1) Under the blue arc that Bannor mentioned, select "face."
[If you don't already have the options "smooth+highlights" and "edged faces" selected in your scene view, then right-click the name of the perspective you're looking at (e.g. "user," "right," "front," etc.) and select those options. I find that makes selecting walkmesh faces easier.]
2) Select the faces whose walkmesh materials you wish to change. (You need to use the pointer tool for this, not any other tool.) You can easily select multiple faces by holding down Ctrl as you click each one. When a face is selected, it is outlined in red.
3) Under the Modifiers (blue arc), you should see a heading called "Surface Properties." Go down to "Material." Set the ID to 3 (this is the number for grass).
4) Save the scene, reset x-form, and export as normal.
Hope this makes sense! If it doesn't, feel free to send me a PM and I'll try to walk you through it via chat if we can find a time that suits us both.
Modifié par Estelindis, 21 juillet 2010 - 03:22 .