No overriding that I'm aware. We don't get TOO much spawn lag to begin with, as we apply most itemprops/effects dynamically on either hide, weapon, or creature, instead of dumping a bunch of items on them, with the exception of mobs that need armor, shield, or helm to achieve the right look. Either way, no spawn hiccups for us to speak of.
Here are a bunch of example triggers. Aside from the listed variables, the only thing on the trigger at the time its set down in the toolset is the above-linked script in onenter. The rest is handled by a do-once setup in the area enter scripts, which I will pastebin after each relevant set of variables.
Myconids (one of the first places we used this system - just sets triggers to Active and specifies a respawn period of 60 minutes - rest done in enter)
EncActive int 1
EncRespawn int 3600
Myconid onenterPit of Moliation - Second Deep (new vars showcased here include Chance, which is the chance the trigger will stay active and respawnable, Include, which is the bitmask I mentioned (I wound up cycling the first 4-5 bits a lot when area layout permitted - I only used higher bits when there was a lot of overlap requiring it), TargetSpread, which specifies whether the spawns are spread out over mutliple waypoints of those available, SpreadLimit, which limits the number of randomly chosen candidate waypoints they're spread over, and TargetWaypoint, which is both the default waypoint tag and the number of GetNearestByTag-ed waypoints to check (and skip, if it starts with a number other than 1). Allows us to scan only those nearby for the Include bitmask. Not the most efficent strictly speaking, but a bit more end-user friendly. We were still tinkering:
EncActive int 1
EncChance int 87
EncInclude int 1
EncRespawn int 3600
EncTargetSpread int 1
EncTargetSpreadLimit int 2
EncTargetWaypoint string mol_enc#1-6
This one, still in Second Deep, highlights how we do a set-piece encouter, in this case a group of Meenlock Spitters, using the EncCategory string (see the onenter script for the rest):
EncActive int 1
EncCategory string SPIT
EncChance int 100
EncInclude int 8
EncRespawn int 3600
EncTargetSpread int 1
EncTargetSpreadLimit int 2
EncTargetWaypoint string mol_enc#1-9
Here's the onenter. Note at this point that we've started doing other things, like priming secret triggers, from onenter. Keeps the mod tidy and until the vars are actually needed. We also condensed down to one script, instead of the two from myconids.
mol_onenterHere's three encounters from Elysium Fortress of the Sun (boss area), highlighting a number of variant setups, and a boss spawn:
EncActive int 1
EncChance int 80
EncInclude int 2
EncTargetSpread int 1
EncTargetSpreadLimit int 2
EncTargetWaypoint string ely_enc#1-3
EncActive int 1
EncChance int 80
EncInclude int 4
EncTargetSpread int 1
EncTargetSpreadLimit int 2
EncTargetWaypoint string ""
boss encounter:
EncActive int 1
EncChance int 100
EncInclude int 16
EncTargetSpread int 0
EncTargetWaypoint string ely_enc#1-2
Here's the onenter:
elysium_enterI think we actually did that one before pit of moliation, as we were still setting loot variables directly on placeables at that point. Anyway, that shows a boss encounter setup, along with random encounter spawning, and that area, the Fortress of the Sun, also highlights the tiering mechanism of the system - new spawnsets are used once x number of encounters have triggered. We usually use quite a bit fewer tiers of spawnsets that you see there.
Here's one from the Elemental Plane of Air, a wide-open, no bosses, free-ranging area set:
EncActive int 1
EncChance int 90
EncRespawn int 720
EncTargetSpread int 1
EncTargetSpreadLimit int 2
EncTargetWaypoint string ele_enc#3-6
Only thing of note there is that the waypoints are typically set to NOT spawn at the two nearest - due to the wide-open nature of the area set. At that point we were setting the variables directly on the area - ick. No area entry paste for that, as a result.
And lastly, some encounters from one of our Abyss layers, the Gaping Maw:
Gaping Maw, the Screaming Jungle
EncActive int 1
EncChance int 63
EncIndex int 2 (on enc 2, using melee and ranged 2)
EncRespawn int 3600
EncTargetSpread int 1
EncTargetSpreadLimit int 3
EncTargetWaypoint string aby_enc_melee_2#1-*
Lemoriax miniboss enc trigger 5
EncActive int 1
EncCategory string MINI
EncChance int 100
EncIndex int 5 (on enc 5, using melee and ranged 5)
EncRespawn int -1
EncTargetSpread int 1
EncTargetSpreadLimit int 3
EncTargetWaypoint string aby_enc_melee_5#1-*
Demogorgon's Chambers final (boss) trigger 12:
EncActive int 1
EncCategory string BOSS
EncChance int 100
EncIndex int 12 (on enc 12, using melee and ranged 2)
EncRespawn int -1
EncTargetSpread int 1
EncTargetSpreadLimit int 3
EncTargetWaypoint string aby_enc_melee_12#1-*
Those highlight the spawn system as we're moslty using it nowadays. With larger area sets, we would make a bunch of preconfigured triggers, 1-15 or so, and waypoints tagged to match, which would get used in each area. The default waypoint is for meleers. The ranged attackers would be set on aby_enc_ranged numbered waypoints to match. The #1-* tells it to check all waypoints of the appropriate tag in the area. As you can see in the area enter script, ranged attackers are designated a special set of ranged waypoints to use with @, like we used to do for special encounters. The I is the Index number, matching the one set on the trigger, and the melee waypoint's number as well:
aby_enterHope that was of use to you.