Author Topic: The Ultimate Noob Thread  (Read 490 times)


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The Ultimate Noob Thread
« on: March 16, 2011, 09:50:38 pm »

               Hello to all ye NWN pros.

I just got my hands on Neverwinter Nights, i have just beaten chapter One and... well
I suck **** at this game!

I rly need someone to explain to me how to play this game, because how i've been ( barely )scraping by is by constantly wasting all my money on potions ( wich don't really help that much ).
I just keep dying, teleport back to where i last was, hit the enemy some, die, teleport, and so forth...
What am i doing wrong? D:

I even have a henchman with me who can heal me, though she just dies aswell.
Incase you're wondering, i'm a paladin, currently level 5 though i'm pretty sure i could be higher if i didn't have to use the respawn feature all the time, wich drains my XP.

I do hope some of you can help me so that i may enjoy this great RPG.

Greets. ':huh:'



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The Ultimate Noob Thread
« Reply #1 on: March 16, 2011, 11:04:23 pm »

               (If you read anything that sounds like a spoiler to you, please don't mention my name.
Just say it was HipMaestro.)

Now, to bizness: Don't respawn, reload, from an earlier savegame I mean. Save often. Watch your henchy fight, and learn from her. But not that pathetic cleric, please... ':blink:'
Not a good idea to choose a spellcaster as an henchy anyway, because of the regular AI (Artificial intelligency)
Don't forget, a savegame is your best weapon, in SP. & fire the cleric, and get Sharwyn, for 'many' different reasons. You should maybe manage your henchy's equipment, to give her the best gear you found. Only for that, you should read the first tip in my list, (also in my signature).
A paladin should be able to manage the OCs alone. But you've gotta use that class with all of its greatest features, buffing up before tough fights, and using all of its special & powerful feats by placing them in your quickbar, as you could do with your henchy's orders. 
Charisma, Strength, and Wisdom are crucial when it comes to play such an holy knight. Just make sure he won't spent too much time in front of his holy mirror. I heard they've been developping quite a inclination around themselves, but it's only a rumor from some jealous ugly rogues I suppose.
Also check the radial menu if you haven't looked at it yet.
A paladin is the only class capable to get quite easily and soon enough a powerful weapon in the early OCs, because of this.
Read Wiki anyway, it's short, and written, mostly I suppose, by The Krit, so it couldn't be that wrong. 
Try making all the quests and side ones. Listen carefully to the dialogs, and make sure you read everything in those, by asking all of the questions.
If my memory serves me right, which... you should hire every henchy to get each one's special quest, and get some interesting reawards...

And welcome aboard!


                     Modifié par jmlzemaggo, 16 mars 2011 - 11:27 .



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The Ultimate Noob Thread
« Reply #2 on: March 16, 2011, 11:33:44 pm »

               I am in chapter 2 now so i doubt i can get that henchman you mentioned :/
I also have no idea how you can manage your henchman's inventory, is it something that i need an expansion for? Because i only have the original NWN.
Perhaps i should start the game over? Save often enough so i wont have to use respawn and get the right henchman?
I probably should have mentioned i am somewhat new to D&D in general, and often am clueless as to what gear is better :/



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The Ultimate Noob Thread
« Reply #3 on: March 17, 2011, 12:29:02 am »


Kasz wrote...

I am in chapter 2 now so i doubt i can get that henchman you mentioned :/
I also have no idea how you can manage your henchman's inventory, is it something that i need an expansion for? Because i only have the original NWN.
Perhaps i should start the game over? Save often enough so i wont have to use respawn and get the right henchman?
I probably should have mentioned i am somewhat new to D&D in general, and often am clueless as to what gear is better :/

If you got into Ch 2 you can't be doing that badly since the Ch 1 finale can be challenging even for those of us who know what is around every corner.

Without attempting a dissertation about D&D, keep in mind that your virgin play-through will be a learning experience, so take your time and try to grasp what you can yet still have some fun in doing so.

Besides saving A LOT, avoid playing reckless.  By that I mean, attract as few enemies as possible, draw them back and attack them. in your "kill zone"  Then, rinse and repeat until you get the majority whittled down.  It's a lot of fun just rushing into a mob, but as you may have found, when you are getting flanked constantly the enemy starts getting "free' attacks which can become disasterous.

