Author Topic: HR Base 9.00A Released  (Read 277 times)


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HR Base 9.00A Released
« on: February 09, 2013, 05:08:52 pm »

               9.00 Alpha
Updated PDF
Moved over all base classes / Race
information to custom tlk file.
Updated base class / base Race
information with changes and more general information.

Added bases class description feats
that each class get at first level describing their class.
Added Race description feats given at
Moved over all prestige classes name
and descriptions to custom tlk file
Updating information and requirements
of prestige classes.
Added prestige class information feats
that you get at 1 level of the class.
Moved over all domain description to
custom tlk file.
Placed Domain.2da into
Cs_SpellFeat1.69.hak file. (In Process)
Fixed Holding breath PNP you can hold
your breath equal to your Constitution (updated information under

Double that with Endurance feat.
Updated base dagger description to
match slashing / piercing damage type.
Unlocked perform to all classes for
role-playing purposes.

Updated Durability system to show
durability amount / durability max on the item's name.
Added Detect mode bonus as a system
setting in hr_defaults script. This is the bonus to search check
while in this mode.
Updated Ranger combat style information
and feats gained to use the PNP ones.
Updated reference to persuade to

Updated 3.5
Incorporeal creatures to use 50% miss chance effect on attacker
instead of concealment so we can use ghost touch weapons. Still need
to add 50% to ignore spells.
Added Ghost touch item property under
additional properties that works with system. Add sample shadow.

Routed shadows custom combat scripts
through sp_combat_ai save on
scripts and make it easier to adjust things. Will add the others
Sample given
changed shadows to 3.5 PNP shadows that only attack with touch attack
strength damage. I still have to transfer over all the others so
there might be some creature problems.
Started transferring monster abilities
through spell router
Sample moved over shadow attack to

Added new Feats
Instant Reload ( like rapid shot, but
with crossbows)
Two-Weapon Defense
Improved Two-Weapon
Improved Precise Shot (placeholder
right now)

Updated bards so they get access to
weapon focus for the weapons they have for bard weapon proficiency.

Prestige classes:
Shadow Dancer: Must also have Blind
fighting feat for requirement (PNP has three feat requirement).
Arcane Archer: Must also have called
shot feat for requirement (PNP has three feat requirement).

- Skill Focus (Craft: Herbalism / Alchemy): +3 racial
bonus to Craft: Herbalism / Alchemy checks for Gnomes.
- Skill Focus (Climb): +3 racial bonus to Climb
checks for halflings
- Skill Focus (Jump): +3 racial bonus to Jump checks
for halflings

Custom Functions
Add Custom function to (hr_inc_master)
//Get the Armor Check Penalty of target
int GetArmorCheckPenalty(object
Add Custom function

//Adjust for swim skill check that has
double armor check penalty
int HR_GetIsSkillSuccessful(object
oTarget, int nSkill, int nDifficulty)

Spells / Abilities / Feats
Add the option to change Divine might
to add the damage type of the weapon wielded to the damage bonus.
Example slashing weapon give a slashing bonus.  Just uncomment it and
add iDamageType for damage type.

Made Quarterstaff a double weapon (PNP)

DM Conversation: Adjusted the
information on creatures to give you a break down on the number of
attacks they have with melee and ranged attacks and what pluses.


Alternate download


                     Modifié par ShadowM, 23 février 2013 - 06:52 .


Legacy_Rolo Kipp

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HR Base 9.00A Released
« Reply #1 on: February 09, 2013, 05:21:31 pm »

               <picking up...>

About *time* the quarterstaff was fixed :-P That's been bugging me a long time.

I also like the additional req for Shadowdancer, AA; make sense.

<...his fancy stick>


Legacy_The Amethyst Dragon

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HR Base 9.00A Released
« Reply #2 on: February 09, 2013, 11:15:15 pm »


Rolo Kipp wrote...
About *time* the quarterstaff was fixed :-P That's been bugging me a long time.

Not that hard of a change.  Did it about 3 1/2 years ago for my PW, via a quick change to baseitems.2da....although I also add temp. (1 week) Two-Weapon Fighting bonus feat to it when aquired via scripting, so it doesn't hit wizards and others with quite so large of an attack penalty.

Some of these other changes sound interesting, and I might take a look over it to see if there's any ideas I might want to incorporate into my own stuff.


                     Modifié par The Amethyst Dragon, 09 février 2013 - 11:16 .



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HR Base 9.00A Released
« Reply #3 on: February 23, 2013, 06:52:52 pm »

               9.00A released



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HR Base 9.00A Released
« Reply #4 on: February 25, 2013, 05:07:11 pm »


The Amethyst Dragon wrote...

