Preserved knowledge, thanks OldTimeRadio for the Omnibus!
Making Portraits the Easy Way
Do you have an image that you'd like to make a portrait out of but don't have an skills, time or software? Well thanks to Gorkk from the popular French NWN site La Bibliotheque de Neverwinter, who sent a simple console command that creates the portraits for you. Here are the steps:
1. Place a jpeg into your "portraits" directory where you installed NWN. (C: \\NeverwinterNights\\ NWN\\ portraits\\ Mypic.jpg)
2. Start NWN and either start a new game or load a saved one.
3. Start the console by hitting the "~" key in the upper left hand corner.
4. Type "Conv" and then Tab which will auto complete the command "Convertportrait"
5. Add to that the name of your image. For example "Mypic", don't add the extension
6. This will automatically create all the different files needed.
Zip it up and share it with the community, you're done.