Author Topic: Unable to compile/merge?  (Read 415 times)

Legacy_Who said that I

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Unable to compile/merge?
« Reply #15 on: July 21, 2015, 11:10:38 pm »


the standard shayan script, nothing added.



//:::::::::::::::::::::::: Shayan's Subrace Engine :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

//:::::::::::::::::File Name: sha_on_modload :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

//::::::::::::::::::::: OnModuleLoad script ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

//:: Written By: Shayan.

//:: Contact:

//:: Updated By: Moon

//:: Contact:


// Description: This is an example of script of how to use Shayan's Subraces on

//              your Module.


// The OnModuleLoad script is where you define your subraces. (Look below)


// Double click on any of the methods below to get know how to use them.



// :: Version 2.0: Pre-made subraces are now seperated into categories (Monsterous, and Normal)

//                 and put into scripts: sha_subraces1, and sha_subraces2.


#include "sha_subr_methds"


void main()










   //Ignore this... this is for NWNX/SQL database functionality



        //Initialize NWNX DB support


        //Create subrace table in database (if it doesn't exist)

        DelayCommand(1.0, NWNX_CreateSubraceDBTables());




   //Functions available for use are: (Note, this is not the full list)


   // ::The Most Important Method (Used to define your subrace). MUST BE CALLED BEFORE ALL OTHERS.::

   //----- CreateSubrace(int Race, string SubraceName, string HideResRef, string UniqueItemResref, int IsLightSensitive = FALSE, int DamageTakenWhileInLight = 0, int IsUndergroundSensitive = FALSE, int DamageTakenWhileInUnderground = 0, int ECL = 0, int IsUndead = FALSE, int PrestigiousSubrace = FALSE)


   // ::Used to Add another Race that can be part of the Subrace.::

   // ::Reuse as many times as needed.::

   //----- AddAdditionalBaseRaceToSubrace(string subraceName, int AdditionalBaseRace)


   // ::Used to add an Alignment Restriction to a Subrace.

   //----- CreateSubraceAlignmentRestriction(string subraceName, int CanBeAlignment_Good = TRUE , int CanBeAlignment_Neutral1 = TRUE, int CanBeAlignment_Evil = TRUE, int CanBeAlignment_Lawful = TRUE, int CanBeAlignment_Neutral2 = TRUE, int CanBeAlignment_Chaotic = TRUE)


   // ::Used to add a Class restriction on the Subrace.

   //----- CreateSubraceClassRestriction(string subraceName, int CanBe_Barbarian = TRUE, int CanBe_Bard = TRUE, int CanBe_Cleric = TRUE, int CanBe_Druid = TRUE, int CanBe_Fighter = TRUE, int CanBe_Monk = TRUE, int CanBe_Paladin = TRUE, int CanBe_Ranger = TRUE, int CanBe_Rogue = TRUE, int CanBe_Sorcerer = TRUE, int CanBe_Wizard = TRUE)


   // ::Used to change a Player Subrace's Appearance::

   // ::Use only ONCE per subrace per level::

   //----- CreateSubraceAppearance(string subraceName, int AppearanceChangeTime, int MaleAppearance, int FemaleAppearance)


   // ::Used to give PC's a change in Ability scores, or Attack Bonus or Armour Class. During the day or Night.

   // ::Used in conjunction with CreateCustomStats() <Look Below>.

   //----- CreateTemporaryStatModifier(string subraceName, struct SubraceStats Stats, int TimeToApply, int InInteriorArea = TRUE, int InExteriorArea = TRUE, int InNaturalArea = TRUE, int InArtifacialArea = TRUE, int InUndergroundArea = TRUE, int InAbovegroundArea = TRUE)


   // ::Used to define the Ability increase or decrease, AC increase/decrease, AB increase/Decrease.

