so the following script compiles fine and gives the first update but doesn't give the next 6 updates like i need it to. can someone please tell me if i missed something?
#include "pqj_inc" // journal include
#include "nw_i0_tool"
void main()
object oPC = GetLastUsedBy();
object oBox = GetItemPossessedBy(oPC, "memorybox"); // item created on PC when entering the world
string sName = GetName(OBJECT_SELF);
int nBug = 1;//change to 0 once testing is done
int nCheck = GetLocalInt(oBox, sName);
if(nBug == 1)
{ //if debugging the script
SpeakString("Plant Name: "+sName, TALKVOLUME_SHOUT);
//speak the plant name
{ //if the box is NOT VALID
SpeakString("The character does not have a valid memorybox.", TALKVOLUME_SHOUT);
if(nCheck == 1)
{//if the pc has used this named thing before
SpeakString(sName+" is marked as used.", TALKVOLUME_SHOUT);
{ //if the pc has not used this named thing before
SpeakString(sName+" is marked as NOT USED.", TALKVOLUME_SHOUT);
if (!GetIsPC(oPC)) return;//if not a pc stop
if(nCheck == 1)return;//if the pc has used this thing
SetLocalInt(oBox,sName,1); //set plant name as int ref on box
ExportSingleCharacter(oPC); //save pc thereby saving box info
if(nBug == 1)
{ //if debugging == 1
SpeakString("PlantName: "+sName+" SetTo: "+IntToString(GetLocalInt(oBox,
int nInt = RetrieveQuestState("q_plants",oPC);
if (nInt >= 10 && nInt < 80)
AddPersistentJournalQuestEntry("q_plants",nInt+10, oPC,FALSE);
FloatingTextStringOnCreature("** Your Journal Has Been Updated **", oPC);
DelayCommand(2.0, FloatingTextStringOnCreature("** Charactor Saved **", oPC));
GiveXPToCreature(oPC, 1000);
thanks in advance.