This is a problem that has plagued me recently so I looked into it today.
When a
creature enters an area and lands on a trigger the order of exection is:
- Trigger Enter.
- Area Enter.
When a
creature exits an area and a trigger at the same moment the order of execution is:
Someday I may look at areas of effect too.
Also as far as I can tell, placeables do not cause area or trigger enter events. I was hoping that a trigger would "know" when a placeable is inside it, but alas... I don't think so. I'll confirm this in the future because I need to know if a player pushes a barrel on top of a trap door to keep the ghouls in the basement from climbing up.
EDIT - I was wondering if anyone else knows more about this. I had assumed the order was more intuitive, and am surprised that Objects which contain others appear to receive an enter event last.
Modifié par henesua, 10 novembre 2012 - 05:26 .