Author Topic: There can be only one...  (Read 280 times)

Legacy_Master Jax

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There can be only one...
« on: September 08, 2011, 06:49:52 am »

               So, as always, I was having too much time on my hands (I decided to stop looking for a job and basicaly starve to death), when I decided I should continue tweaking my favorite modules. Then came the realization that the contributions I so loved back when not having to mess with anything similar to haks was a blessing are no longer giving me any thrills. So... I think many of them have some cool parts here and there, and it would be a pity to miss those even if the rest is plain dull and boring and dumb, and completely out of context. (Don't get me started on the one with a commoner happily singing "Sister Christian"...)

The question is:

Is there an easy way to mix two or more modules? By this I mean, can the files be merged seamlessly as long as there are no conflicting tags? Or does one need to re-make everything in a new module?

I would like to save the great Siege of Shadowdale's well... siege,... of the Twisted Tower of Ashaba, but am not willing to re-create it from scratch just to be able to fight along the Knights of Myth Drannor! There are levels of geekiness I just won't sink to!


Legacy_Bannor Bloodfist

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There can be only one...
« Reply #1 on: September 08, 2011, 08:38:56 am »

               You can export any area to a .ERF file, you will have to pick and choose what you want to export, so if you have scripts etc that are required you may have issues with those, but otherwise you should be ok. Once exported from the one mod, you can then import them into the 2nd... ad infinitum.

Once you have the new areas in the correct module, you will have to add conection points/area transitions to connect them all up to the module you imported them into.


                     Modifié par Bannor Bloodfist, 08 septembre 2011 - 07:40 .


Legacy_Master Jax

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There can be only one...
« Reply #2 on: September 08, 2011, 10:00:28 am »

               Hmm... just as I feared... no easy copy paste way... why is it everything in this damn game has to be so complicated?... Super Street Fighter 4 Arcade Edition? Runs like butter... a joke to mod... Neverwinter NIghts? Still low on fps, still lagging, and still a pain in the rear.

Why couldn't I have chosen another hobby, something simple, like sky-diving or quantum physics?

Thanks anyway Bannor... You know, I've written lots of posts explaining people there is no easy way to do anything with NWN, and yet, I always find myself looking for easy ways out!