Well Met!
Tales of the Silver Marches was first done way back in 2001. After four wipes in those years the current module was deemed a bit unweildingly and realeased and Stonewyvern asked us as Builders and Scripters from large servers ourselves to step in and redo it. So we did.
We used all new systems as well as some of our own and recreated a New Vibrant World...
The Silver Marches.
Someone asked how friendly we are to new players and before I had a chance to respond you can see what the Player Base had to say right
A collection of picturesclasses to choose from. We are an older PW that was completely rebuilt by a few crazy dedicated numbskulls and it seems word of mouth has gone out and we find ourselves with about 5 to 15 people logging in daily. Hopefully the trend stays to the point we soon have 20 people on all the time. Of course that would be ideal though we could handle more than 20 at a time but then would have to seriously upgrade our Staff. I am hoping to stay about a 5 players to 1 ratio on Staff.
We are based in the Forgotten Realms area of the Silver Marches. No…at the moment we do not allow drow as our Underdark is not all in and really...not sure if we could handle a bunch of Drizzit clones running around at the moment. But we are working on it and Drow will be allowed soon as well as 60 plus other
Sub Races.
Crafting, new spells…so many different fun little bits to see. Hope you take a look at our forums and our Site and let us know what you think. You can pm here or on the forums under the name TSM Junkie.
We are very close to Pen and Paper in rules and use only the CEP as our hak. We have swimming, teleport, deity and domains. We have Timed, Exploration and even Player Awarded XP. Heck...we have too much to list here but here goes.
I hope you all come and take a peek at us. We would love to have you.
Our death system was designed by a fellow named aptly Axe Murderer. His system allows it so players when they do expire have some options. They can wait and hopefully their erstwhile partners are carrying their bloated corpses back to a Priest to raise them back to life like Max the Miracle Worker.
Or in the Fugue they may take the portal back which will give them some options from taking random items, some vital xp, or gold. Guess you can buy your way out of hell so to speak, lol. You can even choose whether to go to a temple or to the spot you died.
Then our bleeding system is a bit different. When you’re smacked down by a wolf he might eat you or wander away. While a Zombie would of course dig in like you’re the last burger at Rosanne’s House. But a goblin might grab some of your gold or just maybe you gave that bandit as good as you got and he might hunker down a few feet away and try and heal himself up a bit in case that stubborn adventure gets up.
Basically like everything we have added we have tried for three things to guide us.
1/ Character Development.
2/ Fun and challenging…not just one or the other.
3/ The Player Base asked for it.
In that spirit we have installed and modified the following list of features.
Player Housing
True Forgotten Realms Deity System
Spell Storing Devices
Personnel Storage
Hide Level Character List on Start Up
Rest Menu Features
This needs mentioning as it lets you do a host of things dependant on your PC from Scrying to Praying.
Real Seasons and Weather
Real Time
Actual Caravans to lead from city to city for gold
New Spells like Blink and Push
Very very unique Items
An intelligent sword that backtalk’s dependant on the area your in
A Robe of Time Stop that can do Time Stop when donned
A Gladiator Net
A Cloak of Levitation
Custom Summoning by domains, alignment, schools of Magic
True PnP Style Turn Undead (Heck control them if evil)
Dragon Riding
Horse and Ponies both for riding AND Pack Animals
Pack penguins (don’t ask I was drinking that day)
True Drinking Scripts complete with Dwarven Skills
Gambling from Black Jack to Roulette
Beautiful Designed Naturally Flowing Areas
6 Different ways to gain XP
Staff Given
Player Given
Basically like everything we have added we have tried for three things to guide us.
1/ Character Development.
2/ Fun and challenging…not just one or the other.
3/ The Player Base asked for it.
Modifié par TSMDude, 15 juin 2011 - 07:54 .