Okay, this is a strange one. o.O
We currently use the old Elven City tileset by Little Baron and Pogo Mudder. However, it has seen very light use; so light that this issues has never been noticed before. While using the tileset to build a large exterior area, it came up that chairs, no matter what direction they are placed, have the sitter facing the default direction of East! o.O At first I thought it might be a placeable model issue, but when I copied those same chairs to a rurarl tileset, they worked just fine. The particular chair is a Dwarven Chair that is BW original content.
Now, I know CTP did a re-work of this tileset, so I grabbed that one and lo! Chairs work just fine there. My question is, what would be the issue that drives why a tileset determines chair facing? Is there a value in the set file that controls this? Is it driven by the tile models? If set, then I'll simply edit it. If models...well, I think I'll just convert over to the CTP version.
Strange things every day! lol
Modifié par WoC_Builder, 15 février 2013 - 10:23 .