   //----- SubraceStats CreateCustomStats(int StatModifierType, float StrengthModifier, float DexterityModifier, float ConstitutionModifier, float IntelligenceModifier, float WisdomModifier, float CharismaModifier, float ACModifier, float ABModifier)


   // ::Used to disable/allow only the use of melee, ranged or other kind of weapons during certain times of day or permanently.

   // ::Reuse as many times as needed to a max of 4.::

   //----- SubraceRestrictUseOfItems(string subrace, int ItemType, int TimeOfDay = TIME_BOTH, int Allow = ITEM_TYPE_REQ_DO_NOT_ALLOW)


   // ::Add a favored Class to Subrace

   // ::Use only ONCE per subrace::

   //----- AddSubraceFavoredClass(string subraceName, int MaleFavoredClass, int FamaleFavoredClass)


   // ::Add an effect to the Subrace, that takes effect during the night (lasts until morning), day(lasts until dusk) or permanently.

   // ::Use as many times as desired::

   //----- AddSubraceEffect(string subraceName, int EffectID, int Value1, int Value2, int nDurationType, float fDuration, int TimeOfDay)


   // ::Add another skin for the subrace to be equipped at a particular level.

   // :: Use as Many times as desired.

   //----- AddAdditionalSkinsToSubrace(string subraceName, string SkinResRef, int EquipLevel, int iTime = TIME_BOTH)


   // ::Use to create varying Spell resistance for the subrace.

   //----- CreateSubraceSpellResistance(string subraceName, int SpellResistanceBase, int SpellResistanceMax)


   // ::Add 'claws' to the playable subrace.

   // :: Use as many times as desired.

   //----- AddClawsToSubrace(string subraceName, string RightClawResRef, string LeftClawResRef , int EquipLevel)


   // :: Setup the player belonging to the subrace to 'switch' to another subrace

   //----- SetupSubraceSwitch(string subraceName, string switchSubraceName, int Level, int MustMeetRequirements = TRUE)


   // :: Give additional 'unique' items

   //----- AddSubraceItem(string subraceName, string ItemResRef, int Level = 1)


   // :: Set-up a Prestige class restriction for a subrace.

   //----- CreateSubracePrestigiousClassRestriction(string subraceName, int MinimumLevels = 1, int CanBe_ArcaneArcher = TRUE, int CanBe_Assasin = TRUE, int CanBe_Blackguard = TRUE, int CanBe_ChampionOfTorm = TRUE, int CanBe_RedDragonDisciple = TRUE, int CanBe_DwarvenDefender = TRUE, int CanBe_HarperScout = TRUE, int CanBe_PaleMaster = TRUE, int CanBe_ShadowDancer = TRUE, int CanBe_Shifter = TRUE, int CanBe_WeaponMaster = TRUE);



   // The following scripts load up the example subraces created by me (Shayan).

   // You can use these or add to them or delete them all.

   // You can find the Creature Hide relating to these subraces in Items -> Custom -> Creature Items -> Skin/Hide

   // You can also find the Unique Items relating to these subraces in Items -> Plot Items


    //Call it exactly one time and only during OnModuleLoad!



    //Load Shayan's Non-Leto Subraces only if we are not using Leto

    LoadSubraceFromScript("sha_subraces1", SSE_SUBRACE_LOADER_CONDITION_LOAD_IF_NOT_USING_LETO);

    LoadSubraceFromScript("sha_subraces2", SSE_SUBRACE_LOADER_CONDITION_LOAD_IF_NOT_USING_LETO);

    LoadSubraceFromScript("sha_subraces3", SSE_SUBRACE_LOADER_CONDITION_LOAD_IF_NOT_USING_LETO);

    LoadSubraceFromScript("sha_subraces4", SSE_SUBRACE_LOADER_CONDITION_LOAD_IF_NOT_USING_LETO);

    LoadSubraceFromScript("sha_subraces5", SSE_SUBRACE_LOADER_CONDITION_LOAD_IF_NOT_USING_LETO);

