Author Topic: Broader Racialtypes  (Read 388 times)


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Broader Racialtypes
« on: August 08, 2011, 02:42:57 am »

               I've been customizing the races for a mod I am working on, and run into a snag. How does one make one of the 6 playable racial types a member of one of the other racialtypes?

I am trying to make elves and half-elves a member of the fey racial type for the purpose of spells, and favored enemy. I can't figure out how to do this. I could create a custom "fey" feat, but then how do I enable favored enemy fey to look for this custom feat?  Also, how do I ensure that these characters also keep their "person" stats so spells like charm person and hold person still affect them?


Legacy_Rolo Kipp

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Broader Racialtypes
« Reply #1 on: August 08, 2011, 09:37:44 pm »

               <looks over henesua's shoulder...>

I'm also quite interested.
I would very much like to shuffle things about a bit.

The Ever-young (elves) are tiny, I'd like to use the gnomes for them. That would allow me to use the elves for the High Ones (final life-stage of the Elven). So both Ever-young and High One would be racial type "Elven". To add to the confusion, there are 4 sub-races of the Ever-young (Outer-elven, Darken, Twisted Ones and the Grey Ones), all Elven, any of which *may* become High One... :-P

I'm exploring Shayan's Subrace Engine, but that doesn't seem to address the hard-coded races (quite willing to be shown the error of my ways! ;-). I'm optimistic I can get the Child Races (humanoid animals) working, though.

But making some races part of a "Meta-race" would be nice, too - Elder (Elven, Humen & Dwarven), Younger (Sylven, Hobben & Orccen) & Child (Wolfen, Bruen & Felen) - both for favored enemy and certain bonuses...

Additionally, I'd like to change the names...

<...and tries not to bump anything>

P.s. H, your light-shy creatures are beautiful :-) Thank you!


                     Modifié par Rolo Kipp, 08 août 2011 - 08:40 .



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Broader Racialtypes
« Reply #2 on: August 08, 2011, 09:43:56 pm »

               You need NWNX and function SetRace or SetRacialType, its definitely in some linux plugin, but dunno now if its possible on windows.

Without NWNX you can only change all spell scripts and specificaly functions: AmIAHumanoid or GetRacialType core function (that require technique called "core function hook"). Then you need to recompile all spell scripts and put them into override/hak in order this could work. However FE is hardcoded and this method wont work with it (NWNX method will).



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Broader Racialtypes
« Reply #3 on: August 09, 2011, 12:34:45 am »

               OK. Thanks Shadow. I think I can live without the favored enemy then. This is just a single player mod. If I ever decide to make a PW in NWN I'll look into NWNX. But at this point I think just this one single player mod will work fine with adjusting a few spells and encounters to treat my "fey" elves differently.

And by the way... for my elves I think I'll just change the name of the existing "elf blood" feat, and use that for what I am trying.


                     Modifié par henesua, 09 août 2011 - 12:09 .



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Broader Racialtypes
« Reply #4 on: August 09, 2011, 01:27:30 am »


Rolo Kipp wrote...

The Ever-young (elves) are tiny, I'd like to use the gnomes for them. That would allow me to use the elves for the High Ones (final life-stage of the Elven). So both Ever-young and High One would be racial type "Elven". To add to the confusion, there are 4 sub-races of the Ever-young (Outer-elven, Darken, Twisted Ones and the Grey Ones), all Elven, any of which *may* become High One... :-P

there's an elf blood feat or some such already existing. it should work well for your purposes.

Rolo Kipp wrote...
I'm exploring Shayan's Subrace Engine, but that doesn't seem to address the hard-coded races (quite willing to be shown the error of my ways! ;-). I'm optimistic I can get the Child Races (humanoid animals) working, though.

You are right. Subraces and the Base races are entirely different things. Basically the subrace is an overlay that you can use anyway you wish. Think of it as a global thing like lycanthropy which can apply to many different base races, or alternatively you could use a subrace to subdivide each base race into mulitple types.

The base race will define which of the base character models the PC uses. Subrace does not.

Rolo Kipp wrote...
But making some races part of a "Meta-race" would be nice, too - Elder (Elven, Humen & Dwarven), Younger (Sylven, Hobben & Orccen) & Child (Wolfen, Bruen & Felen) - both for favored enemy and certain bonuses...

