was hoping someone could help me with getting this loot system
script working. it uses variables and tags... but the readme is very
confusing and in broken english
I currently have 3 things:
A chest with a large inventory with the tag TD_Tier1_40
A placeable with the tag TD_Tier1 with the variable:
split string Tier1:100
A monster with the variable:
Tier1 string 0
but its not dropping loot when i kill the monster with my lv 40
toon. I have tried like 15 variations of these tag and variable names
and i simply cannot get it to work. i literally just spent 2 hours on
it. Maybe someone could quickly look over the script or the readme and tell
me what im doing wrong? id really appreciate it =/
or maybe just point me to a good working loot system that allows you to define a percent chance that a random item from a container will drop from a mob when it is killed? i really like the idea of this script system that you could have a monster, for example, have a 80% chance to drop a common item, 15% to drop rare, and 5% chance to drop super rare etc