SuperFly_2000 wrote...
Thanks for that elaborate answer. What this practically means for me is that if I choose to start building using HAK's or HAK-paks I should concentrate on one of them....
It really depends on what you want to accomplish and how much time you have to devote to doing the integration. What are you trying to build, and what do you actually
need to accomplish it? Maybe I'm different from other builders, but I tend not to approach choosing and integrating CC as a pre-design decision. I tend to choose CC to meet my design goals, rather than tailoring my design goals around what CC I've decided to use.
In my case, Sanctum 3 is a continuation of Sanctum 1 & 2, which used both CEP and CTP, as well as some module specific content. Having a diverse variety of content available is important given the nature of the story. On the other hand, preferentially using high quality content when available was important given my quality goals. That led naturally to trying to retain my existing Sanctum/CEP/CTP design for variety and backward compatibility, but layering Project Q on top of it to improve the series' look and quality when applicable.
That meant putting the Q content ahead of CTP and CEP in the hak list, but it also meant going through every one of the 2DAs used by the existing (Sanctum/CEP/CTP) design and merging them with Q's 2DAs into a new "SanctumQ" top hak. And it meant looking at every 2DA range and, when I found a conflict, deciding which I wanted to retain and which I wanted to discard -- or if I wanted to retain both, which I wanted to move and where I wanted to move it to. That may sound like a daunting task, but it becomes a lot more tractable if you use
Excimer's 2DA Combinabulator, which is one of the most useful building tools I'm aware of.
The reason why I keep harping on the "it depends on what you want to accomplish" theme is that I really don't think, if you want both the variety of CEP and the quality of Q, that you can get away from doing that custom integration. And how you do it is going to depend on your design goals, which may make some of it irrelevant and thereby make your life easier. For example, my modules don't need most of CEP's phenotypes; so when these conflicted with the Q phenos, I simply used the latter and didn't move the former. On the other hand, Goudea's crawling pheno
and CEP's flying pheno, which are crucial to my modules' design, both collide with the ACP phenos in PQ. So since I'd decided that I wanted to have the option to use the ACP in Sanctum 3+ and I was already using modified versions of the former for visible cloaks, I just moved them. Another builder with different priorities (perhaps those more appropriate to the needs of a PW rather than a delimited SP mod like mine) might have resolved these conflicts differently.
I think that's the moral of the story here. The CEP and Q teams each made independent (and not always compatible) design decisions regarding the content they were going to make available in their systems and how it would work. You can't integrate such divergent systems without similarly taking on the responsibility of making those same kinds of design decisions when they conflict. That many builders just want to use a package in which those decisions have already been made for them, and tailor their building goals to the corresponding design, is understandable, since it saves a lot of effort. But it won't work in this case.
That said: since this is a thread about CTP, it's worth pointing out that from my experience CTP is easily integrated with either Q or CEP. So you don't have to settle on one of them; you can choose CEP/CTP or Q/CTP without much trouble.
Modifié par AndarianTD, 18 février 2011 - 10:12 .