Author Topic: Something that may boggle your mind (I know it does mine) about modules, and PWs...  (Read 485 times)

Legacy_Lazarus Magni

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               Our PW has over 11,000 custom items (not bragging, this is fairly ordinary for PWs....)

Considering each item took 10 min of a person's time to make (and that is a low ball estimate.... yes, some take less, but for quality items, which most PW's are interested in, considerably more.) Which means over 110000 minutes. Which translates to  1833 hours of work. Which translates to almost a year of work for one full time employee (40hrs/wk), and we are not employees.... we are consumers. In fact most PWs incur cost (beyond time) to be so.
Now consider items alone are a small fraction of the time invested into a large, highly customized PW.

To me it shows the power of a community. Easily a couple hundred people have contributed to the module I am involved with, which amplifies the potential we are able to achieve. I alone would have never been able to do what our PW has become. That is the power of NWN still to this day.

For all my griping about things I wish weren't about NWN, there is one thing I know I appreciate about it. The power it gave to communities, and players, to shape and mold their game to their liking, and (because a few other games out there do this as well in terms of modding, e.g. oblivion, fallout3, ect...) none other than NWN have allowed us to experience these community made customizations together, at the same time, in a multiplayer format. That is why I still to this day appreciate this game, and bioware for developing it.

As old as NWN is, it is still the only game available to us as consumers to do so.

Pretty darn mind boggling, and amazing if you ask me.

Happy holidays folks.



Legacy_The Amethyst Dragon

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               If I was able to count the hours that I've put into this game since I got it (first as a player, then as a PW builder/DM)...I'm not sure I'd really want to know. '<img'>



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               I have issues with intimacy so I'm going to go do a few shots of Vodka so I can come back and honestly tell y'all how much I appreciate all those hours. You guys are awesome.


Legacy_Lazarus Magni

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               LOL, awesome m8. Cheers!


Legacy_Lazarus Magni

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               P.S. Waiting for you to come back, and hopefully you didn't pass out on your keyboard.



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               Pass out is such a strong word. I just kinda dozed off.

But I really do love you guys. You have made the world happier (and my life a little better). That's about the most generous thing you can do with your time that doesn't involve canned or dehydrated foods.