I want to add the D&D Eldritch Knight to my VPnP game (but I don't want to add the entire PRC, just that one class).
I searched the vault and found
Sir_Attilla's Prestige class Pack, included that in my various haks, and it is not working properly for me. The prestige class exists and levels in it can be taken, but it does not add Wizard spell levels to the character. Strangely, it does add a second "spellcasting class" to the spellbook, as if the EK was going to provide a new set of spells, like taking levels of Cleric would, but that pane is empty.
I have made sure that:
* ArcSpellLvlMod in classes.2da is set to 1
* classes.2da is in the override folder of the client machine and the override of the server running the module
* The supporting 2da files (cls_bfeat_EldKni, cls_pres_eldkni, cls_skill_eldkni, etc.) are all in the top-most hak in my module.
* Even the classes.2da file is in that top-most hak, just to be sure.
Any ideas what else I can check? What I might be doing wrong?
Or if you can point me to a hak or override that you know is functional, perhaps my search skills are just failing me.