Use the spacebar to plan (pause) your next attack.  That is the advantage of playing singleplayer mode.

Experiment with the hand that has been dealt to you..

Unless you are totally frustrated with your character, try to muddle through.  You will learn much more being constantly challenged than just dominating every combat situation. 

Examine the character screen.  All the vitals are there.  Try to pay attention to how the numbers change as you level up and what the consequences are. 

You are probably playing with the vanilla henchman interface, the one that came with the game, so you will not be able to access the inventories, at least not until you play either of the expansions.  If you feel adventurous you may consider installing a utility that allows you access to the hench inventory if you feel constricted.  However, the vanilla intertface is sufficent to do well in the OC. 

Steer away from using the pre-generated characters unless you would rather not get involved with developing their skills.  That is my advice though I suppose there are some good uses for them. I just never found any myself. There is nothing wrong with starting with a well-rounded ability spread your first time through the game.  You will eventually find out how the requirements for feats will determine the best set-up.

That's about enough from me.  Our community has many experienced players who will fill in all the tips I've missed.

Just relax and have fun!  If you have any problems specifically dedicated to the OC, please post those questions in that forum because tips may include spoiler information. Deal?

P.S. When you eventually get acquainted with the joys of NWN adventuring (and I'm betting you will!), you could get the expansions at that point.  You can get the entire combination OC-SoU-HotU for about 10 USD through GoG... not a sales pitch, just a matter of fact.


                     Modifié par HipMaestro, 17 mars 2011 - 12:39 .



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The Ultimate Noob Thread
« Reply #4 on: March 17, 2011, 12:43:00 am »

               In order to work more effectively with the henchmen, you might want to restart the game, but all you really need to do is reload a saved game from before the end of chapter one (before you go to Helm's hold). That will let you hire each of the henchies and do their quests, which can be worthwhile in learning how they can be helpful to you and in completing their quests, which will get you a few nice magic items (arguably the best in the OC). Note that you do not have to actually take any of the henchmen with you to complete their quests, but you must hire them and talk with them.

Controlling the henchmen inventories will require a game addition (an override in this case), which is available free at the link jmlzemaggo posted. You can certainly do the OC without any overrides, though, and the Henchmen AI override (which is great) can also make the encounters with various baddies more challenging.



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The Ultimate Noob Thread
« Reply #5 on: March 17, 2011, 04:42:36 am »

               Also check the game difficulty, if you play at normal consider change to easy.



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The Ultimate Noob Thread
« Reply #6 on: March 17, 2011, 07:35:43 am »

                Well, I learned a lot myself too. New blood is always refreshing... 'Image

Go slow, no rush, don't forget any quest for reaching the proper levels.
I wouldn't restart the game, unless you're truly not satisfied with the PC, Personal Character, you first built. Try a few new ones on the side, but this one is you already.
You might be not as perfect as you wish you were,
like Brad Pitts or myself 'Image,
but... still, you shall win. Always.
You may start playing soon, once technology fades away.

Enjoy the ride.


                     Modifié par jmlzemaggo, 17 mars 2011 - 08:12 .



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The Ultimate Noob Thread
« Reply #7 on: March 17, 2011, 11:15:01 pm »

               I'm too stubborn to play on Easy '<img'>
As for not using respawn, i think if i use load game all the time i simply would not be able to kill some bosses ( Gulnan in particular ).

A little side question, are enemies always sorta tuned to your hero's level? ( kinda like on oblivion ) Or are they always the same damage, hit points etc.
I ask because perhaps i went to the districts in the wrong order? ( one being more difficult then the other )



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The Ultimate Noob Thread
« Reply #8 on: March 18, 2011, 12:43:43 am »


Kasz wrote...
A little side question, are enemies always sorta tuned to your hero's level? ( kinda like on oblivion ) Or are they always the same damage, hit points etc.
I ask because perhaps i went to the districts in the wrong order? ( one being more difficult then the other )

Different modules handle the scaling differently.  Some scale the individual enemies up, some make the mobs bigger, some do both.  The OC scales up enemy TYPE by your level but it must be an extreme difference to really notice it (like by at least 3 or 4 levels difference).  Also, party size may affect spawn numbers.

If you feel you are over your head in one area, just try another.  Most designers lay out diverse area challenge levels to make it interesting and less predictable.

I intended to keep this reply as generic as possible since questions about the OC do not belong in this forum.