if (irjnew == 2)

                HABDJumpToBindStonePoint (oPC);

                else if (irjnew == 1)

                JumpToRespawnPoint (oPC);



    //See JumpToLocation Notes if you add code






        DeleteLocalInt(oPC, HABD_PERSISTANT_REAPPLY);



        FloatingTextStringOnCreature("OOC: You are a ghost. Do not interact with the other players.", oPC, FALSE);

    else if(HABD_USERLANGUAGE==1)

        FloatingTextStringOnCreature("OOC: Eres un fantasma. Tu PJ no puede interactuar con otros jugadores.", oPC, FALSE);


    //the delay is only needed to let the JumpToLocation work properly


    DelayCommand ( 0.001, SetCommandable(FALSE, oPC) );


    //It will check if the PC is jumping to another area, when the PC finish his

    //travel, a code for final instructions will be triggered. The function

    //executed will be 'safe', we'll be sure that the PC is not travelling to another

    //and the PC is not Commmandable

    if ( USE_RespawnFinished_Function == TRUE )

    DelayCommand ( 0.1, CheckGhostIsJumping(oPC) );


    //We are mostly sure the PC is Respawned, but see below


    //HardCore Respawn Feature, first check the function only if needed

    //Dinamic Respawn Feature..

    int iHardC = FALSE;

    int idr = -1;

    int AutoraiseHCOff = FALSE;



        idr = HABDDinamicRespawnAutoRaise(Dinamic);

        if ( idr == 0 || idr ==1 )


            if ( HABDHardCoreRespawn(oPC)==TRUE )

                iHardC = TRUE;





            if ( HABDHardCoreRespawn(oPC)==TRUE )

                iHardC = TRUE;



    //Dinamic Respawn Feature, disallow Timer AutoRaise if needed.

    //HardCore Respawn Feature, disallow Timer AutoRaise if needed



        if ( idr == 2)


            if (GetIsPC(oPC) == TRUE && GetIsDMPossessed(oPC) == FALSE)

                DeleteLocalInt(GetModule(), HABD_RAISE_TIMER+sID);


                DeleteLocalInt(oPC, HABD_RAISE_TIMER);

            AutoraiseHCOff = TRUE;



        if ( (iHardC == TRUE) && (idr == 0 || idr ==1) )


            if (GetIsPC(oPC) == TRUE && GetIsDMPossessed(oPC) == FALSE)

                DeleteLocalInt(GetModule(), HABD_RAISE_TIMER+sID);


                DeleteLocalInt(oPC, HABD_RAISE_TIMER);

            AutoraiseHCOff = TRUE;




        if ( iHardC == TRUE)


            if (GetIsPC(oPC) == TRUE && GetIsDMPossessed(oPC) == FALSE)

                DeleteLocalInt(GetModule(), HABD_RAISE_TIMER+sID);


                DeleteLocalInt(oPC, HABD_RAISE_TIMER);

            AutoraiseHCOff = TRUE;




    //HardCore feature message

    if (AutoraiseHCOff == TRUE){


            FloatingTextStringOnCreature("OOC: AutoRaise disabled by HardCore rule. You can only be raised by other PCs or DMs.", oPC, FALSE);

        else if(HABD_USERLANGUAGE==1)

            FloatingTextStringOnCreature("OOC: AutoResurrecion desactivada por reglas HardCore. Tan solo podras ser resucitado por otro PJ o un DM.", oPC, FALSE);




    //Instantly Raises Respawned PC



            if (HABD_DINAMICRESPAWN1==0)

                if (iHardC = FALSE)





            //Dinamic configs


                if ( (iHardC == FALSE && idr <= 0 ) || idr == 3 )




    //We are 100% sure the PC is a ghost


    // Handle the auto-raise timer ONLY when coming from logout or persistence

    // otherwise AutoRaise & AutoRespawn are handled by OnPCDeath script..

    // Note, it doesnt work with Henchmans, I dont know if it was needed because

    // i cant test with henchmans.

    float fRespawn = 0.0;

    float fRaise = 0.0;

    if (GetIsPC(oPC) == TRUE && GetIsDMPossessed(oPC) == FALSE)


        fRespawn = IntToFloat(GetLocalInt(oMod, HABD_RESPAWN_TIMER+sID));

        fRaise = IntToFloat(GetLocalInt(oMod, HABD_RAISE_TIMER+sID));




        fRespawn = IntToFloat(GetLocalInt(oPC, HABD_RESPAWN_TIMER));

        fRaise = IntToFloat(GetLocalInt(oPC, HABD_RAISE_TIMER));


        // Autoraise timers will use their persistent values.

        // Except if these values does not exist '<img'> because were deleted due to another autoraise

        if (GetIsPC(oPC) == TRUE && GetIsDMPossessed(oPC) == FALSE)


        if ( GetLocalInt(oMod, HABD_RESPAWN_TIMER+sID) <= 0 )

            SetLocalInt(oMod, HABD_RESPAWN_TIMER+sID, FloatToInt(HABD_FORCE_RESPAWN_TIMER));

        if(AutoraiseHCOff == FALSE)


         if ( GetLocalInt(oMod, HABD_RAISE_TIMER+sID) <= 0 )

         if ((HABD_SOLO_FORCE_RAISE_TIMER > 0.0) && (HABDPlayerIsSolo(oPC)==TRUE)  )


             SetLocalInt(oMod, HABD_RAISE_TIMER+sID, FloatToInt(HABD_SOLO_FORCE_RAISE_TIMER));