Rolo Kipp wrote...
About *time* the quarterstaff was fixed :-P That's been bugging me a long time.

Not that hard of a change.  Did it about 3 1/2 years ago for my PW, via a quick change to baseitems.2da....although I also add temp. (1 week) Two-Weapon Fighting bonus feat to it when aquired via scripting, so it doesn't hit wizards and others with quite so large of an attack penalty.

Some of these other changes sound interesting, and I might take a look over it to see if there's any ideas I might want to incorporate into my own stuff.

As interesting it is, using quartstaff as double isn't very profitable at least without two-weapon fighting (not to consider that in nwn you must also take ambidex which was merged in 3.5 with 2wf), having -6/-10 is almost useless really. The PnP allows the character to choose how to wield it, so a druid or wizard can still use quarterstaff as a two-hand weapon to avoid this huge penalty. Problem is how to manage it in nwn, best solution would be secondary base item but that would mean that weapon feats would be nonfunctional for it.

ShadowM, I dont think you can substitute improved uncanndy dodge with
defensive awareness 2 just like that... The 3.5 PnP has a special
conditions for it especially to avoid imbalance which I believe you
brought with this (undocumented) change. And that is true for many other
features such as already mentioned quarterstaff or your version of
manyshot and instant reload. But OK. I get it, its house rules package, not 3.5 rules or balance one.

BTW Few issues I found out:
- fatigue (at least that from rage) rage can be removed with restorations spells
- trip as it is is absolutely useless, since its a cast spell it takes a full round+bit time which is more than target needs to stand up again and attack - using this in combat might be usefull only in party when fullbab class will trip and retreat lol, if the combat log showed numbers would be also nice

the damage reduction system is weird, original weapon damage is still resisted, instead you roll new weapon damage amount and apply it as a magic damage.
1) its very awkard for a players who will see the original (and different ammount of) damage in combat log
2) the magical damage as an effect itself can be blocked by the creature magic damage immunity/resistance
I was hoping in something more elaborated, from your presentation of this system.':unsure:'



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HR Base 9.00A Released
« Reply #5 on: February 25, 2013, 10:47:24 pm »

               I incorporated Ambidexterity so that everyone get it free at first level
The penalty is only -4 / -4 as of now and I might introduce Amethyst Dragon feat add-on with it. Other then that I see this as a minor thing.

There is no Defensive awareness in 3.5 core books and it function is a perfect match to improved uncanny dodge. Are you talking about (The exception to this defense is that a rogue at least four levels higher than the dwarven defender can flank him (and thus sneak attack him). This is another minor issue. The reason it was not documented was a simple slide over because we are not using legacy 3.0 or non 3.5 core book feats right now.

My version of manyshot is the closest you can get to 3.5 core books and instant reload allow more flexibility in crossbows. I think everything I done is really close to 3.5 core books and I understand if you opinion differs. The issue of balance I feel is as balanced as 3.5 core books are, which is it own debate.

Fatigue can be removed with restoration ( I know I thought I tested it, but it might of been left out when I debated even having rage fatigue because too many people would not like it. I look into it. )
Trip : I have tested this plenty of time as found a first level character could easily get an extra attack on the trip target before it got up from prone. (I go back and look at it and if it is off on it timing then I just adjust the prone effect time. Should only be a  1 round effect.)
Thank you for the bug report, I like to remind you that this is still just in Alpha stage and bug will be searched out more in Beta stage.

Damage reduction:
1. I can see it being awkward at first and then understood really quick. Every person I showed this off to pick it up pretty fast and had no trouble with it. I think the system is as close as you can get to 3.5 in a only hak / script setup. Maybe with NWNX you can get closer.
2. There are little or no monsters in 3.5 core monster manual that I know of that have magical damage resistance/ magic damage immunity they do have magic damage reduction. I see for a builder this is minor and could be worked around. If you can point me to some that are in 3.5 core monster manual I will look over them, thanks.



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HR Base 9.00A Released
« Reply #6 on: February 26, 2013, 01:29:19 am »


ShadowM wrote...

I incorporated Ambidexterity so that everyone get it free at first level
The penalty is only -4 / -4 as of now

Sorry, I havent noticed getting ambidex for free, with this, quarter staff is viable choice indeed, probably better balanced than my rules enforcement which follows the 3.5 exactly in this (but I couldnt enforce changing the wield style so it appeared useless).

To the rest of your response, I have different opinion, but no point to argue - if you want to know my objections PM me.