Author Topic: News of the GameSpy situaiton hits front page of Slashdot (LINK)  (Read 642 times)


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News of the GameSpy situaiton hits front page of Slashdot (LINK)
« on: December 08, 2012, 12:00:25 am »

               GameSpy's New Owners Begin Disabling Multiplayer Without Warning
Here (Slashdot front page) or here for a direct link to the article.

Please click on the social media buttons at the article to ReTweet, Facebook like or Google+ like the article to get the word out! 

We may not be able to change the situation, but we can sure as hell raise a stink about it!

"Internet powers...ACTIVATE!"


Slashdot - GameSpy's New Owners Begin Disabling Multiplayer Without Warning
VG24/7 - GameSpy master servers for old games switched off
Spong -&nbsp; "Irate Fans"Alert Rebellion to Sniper Elite Server Death
VG 24/7 - GameSpy server shut-downs: Rebellion head responds
GameTrailers - classic PC Games Suddenly, Permanently, Lose Multiplayer
Geeky Gadgets - GameSpy Getting Cut From Sniper Elite, Several Other Games
Game Politics - Rebellion Apologizes for Sniper Elite Multiplayer Servers Being Shut Down 'Without Their Consent
Kotaku - Tons of classic PC Games Have Had Their Multiplayer Modes Silently Killed Off
GamePlanet - New Gamespy owner shutting game servers without consultation
PC&nbsp;Gamer - GameSpy shuts down multiplayer support for Swat 4, Neverwinter Nights and other classics
EuroGamer - Glu snips GameSpy from several old PC games
Escapist - GameSpy's New Owner Shuts Down classic Multiplayer
VG 24/7 -- New Gamespy owners shutting down game servers left and right
BluesNews - GameSpy Sale Ends Sniper Elite Multiplayer
Casual Gamer Alliance - GameSpy shuts down multiplayer support for Swat 4, Neverwinter Nights and other classics
Games On Net - Gamespy middleware owners shut down game servers, asks hugely inflated fees to bring them back online
RockPaperShotgun - The Spy Who Went Into The Cold: Gamespy’s Casualties


                     Modifié par OldTimeRadio, 11 décembre 2012 - 03:06 .


Legacy_Lazarus Magni

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News of the GameSpy situaiton hits front page of Slashdot (LINK)
« Reply #1 on: December 08, 2012, 12:41:18 am »

               Nice job OldTime, Cheers.


Legacy_Borrie BoBaka

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News of the GameSpy situaiton hits front page of Slashdot (LINK)
« Reply #2 on: December 08, 2012, 08:27:14 am »

               Are there any special hashtags for twitter being used for the GameSpy protest?



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News of the GameSpy situaiton hits front page of Slashdot (LINK)
« Reply #3 on: December 09, 2012, 11:57:24 pm »


OldTimeRadio wrote...

"Internet powers...ACTIVATE!"





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News of the GameSpy situaiton hits front page of Slashdot (LINK)
« Reply #4 on: December 10, 2012, 04:01:56 am »

               Hello, OldTimeRadio!

Awesome that you got that out there!

I doubt it will change either, but something like that shouldn't go unanswered. Like we talked about the other day, they missed a chance for some goodwill PR with this, and instead gave themselves a black eye.



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News of the GameSpy situaiton hits front page of Slashdot (LINK)
« Reply #5 on: December 11, 2012, 02:59:43 am »

               @Borrie - I don't know yet.  They might be going at #glu or #glumobile or something like that.  If any other developers speak publicly like Rebellion did, I wouldn't be surprised to see something like that.

@Algernon -Yep!  I'm very grateful to SlashDot for running the article and for Rebellion for posting the open letter- without which I'm not entirely sure I could have written the submission in the first place.

As of now:
Slashdot - GameSpy's New Owners Begin Disabling Multiplayer Without Warning
VG24/7 - GameSpy master servers for old games switched off
Spong -  "Irate Fans"Alert Rebellion to Sniper Elite Server Death
VG 24/7 - GameSpy server shut-downs: Rebellion head responds
GameTrailers - classic PC Games Suddenly, Permanently, Lose Multiplayer
Geeky Gadgets -  GameSpy Getting Cut From Sniper Elite, Several Other Games
Game Politics - Rebellion Apologizes for Sniper Elite Multiplayer Servers Being Shut Down 'Without Their Consent
Kotaku - Tons of classic PC Games Have Had Their Multiplayer Modes Silently Killed Off
GamePlanet - New Gamespy owner shutting game servers without consultation
PC Gamer - GameSpy shuts down multiplayer support for Swat 4, Neverwinter Nights and other classics
EuroGamer - Glu snips GameSpy from several old PC games
Escapist -  GameSpy's New Owner Shuts Down classic Multiplayer
VG 24/7 -- New Gamespy owners shutting down game servers left and right
BluesNews - GameSpy Sale Ends Sniper Elite Multiplayer
Casual Gamer Alliance - GameSpy shuts down multiplayer support for Swat 4, Neverwinter Nights and other classics
Games On Net - Gamespy middleware owners shut down game servers, asks hugely inflated fees to bring them back online
RockPaperShotgun - The Spy Who Went Into The Cold: Gamespy’s Casualties

Again, if you have Twitter/Facebook/Google+ accounts, etc, use any social media buttons on the articles to bring more attention to the issue.


                     Modifié par OldTimeRadio, 11 décembre 2012 - 03:13 .


Legacy_Borrie BoBaka

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News of the GameSpy situaiton hits front page of Slashdot (LINK)
« Reply #6 on: December 11, 2012, 03:14:31 am »

               What concerns me the most is that a lot of people reading about this are getting the misconception that Neverwinter Nights and it's sequel are no longer playable Online, and thus will refrain from trying out the series by buying it through, Steam, or elsewhere. Few mention about the capability of Direct Connect, and a few also believe that it is now impossible to host servers (or log in).

I hope that this does not have more widespread negative effects than just the lists being turned off.



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News of the GameSpy situaiton hits front page of Slashdot (LINK)
« Reply #7 on: December 11, 2012, 03:26:23 am »

               I made sure to impregnate the Slashdot article I submitted with the information that NWN 1'ers could direct connect fine.  That was my payload.  I couldn't possibly fit it any closer than the third sentence.

Almost everybody is linking back to the Slashdot article.

I've also noticed on some comments for articles that others are correcting people who have the incorrect impression about NWN's multiplayer ability in this situation- along with several other games which also have direct connect.

Honestly, I think the chances are pretty low that someone who would otherwise play NWN is going to miss that bit of info.  That's just my hunch and, as I mentioned, I crafted the Slashdot submission to "get the word out" about direct connect.


                     Modifié par OldTimeRadio, 11 décembre 2012 - 03:26 .


Legacy_Lazarus Magni

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News of the GameSpy situaiton hits front page of Slashdot (LINK)
« Reply #8 on: December 11, 2012, 05:37:58 am »


OldTimeRadio wrote...

"Internet powers...ACTIVATE!"

Awesome OTR!