Author Topic: Moongate Portals (how are they used?)  (Read 296 times)


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Moongate Portals (how are they used?)
« on: November 10, 2013, 08:28:49 am »


I felt like playing around with some of the CEP Content in the toolset, and came across these Moongate Portals.

I rather like them. They are shown in nice colours and send out a rather nice shiny and smoky effect too.
But I'm rather confused as to how they could used.

Firstly I tried to look them up at the n.w. vault site and the new one created by Rolo Kipp.
When I couldn't find them, I noticed their name in the drop down "Apperance Type" list in the toolset, and saw "(DAG)" written at the end. From this, I'm assuming they were created as part of the "Darkness Over Daggerford" project about a year or 2 ago now I think.

I played through that story, but it's been quite some time ago now, I don't remember seeing them there.

Anyway, I decided to play around with them a bit, adding scripts to make them open/close and tested out how they work.

Has anyone out there ever used these in a module at all?
I'm feeling somewhat confsued about how to use them as a portal.
They appear to have the same function as the "Portcullis" door gates when they open. (so they open downwards through the floor, and not back and fourth like all of the original ones)

But I think I have a small problem with them.
It's not physically possible to step through them once opened.
I'm not quite sure of the best way to describe it,  but it's like some part of the bottom of the door is stuck in the way. I just cannot step over or through them, but only around the other side  :-/
This doesn't quite make any sense to me really, especially if I wanted to put them in a doorway.
It would be impossible. *Sigh!*

When I first saw these, they looked like the original "Placeable Doorways" you can use, (where you can have scripted open/close  effects on them) and was hoping I could use them as such instead of the Portcullis open/close effect they currently use. It would be like stepping through them into some..... mysterious and magical lands of some kind. I can't really think of a scenario for them being used a Portcullis type. They don't seem suitable that way to me personally.

I don't suppose by any chance, is there some clever person out there with the right knowledge who knows how to change them into what I'm looking for? I don't even know how much work it woud take to change them. I don't like to take up too much of anyone's time. If its too much of a bother, then it's no problem. I'll understand. '<img'>

Any helpful info is appreciated.'<img'>


                     Modifié par MissJaded, 10 novembre 2013 - 08:45 .


Legacy_Tarot Redhand

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Moongate Portals (how are they used?)
« Reply #1 on: November 10, 2013, 01:03:01 pm »

               This is purely guesswork from looking at the picture you provided. They look to me as though they are magical barriers that you would place in front of a door to prevent the doors usage. I'm guessing that you set them up so that when some condition is met you first fire the open animation and then after a short period you use a script to destroy them, thus allowing access to the door behind. But as I say this is purely guesswork.



Legacy_The Amethyst Dragon

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Moongate Portals (how are they used?)
« Reply #2 on: November 10, 2013, 04:06:18 pm »

               It could just be because I'm tired, but I'm not sure what you are going for here.

Do you want to use them like a magical portal to send you to another location?

Or do you want them to work like a door, so that it's a barrier until it's opened?

If its the first goal (which I've got in a couple places in my PW), I just a simple on-use script that jumps the PC to the location of a similar portal.

If it's the second goal, the I think Tarot Redhand is on the right course. Use a script to get the placeable to deactivate (make it play the deactivate animation), with a short delay in the same script to then destroy the placeable.

With a placeable like this, the visible part of the portal may drop out of view, but the placeable walkmesh (controlled by the matching .pwk file) remains in place, blocking movement.  Destroying the placeable removes both the visible portal and the invisible placeable walkmesh.



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Moongate Portals (how are they used?)
« Reply #3 on: November 11, 2013, 07:14:24 am »


Tarot Redhand wrote...

This is purely guesswork from looking at the picture you provided. They look to me as though they are magical barriers that you would place in front of a door to prevent the doors usage. I'm guessing that you set them up so that when some condition is met you first fire the open animation and then after a short period you use a script to destroy them, thus allowing access to the door behind. But as I say this is purely guesswork.


Aahh.... okay. I think I see the picture now. As you said, they can be placed in front of a door (as on a house for e.g.) like a magical barrier, and then have an "OnUsed" script to later remove them. (thus allowing entry through the door behind.

Usually you woould just lock the house (for e.g.) door, and maybe allow to have a key to open it later.
But I guess there could be a scenario in a story to cover the other door with a magical barrier for a certain length of time before being allowed to enter the door behind, thus using a script to get rid of the magical barrier.

