Author Topic: Feats fm items qualify for prerequisite ?  (Read 441 times)


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Feats fm items qualify for prerequisite ?
« on: August 29, 2013, 07:31:08 pm »

                just a quick question, if you have Whirlwind attack feat from an item, does that count as qualifying for weapon master?  it similar to base ability score or skill rank, does it need to be selected "naturally" during level up?

thanks in advance,




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Feats fm items qualify for prerequisite ?
« Reply #1 on: August 29, 2013, 08:10:18 pm »

               It counts as qualifying.  But if you remove the item you won't be able to level in that class unless you re-equip it.

However, it'll probably cause your character to fail ELC checks (either the default or server specific ones) if you do that.


                     Modifié par MagicalMaster, 29 août 2013 - 07:14 .



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Feats fm items qualify for prerequisite ?
« Reply #2 on: August 29, 2013, 08:27:33 pm »

               This is why nwnx_funcs introduced GetKnowsFeat, as contrasted with GetHasFeat, by the way - Knows checks only the character, not including their gear.




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Feats fm items qualify for prerequisite ?
« Reply #3 on: August 31, 2013, 03:58:51 am »

               Keep in mind that weapon master still requires dodge, mobility, expertise, and weapon focus in a melee weapon in addition to whirlwind attack.


                     Modifié par WhiZard, 31 août 2013 - 03:05 .



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Feats fm items qualify for prerequisite ?
« Reply #4 on: August 31, 2013, 05:30:58 am »


WhiZard wrote...

Keep in mind that weapon master still requires dodge, mobility, expertise, and weapon focus in a melee weapon in addition to whirlwind attack.

... and Spring Attack.



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Feats fm items qualify for prerequisite ?
« Reply #5 on: August 31, 2013, 05:38:48 am »

               I mostly asked because I was thinking of ways around the "invisible spawn" bug (where the creature spawns but isn't visible and cannot be targeted) - it happened to me with a boss on a server and luckily, I had 1 minion I hadn't killed yet so I could drag him over and auto target the boss (luckily I didn't need to heal or anything).  If something like that happened on a boss that was a 2 hour spawn timer or 1/server reset, I'd be pissed.

On PCs with WWA, it will auto target the bugged spawn after the WWA completes.  My first thought was just to make a widget available that had 3-5 uses of WWA per day, but our DMs didn't know if a widget could call the WWA script (main scripter is on vacation), so I suggested a ring.  A few people chimed in about potential requirement abuse so I thought I'd ask.

The more important question (and maybe for different forum), is can a widget call the WWA script (and by widget I mean something you use from a quickslot, not an equip-able item)?


                     Modifié par Dante2377, 31 août 2013 - 04:39 .



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Feats fm items qualify for prerequisite ?
« Reply #6 on: August 31, 2013, 05:51:13 am »

               If that is your problem, Giving everyone WWA sounds like overkill.   Why not just make the widget have the PC attack the nearest hostile creature.


Legacy_Rolo Kipp

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Feats fm items qualify for prerequisite ?
« Reply #7 on: August 31, 2013, 02:22:22 pm »

               <getting all...>

"Go for the eyes, Boo!" =)
You could call it a "Minsc Mandate" ;->




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Feats fm items qualify for prerequisite ?
« Reply #8 on: August 31, 2013, 03:59:15 pm »


Empyre65 wrote...

WhiZard wrote...

Keep in mind that weapon master still requires dodge, mobility, expertise, and weapon focus in a melee weapon in addition to whirlwind attack.

... and Spring Attack.

Nope.  Spring attack did not make it to the cls_pres_wm.2da file.  So if you had dodge, mobility, and whirlwind attack as item feats you could qualify for weapon master without having to get 13+ dexterity.  Expertise, however, is not offered as an item feat (although it could be added), and so the 13+ intelligence would have to be met to get that feat.


                     Modifié par WhiZard, 31 août 2013 - 03:04 .



