Hello, can anybody help me? You see i always had been disappointed with Arcane Archer class not having that much abilities, and so i thought of why they didn't gave it a better ability, then i came up with it; Arrow Materialization. It will replace the Imbue Arrow feat.
Arrow Materialization will unequip your currently-equipped arrow and then creates a special arrow equipped in your slot. If such arrow is unequipped, it is destroyed from your inventory, and will be available once you materialize again.
The stack size is equal to the current uses/day, and it goes down as the arrow stack is depleted when on use. It starts off 99 arrows as the stack size, while special arrows will only be 11, or 1/9 arrows of the charge, even more special arrows are 1/11. The stack is shared of all materialized arrow types.
The Menu will be your average conversation panel. Basically the ability will just give you an undroppable arrow, and equip it. If you decide to materialize a different arrow, it will just destroy your last materialized arrow.
I am well versed in JASS of WC3, but i could not get the Impact Script of NWN, can someone help me?
I think i know how it would go on WC3, but just not in NWN.