Hi all,
I'm trying to find a way to present the toolset to kids under 10, and I'd like to remove all content that might be considered age-inappropriate for kids under 10 (impaled heads, prostitutes, blood, etc.). I've browsed various sites and forum threads, but can't find the info I'm looking for.
I've succeeded in making basic modifications to the placeables.2da file using TlkEdit, but only partially. For example, I've changed the Arrow-filled Corpse (line 109) so that all the fields are filled with four asterisks. This removes the appearance of the placeable object, but the placeable palette still lists the object as present in the toolset, and identifies it as "Arrow-filled Corpse."
I've deleted the row entirely, but it doesn't remove the placeable's name from the palette, and it has the added, unwanted effect of assigning the wrong placeables to the wrong names.
I'd like to either remove such assets completely, or alter all properties associated with such content, so that no names, descriptions or portraits, etc., display the original content.
If anyone could offer advice, or point me in the right direction, it would be much appreciated.