There is, but you'll need to create & edit your own .tlk file for your module/PW, and edit your own copy of loadhints.2da (to put in your module's hak file) to reference the new .tlk file entries.
Useful tools to help you get and edit the files:
I like Axe Murderer's Killer TLK Editor myself, since it just takes the click of a button to change the .tlk line numbers to the ones you'll need for the 2da to reference, and I've never had a problem with the program. I use the Excel spreadsheet for 2da edits, because it's so easy to use.
Your personal .tlk file will go in your NWN/tlk folder, while the hak containing the updated loadhints.2da file will go into your NWN/hak folder (and will need to be associated with the module in the toolset...Edit > Module Properties > Custom Content...same for the .tlk file).
If you need more help, feel free to ask around in the custom content section of the forum.