Thanks for the reply. Across the board? What do you mean?
All of my efforts have been as a possessed familiar. The possessed familiar uses a feat to execute a script. The script - which is running on the possessed familiar - has included the BeginConversation method and the ActionStartConversation method.
With BeginConversation I have tried:
BeginConversation(sConv, OBJECT_SELF);
and even
AssignCommand(GetMaster(oFamiliar), SetLocalInt(oFamiliar, "SUCCESS", BeginConversation(sConv, oFamiliar));
I can't recall what parameters I tried with ActionStartConversation, but I was rejected rather sternly with that method the first time I tried it so I immediately went with BeginConversation.
The best that I can get to happen is that the conversation briefly appears, the familiar says the first line, and then the conversation ends. None of the conversation options appear.
This is a bit surprising as I thought I had got BeginConversation to work once before in this situation. But I am unable to now. I'll try once more. Perhaps I had an error in my conversation... but I doubt it, I had created a new conversation with a first line to be spoken and then tacked a response on to that. The first line is spoken by the familiar, and I briefly see the conversation panel, but then it just as quickly closes.