Author Topic: Is there a Spawn Script out that can do this?  (Read 256 times)


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Is there a Spawn Script out that can do this?
« on: June 13, 2012, 05:18:58 am »

               I am looking for a spawn script that can

Spawn from waypoints
Let you set the percent chance (0% to 100%) to have something spawn from it.
Randomly spawn a creature from a list of 1 to 100 or more creatures (or what ever).
Let you set (or) randeomly spawn number of appearing 1 to 25 or more.

This would allow me to set waypoints up in areas and when my PC's entered the area each time something could be spawned at a different place and/or a different creature and/or less or more creatures.

I want to use this script a long roads that lead to and from my cities, towns, and villages.

If there is a spawn script out there that can do all this then my D&D world would be a step closer to coming to life.

The ASG Spawn Kit 1.5  spawn system does all of this except let me set (or) randomly spawn number of appearing. I can only spawn one creature per waypoint.

I wish I just knew how to add this option to this system then I would have everything I would ever want for what I am doing.

It would all so be nice if the list of creatures could be in the script its self instead of on the waypoint varibles, but I can live with it. I like being able to set all the other options from the waypoint varibles. That way each way point can be different with out having to change the scripts themselves.

All and any help would be greatful.
Thanks for your time


                     Modifié par Syii_Gardan, 13 juin 2012 - 04:24 .



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Is there a Spawn Script out that can do this?
« Reply #1 on: June 13, 2012, 08:04:07 am »

                NESS allows you to do that and a whole lot more.



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Is there a Spawn Script out that can do this?
« Reply #2 on: June 13, 2012, 01:38:16 pm »

               Realy I didn't think you could have a list of different creatures on one waypoint and have a set percent chance (0% to 100%) to randomly spawn from the list using NESS? At least years a go when I was toying around with NWN I was told NESS could not do that.

If I remmber right I was told NESS can not spawn random creatures from one waypoint.



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Is there a Spawn Script out that can do this?
« Reply #3 on: June 13, 2012, 01:47:03 pm »

               I need it to beable to randomly spawn from a large list of creatures and let me set the percent chance that something will spawn at all.

For example you walk in a room that has 3 waypoints in it and each waypoint has over say 100 different creatures listed on it. No lest say I have each waypoint set with only a 10% chance to spawn something. This would give you about a 30% chance that something will even spawn and it could be only one creature from one waypoint or one from each waypoint. Also when ever something spawn the odds of it being the samething would be unlikly. After all each waypoin would have over 100 different crearures to randomly pick from.

The system I am using does all this but if NESS can do all this and all so let me set the number of appearing from 1 to 25 or higher as well as do all this then I will use NESS.



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Is there a Spawn Script out that can do this?
« Reply #4 on: June 13, 2012, 02:09:59 pm »

               Oh and the system I am using only spawns creatures up on PC enter and will not keep respawning while PC's are in the area.

I like this system a lot because I'm not making a PW but I am making a game world to be DMed as close to PnP as I can.


                     Modifié par Syii_Gardan, 13 juin 2012 - 01:10 .



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Is there a Spawn Script out that can do this?
« Reply #5 on: June 13, 2012, 02:14:35 pm »

               The NESS system has the function for what you are trying to do. To set it up, after down loading the NESS, http://nwvault.ign.c....Detail&id=3622 you will have to edit the spawn group file, and add the resrefs of the creatures you wish to spawn from the group. You will then have to add the SG_ tag in the name of the waypoint to tell it to spawn from the group file.

This is documented fully in the pdf on the vault. and will walk you through it.

I use this system and have several groups that spawn through it. Some are constant, others are day/night only, others are completely random. all from this one system.

Good Luck!