I never heard of them being used in this way really. I  guess they could be useful to anyone for this
purpose of a scenario in a story of some kind.

Thanks for letting me know.'<img'>

The Amethyst Dragon wrote...

It could just be because I'm tired, but I'm not sure what you are going for here.

Do you want to use them like a magical portal to send you to another location?

Or do you want them to work like a door, so that it's a barrier until it's opened?

If its the first goal (which I've got in a couple places in my PW), I just a simple on-use script that jumps the PC to the location of a similar portal.

If it's the second goal, then I think Tarot Redhand is on the right course. Use a script to get the placeable to deactivate (make it play the deactivate animation), with a short delay in the same script to then destroy the placeable.

Hey Amethyst....

I guess I was hoping to use them in both ways, i.e. as a magic portal, and as a door too.
When I first noticed them, they looked a bit like the placeable doorway in the toolset which can be used to open via a script, then port to another location. (again, via a script)


I quite like the idea of changing them a bit, to have this option to open (open them just like placeable doorway there) and be ported to a magical, mysterious area. (judging by their fancy, colorful appearance) I was hoping someone clever enough might know how to do this, so that I could use them as such. But I'm not sure if it would take a lot of work or not.

This is just an idea I came up with in the last few days, and I'm not sure how many people it would
attract. If a lot of people liked it and thought it was a good idea, I suppose there would be a
pont in changing them.

I don't really know anything about modelling placebles and other items, otherwise I could have a go
at doing this myself, then showing them off a bit to see if anyone else liked them.
All I can do for now, is ask for advice, and see wheter or not anyone else might be willing to
create this idea. I think they could be used in this way to create an interesting scenario
in a story.

With a placeable like this, the visible part of the portal may drop out of view, but the placeable walkmesh (controlled by the matching .pwk file) remains in place, blocking movement. Destroying the placeable removes both the visible portal and the invisible placeable walkmesh.

I think I see what you're saying here. I could use a script to deactivate them, (the effect which opens them)
then destroy on a short delay, which would then allow the player to step through the door.

This could also be quite helpful I think. I never thought of it that way.
Maybe create the idea I was looking for, (with copies of the placebles) and also keep the originals to place in a doorway so they can be opened, then step through them. (once the delay to destroy them has been accomplished)
Those are just ideas I came up with and wanted to share them. 'B)'


                     Modifié par MissJaded, 11 novembre 2013 - 07:27 .



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Moongate Portals (how are they used?)
« Reply #4 on: November 11, 2013, 10:32:53 pm »

               In the 80s and 90s there was a series of games called the Ultima series. There was also Ultima Online, one of the earliest MMOs. Moongates are from those games, and they are intended to be magic portlals to another place.



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Moongate Portals (how are they used?)
« Reply #5 on: November 12, 2013, 09:46:16 am »


Empyre65 wrote...

In the 80s and 90s there was a series of games called the Ultima series. There was also Ultima Online, one of the earliest MMOs. Moongates are from those games, and they are intended to be magic portlals to another place.

Obviously I have never played any of the Ultima games, but using those mongate portals as a means of magic travel to another place is exactly what i'm trying to think of.

"TarotRedhand" suggested placing them in front of another door to block from entering for a certain length of time.I don't really understand why this idea would be used personally. It reminds me of blocking a door on a house, (the only thing I can think of) and I can't see any reason why anyone would want to do that as a scenario in a story.
(at least not in this particular fashion. But I know you can have boarded houses, hence the included boarded door placebles in the CEP for this reason)

For a magical port to another place, I'm thinking for e.g. to place the moongates on the portal tile, (the tile I refer to included in the rural, city, and castle interior tilesets) maybe setup some magical wards or effects around them or something, then the player uses them like a door to port to another magical place.

That is kinda my idea of how I'd like to use them. But if it takes too much hard work to change them like this, I could still have them on a tile portal, (for e.g.) then use a script to have them disappear into the ground as they do, (which isn't really my initial intention, *sigh* but never mind) and the player gets ported to another magical place. 'B)'


                     Modifié par MissJaded, 12 novembre 2013 - 10:01 .



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Moongate Portals (how are they used?)
« Reply #6 on: December 02, 2013, 10:43:06 pm »

               You could use them like this :

