Author Topic: Arnheim Modifications to Spells, Schools and Spell Lists  (Read 1522 times)


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Arnheim Modifications to Spells, Schools and Spell Lists
« Reply #15 on: September 28, 2012, 09:42:49 am »


henesua wrote...

is the test for whether a wizard is a necromancy specialist in your community patch?

nope its a homebrew function posted here some time ago

EDIT: found the LINK


                     Modifié par ShaDoOoW, 28 septembre 2012 - 01:27 .



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Arnheim Modifications to Spells, Schools and Spell Lists
« Reply #16 on: September 28, 2012, 08:36:37 pm »

               Thanks, ShaDoOoW. I haven't had a chance to look at that yet, but I will.



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Arnheim Modifications to Spells, Schools and Spell Lists
« Reply #17 on: October 01, 2012, 12:20:02 am »

               I've made additional polymorph changes, modified Polymorph Self and Wildshape, and added a spell called Animal Shapes (Bard/Ranger 3, Animal Domain 4), and a new feat called Wild Shape, Small.

I have renamed Animal Companions as "Spirit Animals" and reduced them to some basics: badger, wolf, bear, boar, hawk, panther. The druid/ranger has a close connection with their spirit animal and is thus able to merge armor and item properties with related polymorphs. Fey and Goblin-touched are very connected to animal kind so they always merge items and armor.

Polymorph Self (as noted above):
  • Giant Spider (spider climb ability, immune to webs)
  • Ogre  (wields a weapon which merges with equipped weapon, and because of Q has full range of animations)
  • Wyvern (flight, poison tail)
  • Giant Crab (aquatic, medium size)
  • Ochre Jelly (pass door ability, many invulnerabilites, acid slam)
Animal Shapes/Wild Shape, Small:
  • Mouse (pass door)  - spirit: badger
  • Frog (aquatic)
  • Raven (flight, speech)  - spirit: hawk
  • Bat (flight, blindsight)
  • Cat - spirit: panther
Wild Shape new forms:
  • Hawk (flight)  - replaces badger if Spirit Animal is Hawk
  • Great Eagle (flight)  - replaces dire badger if Spirit Animal is Hawk
And I made icons for all of these spells, feats etc... It feels like this is starting to come together.


                     Modifié par henesua, 01 octobre 2012 - 12:11 .



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Arnheim Modifications to Spells, Schools and Spell Lists
« Reply #18 on: October 02, 2012, 04:07:55 am »

                Now that I have tinkered enough with the spells and ensured my TLK is updated, I am doubling back and improving the magic item crafting situation (scrolls, wands, potions). Has anyone else used The Krit's A Better Craft Magic? Or at least played on a server with it? I've implemented it and am expanding the options for my spells so that each spell property has 5 level options. A caster level 9 magic missile wand would be fun to make on your own eh?

Anyway, I can see in teh comments that ShaDoOoW thinks its over powering to do this. I'm wondering what others think. Or what ideas people have for ensuring this is well balanced.



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Arnheim Modifications to Spells, Schools and Spell Lists
« Reply #19 on: October 06, 2012, 02:10:31 am »

               I remade Shelgarn's Persistent blade as a second level wizard spell called Animated Knife. Its an enchantment which compels a dagger or kukri to spring into the air and attack the caster's enemies. The enchantment can be dipelled via dispel magic and other related spells. However banishment does not work as this is not a summon but an enchantment. The spell must be cast on a dagger or kukri and then the targeted weapon is equipped by an invisible henchman. The number of weapons a wizard can enchant in this manner is limited by the number of henchman the module allows.

Animate Knife
Caster Level(s): Wizard / Sorcerer 2
Innate Level: 2
School: Enchantment
Descriptor(s): Enchanted Item
Component(s): Verbal, Somatic (Material: Dagger or Kukri)
Range: Touch
Area of Effect / Target: Knife (Dagger or Kukri)
Duration: 1  round/Level
Additional Counter Spells:
Save: None
Spell Resistance: No

This spell animates the targeted knife and gives it the ability to fight in defense of the caster. The animated knife joins the caster's party as a henchman.


                     Modifié par henesua, 12 octobre 2012 - 11:38 .



