I was thinking you had already managed to make it work and was trying to make this work in windows 2008.
You need to check the site http://www.nwnx.org/
There are several ways you can use NWNX2:
MySQL http://www.nwnx.org/index.php?id=tut2
SQLite // They said it's the easiest way, but the easiest ways are bad
ODBC connection http://www.nwnx.org/...hp?id=doc_odbc2 or http://www.nwnx.org/index.php?id=tut1
"will nwnx find sqlite3?" For those who are unaware of SQLite, it is difficult to deduce.
I recommend you use a MySQL connection, because you can configure with certain. You have the name of the database, the username MySQL, password. And also you have the IP setted (no doubts where NWNX will find the data because you set it on nwnx.ini).
; Use these five settings for MySQL connections
source = mysql //do not change it
server = localhost //or your IP
user = YourUserMySQL
pwd = YourPassMySQL
db = YourDatabaseMySQL
MySQL connections seems to be harder because it has many things to set up, but this is not difficult. The parameters are defined.