Author Topic: taking a gander- npcs always face east  (Read 253 times)


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taking a gander- npcs always face east
« on: August 12, 2013, 05:31:45 am »

               hello again!

im taking a gander at a little issue i have been having for some time now. im not sure how to explain it so i brought some pictures with me <great, now hell bore us with slide pics of family>  what? no way! shoosh brain!

i thought i could share this little issue to see if anyone may know if its somethihg they have expeienced before <or not>

so ok, im developing a mod (uses cep 2.4) i use a run-off of the old Rhun Modules as the base model. Meaning im only using the scripts and creating my own npcs and areas <he likes to call it it recycling> shoosh its not true!

now everytime i engage a dialogue from created blueprint npcs they all seem to face east? <what?> now when i import npcs they dont seem to do this. does anyone have any idea what could be causing this?<we would appreciate the help, if any is given>

so here i am engaging in a wonderful concersation with a caravan leader <nothing harmless about that>

and here i am finishing (leaving) the dialogue, and the npc immediatly faces Eastward

does anyone have an idea as to what could cause this?


                     Modifié par oOKyeOo, 12 août 2013 - 04:35 .



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taking a gander- npcs always face east
« Reply #1 on: August 12, 2013, 06:12:20 am »

               I don't know, and I don't notice my NPCs doing this, but a spot you might check is on the "current file" tab of the conversations.  The script there is what runs after a conversation, and maybe there is something different between the imported and created NPCs... if you haven't checked it already.


Legacy_Fester Pot

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taking a gander- npcs always face east
« Reply #2 on: August 12, 2013, 06:10:40 pm »

               Yup. Could possibly be the reason Terrorble mentions - that the default script used for conversations - has been altered in such a way the NPCs turn in another direction.

Check inside the NPCs conversation - anyone turning east - as they most likely will all share the same script.

You'll see in the lower right corner a number of TABs.


Scroll them to the end until you reach the CURRENT FILE TAB.

Open the script assigned to End Conversation (default: nw_walk_wp)

Inside this script, search for -


This would be your culprit if found.

Additionally, the script may not have been modified, but rather, a deeper script - x0_i0_walkway - which is referenced in the conversation script (nw_walk_wp), either by the original author of the PW or by importing a script set that overwrote x0_i0_walkway.

Finally, check the variable stored on the NPC (right click - VARIABLES) for -


This turns NPCs to face the waypoint they're associated with, which also might be causing NPCs to turn, which is referenced in x0_i0_walkway default NWN script.

if(GetLocalInt(oWay,"X2_L_WAYPOINT_SETFACING") == 1)

If none of the scripts have been altered, then I'd go with the variable being set on the NPC in the pallette or created OnSpawn - depending on who the builder set up NPC creation.



                     Modifié par Fester Pot, 12 août 2013 - 05:14 .



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taking a gander- npcs always face east
« Reply #3 on: August 12, 2013, 07:57:50 pm »

               thanks for the in sights Terrorble &  Fester Pot.

this is what i found on the created npcs

float oWay1 = GetFacing(GetNextWalkWayPoint(OBJECT_SELF));
   AssignCommand(OBJECT_SELF, SetFacing(oWay1));
   DelayCommand(2.0, WalkWayPoints());

but should i have it set like this to remove the walk waypoints?

float oWay1 = GetFacing(GetNextWalkWayPoint(OBJECT_SELF));

now as i found out, the imported npcs use a "at_mageabort" under theres which goes:

#include "NW_I0_GENERIC"
#include "inc_dye"

void main()

which to me sounds like a much simpler script and nothing to really do with facing anything at all


                     Modifié par oOKyeOo, 12 août 2013 - 07:07 .