Lightfoot8 wrote...
The use of the system you had in place is just a much cleaner system.
I beg to differ. It may not be the one set up by bioware, but the one I gave him is no more 'dirty'. In fact, it's a great deal more flexible, since you can check for all sorts of additional qualifications with ease, and not just for bioware classes. It's also more transparent and simple to understand, since you don't have to look at both 2da and script to discern what's going on. We use it for all our quasiclass mods, exploit checks, and more. The inconvenience to the player from a one-time loss of levelup time has never even been raised as an issue in over 6 years on our boards. Remember that this only occurs if they player is doing something they're not supposed to be able to.
I think, if anything, I would describe the bioware system as 'slicker', assuming that it does indeed prevent the barred levelup class selection altogether. Really, if you want to take me to task for something, it should be that I just gave him a working system instead of helping him in figuring out how his got broken. :happy: But then, that can be a much more involved process.