         } else {

             SetLocalInt(oMod, HABD_RAISE_TIMER+sID, FloatToInt(HABD_FORCE_RAISE_TIMER));




        else    //Henchmen


        if ( GetLocalInt(oPC, HABD_RESPAWN_TIMER) <= 0 )


        if(AutoraiseHCOff == FALSE)

         if ( GetLocalInt(oPC, HABD_RAISE_TIMER) <= 0 )

             SetLocalInt(oPC, HABD_RAISE_TIMER, FloatToInt(HABD_NPC_FORCE_RAISE_TIMER));




    //Autoraise OnEnter

    if (GetLocalInt(oPC, HABD_RESTORE_AUTO_RAISE) == 1   )


        DeleteLocalInt(oPC, HABD_RESTORE_AUTO_RAISE);

        int iMakeAutoRaise = TRUE;

        if (fRaise > 0.0)




                if (HABDCheckForRaiseRezScrolls(oPC) <= 0)



                        FloatingTextStringOnCreature("OOC: Out of scrolls. You have to wait for help.", oPC, FALSE);

                    else if(HABD_USERLANGUAGE==1)

                        FloatingTextStringOnCreature("OOC: Sin pergaminos. Debes esperar a que llegue ayuda.", oPC, FALSE);


                    iMakeAutoRaise = FALSE;



            if (iMakeAutoRaise == TRUE)


              //warn the player

              if(fRaise > 1.0)



                FloatingTextStringOnCreature("OOC: "+GetName(oPC)+" will automatically raise in "+FloatToString(fRaise,4,1)+" seconds. AutoRaise for Respawned PC restored due to log-in, you wont receive further messages.", oPC, TRUE);

                else if(HABD_USERLANGUAGE==1)

                FloatingTextStringOnCreature("OOC: "+GetName(oPC)+" resucitara automaticamente en "+FloatToString(fRaise,4,1)+" segundos. AutoResurreccion para PJ Respawnado restaurada debido a que saliste y entraste del server, no recibiras mas mensajes.", oPC, TRUE);




              //AssignCommand(oPC, DelayCommand(fRaise, HABDForceAutoRaise(oPC)));

                AssignCommand(oPC, DelayCommand(IntToFloat(HABD_AUTOTIMERS_UPDATE), HABDAutoRaiseTimerUpdater(oPC, FloatToInt(fRaise))));




    //End of Autoraise restoration OnEnter


    //Save info to DB (and maybe export PC) to avoid server crash problems,

    //now that we are sure the PC is Respawned.








What would I like to see?


It might be an overly simply thing to do but seeing how I totally ruined the script to not working at all I kinda lost my confidense in trying to figure it out by myself. So here I will ask if anyone is willing to help me simplify this since I do like how it is tied to the DB (hence where it kept going wrong for me) 




- Now you can specify areas (by Resref) where death and bleeding is imposible. 

- Now you can specify areas (by Resref) where Instant Death due to a single hit is allowed. 

- Auto-raise can be configured to only work if the player possesses raise dead / resurrection scrolls that are consumed in the process. If this is enabled then the dying can never cause raise dead/resurrection scrolls to be dropped or destroyed. (configurable)

- DMs can bring dead players back to life with no penalty by using a DM heal. 




- GP penalty can be configured to have a maximum amount to take. (configurable) 

- User defined functions called at bleed, respawn, raise and rez that can be used to apply other penalties without having to go deep into the internals of our code. 




- Drop nothing. 




- Persistence can be disabled with a flag. (configurable) 

- Persistence only works with a multiplayer server. It has no effect in single player (no OnClientLeave event in single player). Exception: Using BindStones.

- Statistics to keep track of how many times the player has bled/died in total, how many times since the server was restarted, and how much gold/XP the player has lost in total from penalties. 

- Persistent DB functions for storing bleed/death/respawn state. - Auto-respawn and auto-raise timers are stored persistently at various increments. 

- Players remain in the same state over module restarts, even with local vault characters.

- Persistent data is stored with one DB write at OnClientLeave and one DB read at OnClientEnter. It is very fast with minimal DB size (less than 1kb per player record). 

- When bleed/death/respawn is restored at player log in, it does not reapply the penalties or falsely increment the statistics. 



- Can be used with other respawn systems **

- Option to disable death GUI to remove respawn. (configurable) 

- Option to disable respawn button but leave death GUI (configurable) 

- Using bandages on respawned ghost makes them follow you if you are in the same party (simulates carrying a corpse). (disabled with the current fugue system)

- Permadeath for PWs is supported (requires you to script what leads the player to permadeath, see the custom permadeath function at script "habd_onpcrespawn"; furthermore you must specify a waypoint in the options there)

- Casting raise or rez brings respawn ghost Player back to life, but applies raise/rez penalty on top of respawn penalty.  


** So the idea behind the respawn system, is what I initially designed myself, a simply waypoint is being added that once the player presses the respawn button it will be transported to the void, where the player can use a portal to transport its soul back to its body that is transported back to the hospital.


in any case I would appreciate any help here since (and I feel really stupid cause of it) I do not seem to be able to pull off what I want to achieve with this....


thank you....



Legacy_Who said that I

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A simple help with respawn script.....
« Reply #1 on: August 17, 2015, 02:46:25 pm »


Really would like some help here if at all possible since I dunno what I am doing wrong....or what I should do to make it work...



Legacy_Who said that I

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A simple help with respawn script.....
« Reply #2 on: August 18, 2015, 09:56:54 am »

               Found a way around this, issue solved