Author Topic: Programs that conflict with NWN.  (Read 713 times)

Legacy_Nick The Noodle

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Programs that conflict with NWN.
« on: October 03, 2014, 01:43:35 pm »


Which programs do you know that conflicts with NWN's?


I came across by one recently.  It was an AVG browser extension. I must have downloaded it when I went for AVG anti-virus after my computer crashed.


Since removing all traces of AVG and using the free editions of Avast and MalwareBytes instead I have no longer had this problem.


I had a problem with RegCure Pro as well.  Once the membership expired, and I decided not to renew, it got upset and corrupted both MalwareBytes and NWN, forcing a complete reload, and destroying all my characters that I had created over too many game hours I care to admit.  However, this turned out to be a good thing, since CEP would not work on the previous installation, but does now.




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Programs that conflict with NWN.
« Reply #1 on: October 03, 2014, 05:22:44 pm »


Most of the anti-malware and anti-virus programs conflict with game-playing in general because the game software is always rewriting file types that are hard to "teach" security programs to digest properly.  Not all security software is created equal... so before you invest in any (the free versions tend to suck for gaming because their controls are so limited), check carefully how they can be adjusted to ignore non-typical file types and system calls.


Firewalls can be similarly difficult to control when you want to game in peace.


I've even experienced conflicts with security processes using MS Office apps and had a hellish time discovering the source of the problem.




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Programs that conflict with NWN.
« Reply #2 on: October 03, 2014, 11:54:51 pm »

               As a rule of thumb (not limited to NWN), I try to keep installed software to a necessary minimum, removing browser addons, toolbars and lurkware such as iTunes and Steam whenever possible. Most of that stuff causes compatibility issues sooner or later.



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Programs that conflict with NWN.
« Reply #3 on: October 05, 2014, 05:42:00 am »


As a rule of thumb (not limited to NWN), I try to keep installed software to a necessary minimum, removing browser addons, toolbars and lurkware such as iTunes and Steam whenever possible. Most of that stuff causes compatibility issues sooner or later.

yeah, so shame that currently almost every software is bloated with this adware. Java and Adobe Flash are the worst of them, wish there would be an alternative.


Speaking of AVG, I used to recommend this AV, but those days are over. Its CPU performace is really very bad, and it pops up advertisement about PC Tune Up which every inexperienced user click on and install.


MSE turned to be best choice thereafter.



Legacy_Nick The Noodle

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Programs that conflict with NWN.
« Reply #4 on: October 05, 2014, 10:12:51 pm »


I spoke too soon.  Decided if I could get to level 40 with an Elf wizard/palemaster/monk without dying in Endless Nights III.  I got to Monk4/PM2/Wiz14 at level20, which was incredibly difficult, and then proceeded as PM exclusively.  Reached level 10 as PM, which meant I was immune to devastating criticals, but as I tried to save, my PC crashed.  I did have a back up, but several gamehours old.  It also meant I lost my belt of heroes (+15 regen), which made up for my rubbish Amulet of Eros I had gained earlier. 



Legacy_Lord Sullivan

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Programs that conflict with NWN.
« Reply #5 on: October 12, 2014, 03:45:59 pm »


I spoke too soon.  Decided if I could get to level 40 with an Elf wizard/palemaster/monk without dying in Endless Nights III.  I got to Monk4/PM2/Wiz14 at level20, which was incredibly difficult, and then proceeded as PM exclusively.  Reached level 10 as PM, which meant I was immune to devastating criticals, but as I tried to save, my PC crashed.  I did have a back up, but several gamehours old.  It also meant I lost my belt of heroes (+15 regen), which made up for my rubbish Amulet of Eros I had gained earlier. 

Did the game crash? or your computer?

If the later, it might just be "Bad Ram" stick(s). What type of crash do you get? complete lockup(freeze) or a sudden crash followed by automatic reboot? or a blue screen of death?




Legacy_Nick The Noodle

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Programs that conflict with NWN.
« Reply #6 on: October 12, 2014, 08:54:38 pm »


Did the game crash? or your computer?

If the later, it might just be "Bad Ram" stick(s). What type of crash do you get? complete lockup(freeze) or a sudden crash followed by automatic reboot? or a blue screen of death?


The game just crashes, ie freezes.  Ctrl Alt Delete time.




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Programs that conflict with NWN.
« Reply #7 on: October 12, 2014, 11:47:01 pm »


what OS you are running it? if win7/8 do you have compatibility for XP set on nwn.exe nwmain.exe?



Legacy_Nick The Noodle

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Programs that conflict with NWN.
« Reply #8 on: October 13, 2014, 01:48:46 pm »


what OS you are running it? if win7/8 do you have compatibility for XP set on nwn.exe nwmain.exe?

Windows 7.  It runs as an administrator as if I were using XP service pack 2.  I have also disabled visual themes, desk top composition and display scaling on high DPI settings.  It helps that I use freeware Jet Boost.  


I think the program crashes when the system checks for updates.of various programs? 




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Programs that conflict with NWN.
« Reply #9 on: October 14, 2014, 05:27:25 am »


I suggest doing a clean boot before playing NWN, if you're having conflicts. Follow these instructions at Microsoft's site to do a clean boot. The page also says how to return to a normal boot. Make a shortcut for msconfig to make it easier to do every time you want to play NNW.



Legacy_Nick The Noodle

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Programs that conflict with NWN.
« Reply #10 on: October 14, 2014, 02:05:24 pm »


I suggest doing a clean boot before playing NWN, if you're having conflicts. Follow these instructions at Microsoft's site to do a clean boot. The page also says how to return to a normal boot. Make a shortcut for msconfig to make it easier to do every time you want to play NNW.

Thanks.  I'll try that.




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Programs that conflict with NWN.
« Reply #11 on: October 18, 2014, 06:41:18 pm »


MSE, AVG and Avast are all fine and a decent machine should have no problems with current versions.


However, MS have downgraded the aggressiveness of MSE and admit that it is now a somewhat reactive solution with poor "day zero" protection.  As far as I know this has been the case since late 2013.  I had used AVG for years until it became bloated and their QA dropped, stuck with MSE for some time, late 2013 I tried Avast for a while didn't like it and now I'm back with AVG.  As long as AVG don't release any updates that scrub certain systems again, I'll probably stick with them.