    LoadSubraceFromScript("sha_subraces6", SSE_SUBRACE_LOADER_CONDITION_LOAD_IF_NOT_USING_LETO);


    //Load Shayan's Leto Subraces only if we are using Leto

    LoadSubraceFromScript("sha_leto_sraces1", SSE_SUBRACE_LOADER_CONDITION_LOAD_IF_USING_LETO);

    LoadSubraceFromScript("sha_leto_sraces2", SSE_SUBRACE_LOADER_CONDITION_LOAD_IF_USING_LETO);

    LoadSubraceFromScript("sha_leto_sraces3", SSE_SUBRACE_LOADER_CONDITION_LOAD_IF_USING_LETO);

    LoadSubraceFromScript("sha_leto_sraces4", SSE_SUBRACE_LOADER_CONDITION_LOAD_IF_USING_LETO);

    LoadSubraceFromScript("sha_leto_sraces5", SSE_SUBRACE_LOADER_CONDITION_LOAD_IF_USING_LETO);

    LoadSubraceFromScript("sha_leto_sraces6", SSE_SUBRACE_LOADER_CONDITION_LOAD_IF_USING_LETO);


    //:: Display messages about Leto Modifications

    //:: Note: some Leto Modifications messages are flagged vital and would be showed anyway

    //:: Recommended



    //Display messages when a player's sub-race is being changed.

    //:: Recommended



    //Display messages about SSE's status (Display when it is disabled/enabled)

    //:: Recommended



    //Display Error messages - Not a lot of those as I recall.

    //:: Recommended



    //Display messages about requirements

    //e.g. "You could not become this sub-race because you did not meet this and that requirement"

    //:: Recommended



    //Display messages about aliases



    //Display messages about sub-race items



    //Display messages about non-leto stat modifications



    //Display messages about character appearance modifications







Legacy_The Mad Poet

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Unable to compile/merge?
« Reply #16 on: July 21, 2015, 11:21:35 pm »


I see that it uses a NWNX database. Again I'm not familiar, but do you have NWNX and the database running when you load the module?




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Unable to compile/merge?
« Reply #17 on: July 21, 2015, 11:31:43 pm »


Hmm. Are you using LETO or NWNX? And the OnModuleLoad I'm looking at looks different than yours for some reason.



//:::::::::::::::::::::::: Shayan's Subrace Engine :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

//:::::::::::::::::File Name: sha_on_modload :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

//::::::::::::::::::::: OnModuleLoad script ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

//:: Written By: Shayan.

//:: Contact:


// Description: This is an example of script of how to use Shayan's Subraces on

//              your Module.


// The OnModuleLoad script is where you define your subraces. (Look below)


// Double click on any of the methods below to get know how to use them.



// :: Version 2.0: Pre-made subraces are now seperated into categories (Monsterous, and Normal)

//                 and put into scripts: sha_subraces1, and sha_subraces2.

#include "sha_subr_methds"

void main()


   //Ignore this... this is for NWNX/SQL database functionality



        //Initialize NWNX DB support


        //Create subrace table in database (if it doesn't exist)

        DelayCommand(1.0, NWNX_CreateSubraceDBTables());


   //Functions available for use are:


   // ::The Most Important Method (Used to define your subrace). MUST BE CALLED BEFORE ALL OTHERS.::

   //----- CreateSubrace(int Race, string SubraceName, string HideResRef, string UniqueItemResref, int IsLightSensitive = FALSE, int DamageTakenWhileInLight = 0, int IsUndergroundSensitive = FALSE, int DamageTakenWhileInUnderground = 0, int ECL = 0, int IsUndead = FALSE, int PrestigiousSubrace = FALSE)


   // ::Used to Add another Race that can be part of the Subrace.::

   // ::Reuse as many times as needed.::

   //----- AddAdditionalBaseRaceToSubrace(string subraceName, int AdditionalBaseRace)


   // ::Used to add an Alignment Restriction to a Subrace.

