Like: Projects,
A.) Set up a group project, I think.
Primary interest group: Mod authors, CC creators,
B.) Easily shre pictures without having to set up an account with a site like Useful when coupled with the above, or you want to show off something your working on I'd think.
Primary interest groups: Mod authors, CC reators.
C.) Free soap box to get up on and rant about anything "Blog" is shortened from "Web log" Essentially a digital Journel.
Primary interest groups: Angsty Teens, and prospective authors. Also good for I'd think anyone who wants to share portions of a project..
Also of interest to me are the things listed under: "Freinds".
Also, here in message window in which I'm typing this post I'm seeing something in the toolbar at the top that says: "BBCode". What's that for?
D: I assume this is for easily tracking the actions/updates of people you find of interest. It's more towards the social aspect. Might be useful for NWNconnections style things too. I.E. "Friend" your game group, and get updates when they post in threads, or talk about the campaign(Could make it a project as above I'd think?)
Primary interest group: Just about everyone really.
E: BBCode is short for "Bulletin Board Code" You had it before with things like ;-? = (Picture of a smiley face) That link just allows one to gut it down to displaying the code behind teh post your writing, so you can say.. Easily make that link.. not include the period after the last word.
Primary interest group: The neatness freaks who want everything exactly their way.