Lazarus Magni wrote...
-Will this work for a PW as a 2da edit in the over-ride folder, or would it require players having it as well?
It should work server side only. However if you are using haks, Like CEP, that already have a baseitems.2da in them they will override anything you place in the override folder.
Lazarus Magni wrote...
-Would it cause already dropping stacks of 99 arrows to then start dropping 999? I don't want the drops to change, I just want to allow archers to be able to equip a stack of 999.
unless you have scripted something to drop max stacks, everything should drop the same as they are now.
Lazarus Magni wrote...
-Doing this just for arrows, bolts, and bullets should not cause the potential problem you mentioned correct.
should not cause a problem.