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Carcerian's Color Text Functions v1.2, I actually made a keyword system that could also be used as an index, and some other fun stuff, like random rainbow text, and varied text within designer specified color ranges...
_inc_color_text_.nss (Note: for example only, do not use quoted color strings, use download instead)
string sColors = " !!#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~â‚¬â€šÆ’â€žâ€¦â€ â€¡Ë â€°Å â€¹Å’Å½â€˜â€™â€œâ€â€¢â€“—˜™š›œžŸ¡¢£¤¥§©©ª«¬Â®¯°±²³´µ¶·¸¸º»¼½¾¿ÀÃÂÃÄÅà ÇÈÉà ËÌÃÃŽÃÃÑÒÓÔÕÖ×ØÙÚÛÜÃÞßà áâãäåæçèéêëìÃîïñòóôõö÷øùúûüýþþþ";
// Returns Pseudo-Ascii Character (for color use only, not accurate Ascii)
string ASCII(int iAsciiCode) // 0 - 255
int ASCIIReturn = iAsciiCode;
if (ASCIIReturn<0) ASCIIReturn = 0;
else if (ASCIIReturn>255) ASCIIReturn = 255;
return GetSubString(sColors,iAsciiCode+1,1);
// Returns Pseudo-Ascii Integer Value (for color use only, not accurate Ascii)
int ASCIIToInt(string sLookup)
return FindSubString(sColors, sLookup)-1;
// Returns a Color Code Based on Pseudo-Ascii
string RGB(int iR, int iG, int iB) // 0-255
return "<c"+ASCII(iR)+ASCII(iG)+ASCII(iB)+">";
const string TEXT_COLOR_RED = "þ ";
const string TEXT_COLOR_ORANGE = "þœ ";
const string TEXT_COLOR_YELLOW = "þþ ";
const string TEXT_COLOR_GREEN = " þ ";
const string TEXT_COLOR_BLUE = " þ";
const string TEXT_COLOR_CYAN = " þþ";
const string TEXT_COLOR_PURPLE = "þ þ";
const string TEXT_COLOR_WHITE = "þþþ";
const string TEXT_COLOR_GREY = "~~~";
const string TEXT_COLOR_CRIMSON = "‘ ";
const string TEXT_COLOR_EMERALD = " ~ ";
const string TEXT_COLOR_BROWN = "Ç~6";
const string TEXT_COLOR_AZURE = "~~þ";
string RGBColorText(string RGBCode, string sText)
return "<c"+ RGBCode +">"+ sText +"</c>";
//ColorText Function, uses either a color token or a 3-Digit Color Code
//Codes can be copied and pasted to item and placable names, descriptions, etc '>
string ColorText(string ColorCode, string sText)
if (ColorCode == "crimson") ColorCode = "<c‘ >";
else if (ColorCode == "red") ColorCode = "<cþ >";
else if (ColorCode == "plum") ColorCode = "<cþww>";
else if (ColorCode == "tangerine") ColorCode = "<cÇZ >";
else if (ColorCode == "orange") ColorCode = "<cþœ >";
else if (ColorCode == "peach") ColorCode = "<cþÇ >";
else if (ColorCode == "amber") ColorCode = "<cœœ >";
else if (ColorCode == "yellow") ColorCode = "<cþþ >";
else if (ColorCode == "lemon") ColorCode = "<cþþw>";
else if (ColorCode == "emerald") ColorCode = "<c ~ >";
else if (ColorCode == "green") ColorCode = "<c þ >";
else if (ColorCode == "lime") ColorCode = "<cwþw>";
else if (ColorCode == "midnight") ColorCode = "<c t>";
else if (ColorCode == "navy") ColorCode = "<c ‘>";
else if (ColorCode == "blue") ColorCode = "<c þ>";
else if (ColorCode == "azure") ColorCode = "<c~~þ>";
else if (ColorCode == "skyblue") ColorCode = "<cÇÇþ>";
else if (ColorCode == "violet") ColorCode = "<c¥ ¥>";
else if (ColorCode == "purple") ColorCode = "<cþ þ>";
else if (ColorCode == "lavender") ColorCode = "<cþ~þ>";
