Author Topic: Vault or Project?  (Read 360 times)


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Vault or Project?
« on: March 04, 2011, 08:58:19 am »

               I'm having a bit of a problem here which I'm even considering opening a thread about...
Oups, actually, I just did:
Vault or Project?
You all know I'm taking care of that most amazing "Add-ons & Tips from the NWN Community" list, but most recently, I have been jostled (I just learned that one, I love new words, 'might not be the right one here but it makes me very proud, so ...) by some youngsters... storing their most welcome creation on the "Project" site (from instead of... the holy Vault!
I know, almost a national 1st grade offense...

- The search fonction works, but through Google
- How reliable is such a new site with no rules? Imagine if one author simply decides to take his creation away, makes another of these countless human mistakes or whatever...?
A disaster, one we shall never recover from...
- It's easier to search in one place only...

Seriously, can we use this "project" area for NWN storage? It's a bit of a tech question here...

I am not saying the authors of such gifts should obey and upload their creation only at the Vault. I'm just being as greatful as... curious.

Simple? Can I used "projects" links in my list?


                     Modifié par jmlzemaggo, 04 mars 2011 - 10:07 .


Legacy_Bannor Bloodfist

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Vault or Project?
« Reply #1 on: March 04, 2011, 10:15:13 am »

               Size matters.

The Bioware Project site limits total file sizes, I can't remember the current setting on that, but it is severely limited.

With the Vault, you can send up to 25meg in a single file directly via the web interface, and can send multiple files to the same location. OR you can send MUCH larger files via the FTP access and notifying Vault admin folks to move the files to your specific project/file list etc.  

The projects here on the Bioware forums MAY be findable via Google search, but I personally prefer the a category type system like the vault.  (even with it's flaws) over attempting to find something by a google search.  Folks tend to use different words to describe something, and your idea of what you are looking for will NOT necessarily find what you want or what THEY called it.  Whereas with a Category type listing, you will have more to look over, you may actually find more than you need or find a gem that you might have otherwise missed entirely.

Edit:  Looks like Bioware Project maximum file size is 95meg, with a maximum total file count per project of 10 files.  They claim a 2 gig space limit, but since 10x95 == 950, that is your real practical limit.  The rest of the space is reserved for images that you may also include.  I don't recall the numbers being that high when I first checked the project options out, but it may have been and I just ignored it due to the max of 10 files limit which I had already exceeded with the CTP releases.


                     Modifié par Bannor Bloodfist, 04 mars 2011 - 10:26 .



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Vault or Project?
« Reply #2 on: March 04, 2011, 12:57:07 pm »

               So, beside that "size" problem, could you really store your precious CTP stuff in that project area only? ;-)


                     Modifié par jmlzemaggo, 04 mars 2011 - 12:58 .



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Vault or Project?
« Reply #3 on: March 04, 2011, 02:12:35 pm »

               Vault is best place for publishing anything complete. Project is great for anything incomplete '<img'>



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Vault or Project?
« Reply #4 on: March 04, 2011, 05:40:52 pm »

               Keeping "Projects"... for projects...?


Legacy_Bannor Bloodfist

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Vault or Project?
« Reply #5 on: March 04, 2011, 08:06:12 pm »


jmlzemaggo wrote...

So, beside that "size" problem, could you really store your precious CTP stuff in that project area only? ;-)

Nope.  there are a grand total of 2,679 projects listed on this forum.  Out of those, roughly 180 belong to NWN, the rest are Dragon Age related, and that is including all options for Dragon Age.

So, despite the fact that this "website" has been available for quite some time, now well over 2 years, that total project count is extremely low.  Traffic viewing those projects is also EXTREMELY low.  Just do a search yourself, and you will find total views of each project, typically less than 100. 

Other reasons to not consider the Project section are that I no longer trust Bioware (Now EA) to host such things in a reliable mannor.  They did afterall completely lock the original NWN forums (forced by EA) which means that even though those forums exist, you can no longer search them as the furthest back that a search will look is 2 years.  Yes the forums have been locked for MORE than 2 years so all searches return zero results.  You can manually look through them, but you can no longer search through them.

Sorry, the Vault handles many, many, games.  Not just NWN.  I don't expect them to single out NWN and stop hosting those files.  It is possible I guess, but even with their prior changes, the management there did their level best to ensure that the files were kept available, searchable, etc.

Basically what I am saying is that I trust the Vault a lot more than I trust the system available here.

Add to that the fact that the CTP files exceed total file count allowed  and add that we have more files coming, and you can see why we didn't bother with hosting them here.



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Vault or Project?
« Reply #6 on: March 04, 2011, 09:14:13 pm »

               You should also note that the NWN projects category as it is is inundated with unrelated and erroneously categorized projects (and has no internal categorization for hakpaks, modules etc) so actually finding stuff you want here is pretty difficult.



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Vault or Project?
« Reply #7 on: March 04, 2011, 09:37:39 pm »


Bannor Bloodfist wrote...
Yes the forums have been locked for MORE than 2 years so all searches return zero results.  You can manually look through them, but you can no longer search through them.

Just a small note. If you want to search anything on old forum use detailed search via google and enter forums URL, that works probably better than old search!