Because you're a fan, I'll assume you've got the bomb beast catalogue. If you look in there you'll see that some of them have thief abilities. Which means that given the right "dice rolls", some types will effectively become invisible. That is something that I have managed to get working. I have also got them making the the right (to my ears at least) ticking sound... It's some of the spell mimicking abilities I am struggling with.
Loving this series atm, btw.
Wish I could help, but scripting is beyond me
Now, slapping models together? That's my style
When I first saw the thread title I thought we were getting mecha. (Presumably with wizards inside trying to get their revenge on those beefy fighter for kicking sand in their faces at the beach)
I'm pretty sure I'm going to say that "Giant Monsters", if it ever wins the CCC, includes "The giant mecha that exist to fight the monsters". If only we had a tiny city tileset to release 'em on...
Is there an Ozian evil flying monkey in the mix, perhaps? '>
I do wish, and I know a way to get a decent animation spread for one, but I do not trust in my abilities enough to make a decent looking monkey. Though the Gargoyle, I believe, would be the best base for that. Terrible at being a gargoyle, great at being anything else
Anywho, here's another Zelda critter. No, this week is not Zelda Critters, there's just... A lot of weird creatures from there I like. And yes, we'll probably see a Dodongo before the week is up.