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Arnheim Modifications to Spells, Schools and Spell Lists
« Reply #20 on: October 27, 2012, 10:47:55 am »

               Hi Henesua, It's been a while.  

You might want to increase the duration on your animate knife spell.  Shelgarn's Persistent blade is only really useful to give monsters something to attack while you run away and a version that takes longer to cast (because you have to click different points on the screen or put a knife on the floor) is going to have very limited use without a longer duration.



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Arnheim Modifications to Spells, Schools and Spell Lists
« Reply #21 on: October 27, 2012, 01:09:00 pm »

               Good to see ya, Frimble. I've missed playing with you in game.

I've tested Animate Knife in a variety of situations. Its a useful spell. Considering your response I may give it something like 5 rounds + 1 round per level, but that is the most I'd do. I see the duration as the limit on the spell, and I think a short duration is necessary to keep it balanced.

The strength of this spell is that it is NOT a summon so any number of knives can be enchanted (I set henchman to a limit of 50 in Arnheim). This means that it is potentially VERY powerful.  Put this spell on a wand, and you have the ability to spawn forth an army of knives. If the duration was 1 minute per level, it would be an overpowered spell.

I agree that the Animate Weapon spell on the other hand needs additional incentive I think since it is higher level (I am replacing Mordenkainen's sword with a spell that can make any kind of weapon dance).

A few other benefits of enchanted weapons:
- I prefer spells that scale, so the the enchantment gains 1 level per 2 caster levels. (this affects HP, BAB etc...)
- The knives have many immunities - most notably fire and electricity. Which enables a caster to send them forth to tie up enemies in an area they plan to cast fireball.
- Any knife can be animated. A powerful weapon could make this spell very interesting.



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Arnheim Modifications to Spells, Schools and Spell Lists
« Reply #22 on: October 30, 2012, 03:31:39 am »


henesua wrote...

  • Necromancy raise dead spells etc... have not been altered yet, but I intend to change the way they work, and enabling Necromancers to cultivate armies of undead rather than just one summon at a time. Raising an undead however will likely require an appropriate corpse or the like as material component.

Here is what I have used.  It attaches an army to a single summon leader (typically tougher than the rest).  Might not be what you are looking for, but its worth a shot.

void SummonArmy(string sRes, int nNum, string sArmyRes= "")
 if(sArmyRes == "") sArmyRes = sRes;
 object oSummon = GetAssociate(ASSOCIATE_TYPE_SUMMONED);
 if(GetResRef(oSummon) != sRes) return;
 int nLeft = nNum + (nNum > 1);
   effect eArmy = SupernaturalEffect(EffectSummonCreature(sArmyRes));
   ApplyEffectToObject(DURATION_TYPE_PERMANENT, eArmy, oSummon);

void main()
effect eSummon = EffectSummonCreature("nw_s_skeleton");
DelayCommand(1.0, SummonArmy("nw_s_skeleton", 2));



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Arnheim Modifications to Spells, Schools and Spell Lists
« Reply #23 on: October 30, 2012, 11:41:18 am »

               That is interesting, Whizard. Thanks.

What object does that script execute on?



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Arnheim Modifications to Spells, Schools and Spell Lists
« Reply #24 on: October 30, 2012, 01:29:46 pm »


henesua wrote...

That is interesting, Whizard. Thanks.

What object does that script execute on?

The script runs on the summoner and the army is attached to the principle summon.



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Arnheim Modifications to Spells, Schools and Spell Lists
« Reply #25 on: November 24, 2012, 12:00:08 pm »

               Small update:
  • I've decided to adjust the cleric spell gain rate to that of druids. This way sorcerers shine with the most spells per day at a level 6, Clerics and druids have 5, and all else 4. The goal is also to bring one of the most powerful spellcasters down a notch. Thoughts?
  • Also I am looking at Charm again to implement a different PVP effect. We discussed this some months ago  and I liked the recommendation to switch the Like setting of the Target to Like with regards to the caster. It appears however that this affects both the Caster and the Target. I wonder if that would be a problem for the caster. What do you think? 



                     Modifié par henesua, 24 novembre 2012 - 12:02 .