   //----- CreateSubraceAlignmentRestriction(string subraceName, int CanBeAlignment_Good = TRUE , int CanBeAlignment_Neutral1 = TRUE, int CanBeAlignment_Evil = TRUE, int CanBeAlignment_Lawful = TRUE, int CanBeAlignment_Neutral2 = TRUE, int CanBeAlignment_Chaotic = TRUE)


   // ::Used to add a Class restriction on the Subrace.

   //----- CreateSubraceClassRestriction(string subraceName, int CanBe_Barbarian = TRUE, int CanBe_Bard = TRUE, int CanBe_Cleric = TRUE, int CanBe_Druid = TRUE, int CanBe_Fighter = TRUE, int CanBe_Monk = TRUE, int CanBe_Paladin = TRUE, int CanBe_Ranger = TRUE, int CanBe_Rogue = TRUE, int CanBe_Sorcerer = TRUE, int CanBe_Wizard = TRUE)


   // ::Used to change a Player Subrace's Appearance::

   // ::Use only ONCE per subrace::

   //----- CreateSubraceAppearance(string subraceName, int AppearanceChangeTime, int MaleAppearance, int FemaleAppearance)


   // ::Used to give PC's a change in Ability scores, or Attack Bonus or Armour Class. During the day or Night.

   // ::USed in conjunction with CreateCustomStats() <Look Below>.

   //----- CreateTemporaryStatModifier(string subraceName, struct SubraceStats Stats, int TimeToApply, int InInteriorArea = TRUE, int InExteriorArea = TRUE, int InNaturalArea = TRUE, int InArtifacialArea = TRUE, int InUndergroundArea = TRUE, int InAbovegroundArea = TRUE)


   // ::Used to define the Ability increase or decrease, AC increase/decrease, AB increase/Decrease.

   //----- SubraceStats CreateCustomStats(int StatModifierType, float StrengthModifier, float DexterityModifier, float ConstitutionModifier, float IntelligenceModifier, float WisdomModifier, float CharismaModifier, float ACModifier, float ABModifier)


   // ::Used to disable/allow only the use of melee, ranged or other kind of weapons during certain times of day or permanently.

   // ::Use only ONCE per subrace::

   //----- SubraceRestrictUseOfWeaponsOfType(string subraceName, int WeaponType, int TimeOfDay = TIME_BOTH)


   // ::Used to disable/allow only the use of heavy, medium or light armour during the day, night or permanently.

   // ::Use only ONCE per subrace::

   //----- SubraceRestrictUseOfArmourAndShieldsOfType(string subraceName, int Type, int TimeOfDay = TIME_BOTH, int Allow = FALSE)


   // ::Add a favored Class to Subrace

   // ::Use only ONCE per subrace::

   //----- AddSubraceFavoredClass(string subraceName, int MaleFavoredClass, int FamaleFavoredClass)


   // ::Add an effect to the Subrace, that takes effect during the night (lasts until morning), day(lasts until dusk) or permanently.

   // ::Use as many times as desired::

   //----- AddSubraceEffect(string subraceName, int EffectID, int Value1, int Value2, int nDurationType, float fDuration, int TimeOfDay)


   // ::Add another skin for the subrace to be equipped at a particular level.

   // :: Use as Many times as desired.

   //----- AddAdditionalSkinsToSubrace(string subraceName, string SkinResRef, int EquipLevel, int iTime = TIME_BOTH)


   // ::Use to create varying Spell resistance for the subrace.

   //----- CreateSubraceSpellResistance(string subraceName, int SpellResistanceBase, int SpellResistanceMax)


   // ::Add 'claws' to the playable subrace.

   // :: Use as many times as desired.

   //----- AddClawsToSubrace(string subraceName, string RightClawResRef, string LeftClawResRef , int EquipLevel)


   // :: Setup the player belonging to the subrace to 'switch' to another subrace

   //----- SetupSubraceSwitch(string subraceName, string switchSubraceName, int Level, int MustMeetRequirements = TRUE)


   // :: Give additional 'unique' items

   //----- AddSubraceItem(string subraceName, string ItemResRef, int Level = 1)


   // :: Set-up a Prestige class restriction for a subrace.

