Ok, I've gotten most of it to work, thank you.
The problem I have is in the HeartBeat script identified in the AreaOfEffect script.
I am trying to have an effect "pulse" while the spell is in effect, but no matter what I do, the Visualeffect won't show up in the heartbeat. Here is the code:
void main()
object oCaster = GetAreaOfEffectCreator();
location lCaster = GetLocation(OBJECT_SELF);
ApplyEffectToObject(DURATION_TYPE_INSTANT, EffectVisualEffect(778), oCaster, 0.0);
ApplyEffectToObject(DURATION_TYPE_TEMPORARY, EffectVisualEffect(792), oCaster, 1.0);
If I try applying the visual effect to the caster, nothing happens. If I apply it to the Location of the caster, it only occurs where the caster originally stood, and repeats until the areaeffect is over.