Dwivilvighuy wrote...
-In spells 2da, in the column wiz/sorc,i remove the level of custom spells with **** believing that would not appear (thats the way i resolved the nwn default spells dont appear), the problem is spells dont appear but when you test to memorize the scroll it detect isnt a arcane spell and dont let you memorize.
This wont work this way at all, though one silly idea of my is to set Wiz_Sorc collumn to 10, spell maybe will be memorised but probably not appear anywhere. Try it to be sure, but I dont really believe this could work.
-Then i try in class 2da and cls_spknsorc 2da (which specifies the number of spells that sorcerer learns by level) the problem is that there a bard and sorcerer spkn but not for wizard, well i took class 2da in wizards line and spellknowntable column and write the cls_spkn_sorc (by default ****) looking for that wizard would use the spkn_sorc 2da file of sorcerer, and then i modified the cls_spkn_sorc 2da itself, well it didnt work too. Then i tested with sorcerer to see if it works, and surprise it worked with sorcerer, so something happens with wizard class.
wizard doesnt use spell known 2DA, those two spells you can take are hardcoded and the whole process could be removed only via nwn client
-I try to modify the file classwizard.ini in lines concerning to spells (spellcount, spelllevel1 etc...), it didnt works too.
this file isnt used for this purpose but for others - im now not sure which is which, but either its file used by toolset's creature wizard or its pre-setup build package for players
I also read on google in nwn2 post that removing columns of the packspwiz 2da it doesnt appear, but it works with default spells,not with custom spells.
this is nonsense, not sure how it works in nwn2, but in nwn1 this has no impact on the choosing spells process
If it would be online server where player can login, it could be probably possible if the server's spells.2da contained these spells with Wiz_Sorc = correct level, but in client's spells.2da version there would be ****
Other way would be to use NWNX which can modify, add, remove known spells. So after level-up you would removed the spells that were acquired.
If this is for singleplayer, then I fear there is no way to do it.