   //----- CreateSubracePrestigiousClassRestriction(string subraceName, int MinimumLevels = 1, int CanBe_ArcaneArcher = TRUE, int CanBe_Assasin = TRUE, int CanBe_Blackguard = TRUE, int CanBe_ChampionOfTorm = TRUE, int CanBe_RedDragonDisciple = TRUE, int CanBe_DwarvenDefender = TRUE, int CanBe_HarperScout = TRUE, int CanBe_PaleMaster = TRUE, int CanBe_ShadowDancer = TRUE, int CanBe_Shifter = TRUE, int CanBe_WeaponMaster = TRUE);



   // The following scripts load up the example subraces created by me (Shayan).

   // You can use these or add to them or delete them all.

   // You can find the Creature Hide relating to these subraces in Items -> Custom -> Creature Items -> Skin/Hide

   // You can also find the Unique Items relating to these subraces in Items -> Plot Items

   //:: Spell Hooking - Uncomment line 93 to enable it. Remember to have imported

   //::                 sha_spellhooks script.

   //SetLocalString(GetModule(), "X2_S_UD_SPELLSCRIPT", "sha_spellhooks");



       //:: These subraces do not use the Leto functions. They work on creature hides/skins

       //:: for their ability score bonuses, feats, etc.

       //Pre-made subraces... If you do not want to use them, comment or delete the lines below.

       //:: Loads the 'normal' subraces...

       DelayCommand(1.0, ExecuteScript("sha_subraces1", GetModule()));

       //:: Loads the 'monsterous' subraces...

       DelayCommand(2.0, ExecuteScript("sha_subraces2", GetModule()));




       //:: These subraces use the new Leto functions. They get permanent ability score

       //:: boosts, feats, skills, etc.

       //Pre-made subraces... If you do not want to use them, comment or delete the lines below.

       //:: Loads the 'normal' subraces...

       DelayCommand(1.0, ExecuteScript("sha_leto_sraces1", GetModule()));

       //:: Loads the 'monsterous' subraces...

       DelayCommand(2.0, ExecuteScript("sha_leto_sraces2", GetModule()));


   //:: This signals that all subraces are loaded onto the module.

   DelayCommand(3.0, SetLocalInt(oStorer, SUBRACE_INFO_LOADED_ON_MODULE, TRUE));




Legacy_Who said that I

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Unable to compile/merge?
« Reply #18 on: July 22, 2015, 05:24:12 am »

               Nwnx (i think) since I have not really changed that much on that


Legacy_Who said that I

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Unable to compile/merge?
« Reply #19 on: July 22, 2015, 05:31:39 am »


Hmm. Are you using LETO or NWNX? And the OnModuleLoad I'm looking at looks different than yours for some reason.



//:::::::::::::::::::::::: Shayan's Subrace Engine :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

//:::::::::::::::::File Name: sha_on_modload :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

//::::::::::::::::::::: OnModuleLoad script ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

//:: Written By: Shayan.

//:: Contact:


// Description: This is an example of script of how to use Shayan's Subraces on

//              your Module.


// The OnModuleLoad script is where you define your subraces. (Look below)


// Double click on any of the methods below to get know how to use them.



// :: Version 2.0: Pre-made subraces are now seperated into categories (Monsterous, and Normal)

//                 and put into scripts: sha_subraces1, and sha_subraces2.

