It doesn't matter if "your" heart lies with the CEP, CTP, CMP, Project Q or any other project. there's currently a severe shortage of folks to create custom content at this time. Some like myself don't mind ( I actually enjoy finding and conquering a "challenge" whether it be mental, physical or both) finding resources and "self learning". Using tutorials, examing others works and asking questions, I'm kind of suprised at how far I've personally progressed the past fews years. Still, the talent pool is draining and the "learning curve" for many of us is pretty steep despite our exuberance.
Recently, with utilities like Skype, I've been able to help several others work towards becoming builders and scripters as well. I love things like Skype or Ventrillo or any other utility that allows live voice as an option with others the world-wide over. Lessons go much faster, are much more productive and there's less confusion with the "context" of things stated. I'd like to see others do much the same. I know if someone like "six_thrice" or "old time radio" and many, many others, offered instructional lessons in a live setting, I'd be there in the blink of an eye to join in and learn even more.
Any thoughts?
Any volunteers?
Where can I sign up?