else if (ColorCode == "black") ColorCode = "<c >";
else if (ColorCode == "slate") ColorCode = "<c666>";
else if (ColorCode == "darkgrey") ColorCode = "<cZZZ>";
else if (ColorCode == "grey") ColorCode = "<c~~~>";
else if (ColorCode == "lightgrey") ColorCode = "<c¯¯¯>";
else if (ColorCode == "white") ColorCode = "<cþþþ>";
else if (ColorCode == "turquoise") ColorCode = "<c ¥¥>";
else if (ColorCode == "jade") ColorCode = "<c tt>";
else if (ColorCode == "cyan") ColorCode = "<c þþ>";
else if (ColorCode == "cerulean") ColorCode = "<cœþþ>";
else if (ColorCode == "aqua") ColorCode = "<cZǯ>";
else if (ColorCode == "silver") ColorCode = "<c¿¯Ç>";
else if (ColorCode == "rose") ColorCode = "<cÃŽFF>";
else if (ColorCode == "pink") ColorCode = "<cþV¿>";
else if (ColorCode == "wood") ColorCode = "<c‘Z(>";
else if (ColorCode == "brown") ColorCode = "<cÇ~6>";
else if (ColorCode == "tan") ColorCode = "<cß‘F>";
else if (ColorCode == "flesh") ColorCode = "<cû¥Z>";
else if (ColorCode == "ivory") ColorCode = "<cþÎ¥>";
else if (ColorCode == "gold") ColorCode = "<cþ¿6>";
else if (ColorCode == "random")
switch (d3())
case 1: ColorCode = RGB(Random(128)+128,Random(192)+64,Random(192)+64); break;
case 2: ColorCode = RGB(Random(192)+64,Random(128)+128,Random(192)+64); break;
case 3: ColorCode = RGB(Random(192)+64,Random(192)+64,Random(128)+128); break;
return ColorCode + sText + "</c>";
int LoInt(int iInt1, int iInt2) {return (iInt1>iInt2)?iInt2:iInt1;}
int HiInt(int iInt1, int iInt2) {return (iInt1>iInt2)?iInt1:iInt2;}
string JumbleCode(string JColor1, string JColor2)
string sR1=(GetSubString(JColor1,0,1));
string sG1=(GetSubString(JColor1,1,1));
string sB1=(GetSubString(JColor1,2,1));
string sR2=(GetSubString(JColor2,0,1));
string sG2=(GetSubString(JColor2,1,1));
string sB2=(GetSubString(JColor2,2,1));
int RHi=HiInt(ASCIIToInt(sR1),ASCIIToInt(sR2));
int RLo=LoInt(ASCIIToInt(sR1),ASCIIToInt(sR2));
int GHi=HiInt(ASCIIToInt(sG1),ASCIIToInt(sG2));
int GLo=LoInt(ASCIIToInt(sG1),ASCIIToInt(sG2));
int BHi=HiInt(ASCIIToInt(sB1),ASCIIToInt(sB2));
int BLo=LoInt(ASCIIToInt(sB1),ASCIIToInt(sB2));
return ASCII(Random(RHi-RLo)+RLo+1)+ASCII(Random(GHi-GLo)+GLo+1)+ASCII(Random(BHi-BLo)+BLo+1);
//Jumble Text randomly selects a color between Color1 and Color2
string JumbledText(string Color1, string Color2, string JumbleString)
int j;
string ReturnString;
while (j<(GetStringLength(JumbleString)))
ReturnString = ReturnString+"<c"+JumbleCode(Color1,Color2)+">"+GetSubString(JumbleString,j,1)+"</c>";
return ReturnString;
string ChaoticText(string RandomString)
int i=1;
string ReturnString;
while (i<(GetStringLength(RandomString)+1))
ReturnString = ReturnString + ColorText("random",GetSubString(RandomString,i-1,1));
return ReturnString;
Known bugs: "red" and "tan" color codes should be changed to longer keywords, as they get confused with 3 letter codes.
I use keywords "rose" and "beige" now
(Yet another thing I need to update...)
Modifié par Carcerian, 19 juin 2012 - 09:51 .