#include "sha_subr_methds"

void main()


   //Ignore this... this is for NWNX/SQL database functionality



        //Initialize NWNX DB support


        //Create subrace table in database (if it doesn't exist)

        DelayCommand(1.0, NWNX_CreateSubraceDBTables());


   //Functions available for use are:


   // ::The Most Important Method (Used to define your subrace). MUST BE CALLED BEFORE ALL OTHERS.::

   //----- CreateSubrace(int Race, string SubraceName, string HideResRef, string UniqueItemResref, int IsLightSensitive = FALSE, int DamageTakenWhileInLight = 0, int IsUndergroundSensitive = FALSE, int DamageTakenWhileInUnderground = 0, int ECL = 0, int IsUndead = FALSE, int PrestigiousSubrace = FALSE)


   // ::Used to Add another Race that can be part of the Subrace.::

   // ::Reuse as many times as needed.::

   //----- AddAdditionalBaseRaceToSubrace(string subraceName, int AdditionalBaseRace)


   // ::Used to add an Alignment Restriction to a Subrace.

   //----- CreateSubraceAlignmentRestriction(string subraceName, int CanBeAlignment_Good = TRUE , int CanBeAlignment_Neutral1 = TRUE, int CanBeAlignment_Evil = TRUE, int CanBeAlignment_Lawful = TRUE, int CanBeAlignment_Neutral2 = TRUE, int CanBeAlignment_Chaotic = TRUE)


   // ::Used to add a Class restriction on the Subrace.

   //----- CreateSubraceClassRestriction(string subraceName, int CanBe_Barbarian = TRUE, int CanBe_Bard = TRUE, int CanBe_Cleric = TRUE, int CanBe_Druid = TRUE, int CanBe_Fighter = TRUE, int CanBe_Monk = TRUE, int CanBe_Paladin = TRUE, int CanBe_Ranger = TRUE, int CanBe_Rogue = TRUE, int CanBe_Sorcerer = TRUE, int CanBe_Wizard = TRUE)


   // ::Used to change a Player Subrace's Appearance::

   // ::Use only ONCE per subrace::

   //----- CreateSubraceAppearance(string subraceName, int AppearanceChangeTime, int MaleAppearance, int FemaleAppearance)


   // ::Used to give PC's a change in Ability scores, or Attack Bonus or Armour Class. During the day or Night.

   // ::USed in conjunction with CreateCustomStats() <Look Below>.

   //----- CreateTemporaryStatModifier(string subraceName, struct SubraceStats Stats, int TimeToApply, int InInteriorArea = TRUE, int InExteriorArea = TRUE, int InNaturalArea = TRUE, int InArtifacialArea = TRUE, int InUndergroundArea = TRUE, int InAbovegroundArea = TRUE)


   // ::Used to define the Ability increase or decrease, AC increase/decrease, AB increase/Decrease.

   //----- SubraceStats CreateCustomStats(int StatModifierType, float StrengthModifier, float DexterityModifier, float ConstitutionModifier, float IntelligenceModifier, float WisdomModifier, float CharismaModifier, float ACModifier, float ABModifier)


   // ::Used to disable/allow only the use of melee, ranged or other kind of weapons during certain times of day or permanently.

   // ::Use only ONCE per subrace::

   //----- SubraceRestrictUseOfWeaponsOfType(string subraceName, int WeaponType, int TimeOfDay = TIME_BOTH)


   // ::Used to disable/allow only the use of heavy, medium or light armour during the day, night or permanently.

   // ::Use only ONCE per subrace::

   //----- SubraceRestrictUseOfArmourAndShieldsOfType(string subraceName, int Type, int TimeOfDay = TIME_BOTH, int Allow = FALSE)


   // ::Add a favored Class to Subrace

   // ::Use only ONCE per subrace::

   //----- AddSubraceFavoredClass(string subraceName, int MaleFavoredClass, int FamaleFavoredClass)


   // ::Add an effect to the Subrace, that takes effect during the night (lasts until morning), day(lasts until dusk) or permanently.

   // ::Use as many times as desired::

   //----- AddSubraceEffect(string subraceName, int EffectID, int Value1, int Value2, int nDurationType, float fDuration, int TimeOfDay)


   // ::Add another skin for the subrace to be equipped at a particular level.