Additionally, I'd like to change the names...

Name changing is easy, but this is something that only works in singleplayer or you need to use NWNX in multiplayer. The issue is that in multiplayer, character creation happens before the haks are loaded, and so a customized racialtypes.2da file is not looked at in multiplayer until after the character is created and the sheet is populated with names/descriptions etc.... NWNX and leto can be used to change this text later.

Rolo Kipp wrote...
P.s. H, your light-shy creatures are beautiful :-) Thank you!

Wow. Somebody else is using them? Thats great. Thanks. that was my first AI in NWN and not written as cleanly as I'd like. Since I need to make some alterations/additions to the light shy behaviors, I'll be revisiting those scripts. Keep an eye on them in the next month.



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Broader Racialtypes
« Reply #5 on: August 09, 2011, 03:07:01 am »

               Nevermind on the elf race feat. That was in the PRC. Its not one of the base feats as far as I can tell.



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Broader Racialtypes
« Reply #6 on: August 09, 2011, 11:04:47 am »

               You dont need any feat to do it, simly in function AmIAHumanoid yo check for elf/half-elf race and in that case yo return FEY instead. Then recompile all spell scripts etc..



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Broader Racialtypes
« Reply #7 on: August 09, 2011, 02:59:15 pm »

               Shadow, I don't think I understand you correctly or vice versa.

AmIAHumanoid returns TRUE or FALSE. I still want elves and half-elves to register as humanoids, so at present the function works the way I want.

However if there are any spells or abilities that specifically target FEY or ELF then I'd have to individually catch those cases. So far I haven't found any.


Legacy_Rolo Kipp

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Broader Racialtypes
« Reply #8 on: August 10, 2011, 09:38:43 pm »

               <blinks in the glare...>

henesua wrote...

You are right. Subraces and the Base races are entirely different things. Basically the subrace is an overlay that you can use anyway you wish. Think of it as a global thing like lycanthropy which can apply to many different base races, or alternatively you could use a subrace to subdivide each base race into mulitple types.

The base race will define which of the base character models the PC uses. Subrace does not.

Name changing is easy, but this is something that only works in singleplayer or you need to use NWNX in multiplayer. The issue is that in multiplayer, character creation happens before the haks are loaded, and so a customized racialtypes.2da file is not looked at in multiplayer until after the character is created and the sheet is populated with names/descriptions etc.... NWNX and leto can be used to change this text later.

Well, I'm unlikely to host a PW any time soon, so, as long as I keep to SP mods, I think I can get away with:

Messing about with 2das:
  • Elf - renamed to High Ones.
  • Human - renamed to Humen.
  • Dwarf - rename to Dwarven.
  • Half-elf - renamed to Sylven.
  • Half-orc - renamed Orccen.
  • Halfling - rename to Hobben.
  • Gnome - Rename to Elven.
Messing about with Shayan's skins:
  • Wolfen - sub-race Elven, halfling model base
  • Felen - sub-race Elven, elf model base
  • Bruen - sub-race Elven, half-orc model base
And FE should still work if the names when choosing the feat are from the racialtypes.2da...

Rolo Kipp wrote...
P.s. H, your light-shy creatures are beautiful :-) Thank you!

Wow. Somebody else is using them? Thats great. Thanks. that was my first AI in NWN and not written as cleanly as I'd like. Since I need to make some alterations/additions to the light shy behaviors, I'll be revisiting those scripts. Keep an eye on them in the next month.

Definitely keep an eye out for that! A spider invasion from the Fogwoods is one of the potentially more potent "wandering quests" in Forrestal.  Small spiders, *BIG* spiders... lots of spiders... =) I want to make it a viable strategy to hide during the night and attack during the day.

<...and smiles with relief>


                     Modifié par Rolo Kipp, 10 août 2011 - 08:41 .



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Broader Racialtypes
« Reply #9 on: August 10, 2011, 10:25:51 pm »


henesua wrote...

Shadow, I don't think I understand you correctly or vice versa.

AmIAHumanoid returns TRUE or FALSE. I still want elves and half-elves to register as humanoids, so at present the function works the way I want.

However if there are any spells or abilities that specifically target FEY or ELF then I'd have to individually catch those cases. So far I haven't found any.

Oh sorry I misunderstood then. But afaik there isnt any standard spell which works only on fey/elf.':huh:'