I'm looking for a good pvm script for my module (with 1.71). i Saw Codi with orland script but i'm not sure about it...and most of all i don't know if, with shadoow patch, is better let his corrected ia or change with another!
Do you have any suggestion?
Well, in my opinion the vanilla AI is just fine for majority of monsters because majority of monters are dumb and just a XP food. For bosses, minions and tougher monsters a custom AI is advised. It should be AI which doesn't replace the vanilla AI though, since then it will affect all monsters and will undo CPP tweaks. Personally I usually writing my own AI for each boss, but thats not that easy to do. The only AI I used before is Jasperr so can't really suggest anything else. And we now don't have any of these on new vault yet too.
If you're already using the Community Patch perhaps Shadoow has some premade AI Script templates to send/recommend.
CPP doesn't have a OnSpawn flag system since CPP utilize vanilla AI just with improvements, fixes and tweaks.
There are only three additional features:
70_c2_aihigh9 script when put into OnSpawn event will set creature's AI to AI_LEVEL_HIGH which makes her a bit smarter and faster.
variable 70_ALLOW_RAGE int 1 on creature allows her to use barbarian rage ability
variable 70_ALLOW_SHAPECHANGE int 1 on creature allows her to use polymorph feats (which is not enabled by default since this is an experimental feature because vanilla AI cannot handle this correctly)