Author Topic: Conversation Sript Question  (Read 257 times)


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Conversation Sript Question
« on: February 25, 2011, 01:17:23 am »

               okay as it the topic states i actualy am in need oftrying to figure out how certain onversation scripts work. And like many people who get on here im not very good at scripting (or else i wouldnt be on here in the first place)

im trying to figure out "check" conversation scripts, i dont know the technical term but ill show an example:

PC has an item (item_A) to give to an NPC (item_A) and i want the npc to check to see if the PC has the item in there inventory, then runs either one of two conversations:

conv 1: "Ah yes, there it is!" then continues on with the conversation...
conv2: "oh, you dont seem to have it, try again" then ends the conversation...

Now my conversation will be far more complex than that in vocabulary, but im just showing an example of what im trying to get at. I havent, for the life of me, understand how to run those kind of scripts, if anyone has a template, a link, or even a giude i would be forever appreciative of the gesture :3

ive tried several times to use lilac souls script generator, but i always fumble even then at trying to get the npc to check for the item...



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Conversation Sript Question
« Reply #1 on: February 25, 2011, 03:12:11 am »

               First read chapter 5 in The Guide to Building Volume I – The Aurora Toolset Manual.

This will give you a good Idea of the order you will need to write your conversation in.

You should then be able to use the script wizard from the conversation screen to do what you want.
If you still have problems. Post back.



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Conversation Sript Question
« Reply #2 on: February 25, 2011, 06:50:15 am »

               If you find yourself having a hard time understanding all the script, I have a suggestion. Instead of using Lilac's generator to write all the script you need at once, just have it generate each part one at a time.

For example if you want a script that: gives XP, checks for an item and spawns an object. Don't tell the program to generate all these scripts at once:

First generate the give XP script. Copy and paste it into the editor, look over it and try and understand what each line actually does. When you think you've got an idea, write a comment over that line explaining what it does so you're constantly reminded. Delete each line of code and rewrite it using your own variables instead of the default oPC or oTarget.

When you've finally got a grasp of the first part of code, tell the program to add more to the script you already have. Generate the second part and compare it to what you already have. See the additions/modifications and mark them down using comments.

PC has an item (item_A) to give to an NPC (item_A) and i want the npc to
check to see if the PC has the item in there inventory, then runs
either one of two conversations:

Look around the conversation editor and you should find a text appears when... tab. This means that the line of dialogue you've highlighted will only appear when the condition you script returns TRUE. Start your experiementing here.

Click here for the tutorial that I used to get acquainted with NWScript

Good luck!



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Conversation Sript Question
« Reply #3 on: February 25, 2011, 07:20:29 pm »

               @ redmokah: oh that makes sense, i shall try that first then post back

@Lightfoot8: Thank you for the link! i have already begun reding up on the material :3

I will post back with any results i have, and thanks!



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Conversation Sript Question
« Reply #4 on: February 25, 2011, 09:11:03 pm »

               Also might want to check out my scripting tutorial. Written with NWN2 in mind, but 95%+ of it is still valid for NWN1. Written for the beginning/novice scripter. Link in sig below.



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Conversation Sript Question
« Reply #5 on: March 03, 2011, 10:11:00 pm »

               my aplogies for not returning an answer but i have been hard at work at trying to create a script that works and have been busy elsewhere...

i have indeed found what i seek by using another script base (no i didnt copy and paste it) by looking at what was written in the script i used it to create my own and it works not as much the way i planned it to... but it works... :3



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Conversation Sript Question
« Reply #6 on: March 04, 2011, 12:16:23 am »

               The community here is at most times quite helpful so if you have a need post about it.