Ok, quick answer on the possible crosser solution, and it won't be real quick, sorry...
Crossers are things like roads/streams etc. They connect slightly differently than the way normal tiles do, at least from a builders viewpoint.
Crossers have a series of letters that can loosely represent their shapes, and this is loosely. They typically have a lower case "i" (eye) for a single end of the road. A single tile that expects no connection to road on one 3 sides, but has a single connection to a road on the last side. IE, the "end of the road". Crossers also have an Upper case "I" (eye) where it connects on two sides, IE the road completely crosses the tile from one side to another. Then you have a corner that connects top, and one side (this tile can be rotated to connect any of the two sides that way... IE, top-right, top-left, bottom-right, and bottom-left. Typically we just refer to that type of tile as a "c" tile. Then you have one that is a "T" (tee) shape, where it connects to any of the three sides and meets in the middle. And finally and "X" (ex) tile that connects from all 4 sides and meets in the middle.
Now, take any of those single tiles, and you can make variations on them. Different things, objects, walls, trees, whatever, to block passage except where you want that passage to be. These blocking objects don't even necessarily have to physically exist, but the walkmesh of the tile can be used to allow/block access and if you choose the correct pathnode for the tile, one that actually represents the true walkable passage, then your pathfinding in game will work as well.
For rough visual clarification, here are the pics of the various pathnodes that NWN offers
NWN PathnodesThe pathnodes, are used by NWN to allow your PC or NPC's and creatures, to more easily find a path when you click farther away than a single tile. In the images, 40 of them are usable, 2 are reserved. If you think of your individual tiles that you might need to accomplish your goal, and can find an close approximation in the pathnodes, you should be good to go. The Black lines are ALWAYS walkable. the white sections may or may not be walkable depending on how you build the tile. They can be rotated by 90, 180, and 270 degrees, just as your tiles can be rotated when you paint them in the toolset.
Anyway, I am suggesting that you think of the tiles as crossers, as it will make it easier to keep in mind how you want the player to be able to proceed in a given tile. You will still be creating tiles, and still need the variations to accomplish the goal, but it IS possible to create a tileset to do what you want. It will just take a bit of work to get all the variations.
Typically, I cheat when creating tiles... I know I need sometime to match up to the next tile in the set, so I copy/paste whatever I can from one that I already have. Rotate objects around, etc, to save me in creation time. That way I typically only have to assign textures and map them properly on the first one, then the copies will all be mapped the same etc... Sometimes this saves a lot of time, sometimes it won't work, but generally, re-using bits and pieces from various other tiles that I have already created, saves hours and hours of total time in a tileset creation, most especially when creating a very large tileset.
As to the variations, say you want your road end tile to only allow someone to walk 2 meters in, then be blocked... the next variation of the same tile, you want them to walk 4 meters, and then 6 meters, then 8 and finally the full way across, always following a straight line. the first 4 variations would all use the "i" (lower case eye) pathnode. The final tile is actually NOT a variation, but a new tile that uses the Upper case I (eye) pathnode, and typically has a different letter combination in the name. Typically, in Bioware sets in general, the lower case "i" (eye) tiles are all numbered as tctl0_h05_01 -> h05_04 in the case mentioned above, and the fifth tile would be named tctl0_h02_01.
Anyway, it IS possible to create what you want, and using the variations on the different tiles, you can make it fairly easy to build with. Might take a couple extra clicks of the mouse to get a specific tile allowing movement exactly where you want, but it can be done.
Modifié par Bannor Bloodfist, 01 août 2011 - 06:22 .