   // :: Use as Many times as desired.

   //----- AddAdditionalSkinsToSubrace(string subraceName, string SkinResRef, int EquipLevel, int iTime = TIME_BOTH)


   // ::Use to create varying Spell resistance for the subrace.

   //----- CreateSubraceSpellResistance(string subraceName, int SpellResistanceBase, int SpellResistanceMax)


   // ::Add 'claws' to the playable subrace.

   // :: Use as many times as desired.

   //----- AddClawsToSubrace(string subraceName, string RightClawResRef, string LeftClawResRef , int EquipLevel)


   // :: Setup the player belonging to the subrace to 'switch' to another subrace

   //----- SetupSubraceSwitch(string subraceName, string switchSubraceName, int Level, int MustMeetRequirements = TRUE)


   // :: Give additional 'unique' items

   //----- AddSubraceItem(string subraceName, string ItemResRef, int Level = 1)


   // :: Set-up a Prestige class restriction for a subrace.

   //----- CreateSubracePrestigiousClassRestriction(string subraceName, int MinimumLevels = 1, int CanBe_ArcaneArcher = TRUE, int CanBe_Assasin = TRUE, int CanBe_Blackguard = TRUE, int CanBe_ChampionOfTorm = TRUE, int CanBe_RedDragonDisciple = TRUE, int CanBe_DwarvenDefender = TRUE, int CanBe_HarperScout = TRUE, int CanBe_PaleMaster = TRUE, int CanBe_ShadowDancer = TRUE, int CanBe_Shifter = TRUE, int CanBe_WeaponMaster = TRUE);



   // The following scripts load up the example subraces created by me (Shayan).

   // You can use these or add to them or delete them all.

   // You can find the Creature Hide relating to these subraces in Items -> Custom -> Creature Items -> Skin/Hide

   // You can also find the Unique Items relating to these subraces in Items -> Plot Items

   //:: Spell Hooking - Uncomment line 93 to enable it. Remember to have imported

   //::                 sha_spellhooks script.

   //SetLocalString(GetModule(), "X2_S_UD_SPELLSCRIPT", "sha_spellhooks");



       //:: These subraces do not use the Leto functions. They work on creature hides/skins

       //:: for their ability score bonuses, feats, etc.

       //Pre-made subraces... If you do not want to use them, comment or delete the lines below.

       //:: Loads the 'normal' subraces...

       DelayCommand(1.0, ExecuteScript("sha_subraces1", GetModule()));

       //:: Loads the 'monsterous' subraces...

       DelayCommand(2.0, ExecuteScript("sha_subraces2", GetModule()));




       //:: These subraces use the new Leto functions. They get permanent ability score

       //:: boosts, feats, skills, etc.

       //Pre-made subraces... If you do not want to use them, comment or delete the lines below.

       //:: Loads the 'normal' subraces...

       DelayCommand(1.0, ExecuteScript("sha_leto_sraces1", GetModule()));

       //:: Loads the 'monsterous' subraces...

       DelayCommand(2.0, ExecuteScript("sha_leto_sraces2", GetModule()));


   //:: This signals that all subraces are loaded onto the module.

   DelayCommand(3.0, SetLocalInt(oStorer, SUBRACE_INFO_LOADED_ON_MODULE, TRUE));



the script was the problem apparently! The script it came with was faulty since once I loaded the one you posted it worked! THANKS! '<img'>



Legacy_Who said that I

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Unable to compile/merge?
« Reply #20 on: July 22, 2015, 06:11:19 am »


okay I was wondering the following:  Is it normal that special subraces get double the xp per kill since that is what is happening with me and not sure what script I should open to fix that....




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Unable to compile/merge?
« Reply #21 on: July 22, 2015, 06:39:08 am »


Hmm. Well I know this system also has it's own XP system. Most likely the default "nw_c2_default7" (monster OnDeath script) has been overwritten to use the new system. If you see that script in your list then it has been altered in some way.