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Feats fm items qualify for prerequisite ?
« Reply #9 on: September 01, 2013, 07:02:01 am »

               Hmm, that's odd. Thanks! I got to learn something new today.



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Feats fm items qualify for prerequisite ?
« Reply #10 on: September 01, 2013, 08:11:37 pm »

               So will the Improved Evasion property help qualify a wearer for Epic Dodge?  It's not listed as a bonus feat, just a potential additional item property.  Any difference in effect as to how they are handled?



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Feats fm items qualify for prerequisite ?
« Reply #11 on: September 02, 2013, 12:03:39 am »

               Feats require all prerequisites to be met naturally.  So items would not be an issue.  For prestige classes the matter is different as item feats do help you qualify.



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Feats fm items qualify for prerequisite ?
« Reply #12 on: September 02, 2013, 02:38:45 am »


Dante2377 wrote...

I mostly asked because I was thinking of ways around the "invisible spawn" bug (where the creature spawns but isn't visible and cannot be targeted) - it happened to me with a boss on a server and luckily, I had 1 minion I hadn't killed yet so I could drag him over and auto target the boss (luckily I didn't need to heal or anything).  If something like that happened on a boss that was a 2 hour spawn timer or 1/server reset, I'd be pissed.

We fixed this with a minute-duration polymorph, via a custom SIMTools command, named !render. The player just fires it when they hit an invisible spawn.

            } else if (sCText == "reveal" || sCText == "render" || sCText == "rerender") {
                DeleteLocalString(oCPC, "FKY_CHAT_LOCAL_CTEXT");

                object oArea = GetArea(oCPC);
                if (GetLocalInt(oArea, "NO_PVP")) {
                    FloatingTextStringOnCreature(COLOR_RED + "You may not use this command in No PVP areas!" + COLOR_END, oCPC, FALSE);

                int nUptime = GetLocalInt(GetModule(), "uptime");
                if (GetLocalInt(oArea, "RenderDelay") >= GetLocalInt(GetModule(), "uptime")) {
                    FloatingTextStringOnCreature(COLOR_RED + "You may not use this command again so soon!" + COLOR_END, oCPC, FALSE);
                SetLocalInt(oArea, "RenderDelay", nUptime + 15);

                float fDelay = 0.01;
                location lLoc = GetLocation(oCPC);
                effect eRender = EffectPolymorph(POLYMORPH_TYPE_NULL_HUMAN);
                object oRender = GetFirstObjectInShape(SHAPE_SPHERE, RADIUS_SIZE_COLOSSAL, lLoc, FALSE, OBJECT_TYPE_CREATURE);

                while (GetIsObjectValid(oRender)) {
                    if (!GetIsPC(oRender) && !GetIsDead(oRender) && !GetPlotFlag(oRender) && !GetHasEffectOfType(EFFECT_TYPE_POLYMORPH, oRender)) {
                        SetPlotFlag(oRender, TRUE);

                        SetLocalInt(oRender, "RenderPlot", 1);
                        DelayCommand(fDelay += 0.01, ApplyEffectToObject(DURATION_TYPE_TEMPORARY, eRender, oRender, 0.1));

                    if (GetLocalInt(oRender, "RenderPlot"))
                        AssignCommand(oArea, DelayCommand(fDelay + 2.0, SetPlotFlag(oRender, FALSE)));

                    oRender = GetNextObjectInShape(SHAPE_SPHERE, RADIUS_SIZE_COLOSSAL, lLoc, FALSE, OBJECT_TYPE_CREATURE);

                FloatingTextStringOnCreature(COLOR_GREEN + "Creatures rerendered!" + COLOR_END, oCPC, FALSE);

One of the more ingenious ways of dealing with something, really - thanks to a player suggestion. Addition and subtraction of cutscene invis doesn't force a client rerender, but polymorph does.



                     Modifié par FunkySwerve, 02 septembre 2013 - 01:39 .