This is a little bit off topic <sorry>
I read the above and scoured the youtube files but couldn't find the exact piece described by Carcerian about OTR's nodes. Though I did find the bit about UV Xform modifiers informative (and a host of other compelling stuff)
I've been distant and busy with RL but if new vfx nodes can be added within the model hierarchies and accessed by the game's engine then it would seem that my notions of creating model vfx of animals assaulting a PC can be incorporated.
What I'm getting at is, per se, a predator leaping upon a prey's back/neck, or a wildcat attaching itself to a PC's arm, or an ardent dog upon a PC's leg. Is it as simple as placing standardized named nodes within each piece of the standard aba? Or must each piece of geometry be modified?Could 2da's help with the randomized appearance of the many possible vfx?
What would it take to make these moments of immersion available for all?
<mind boggling.....what a great game !>