I've got about 6 or 7 modules up there for you guys to check out, I'll start uploading my Builder Resources as I get them re-checked & updated, and I'll be adding some new stuff too..
As I'm working on a lot of cool stuff this year, maybe by November or December it will all be done..
For now, I'll give you the heads up on some of the new Builder's Resource..
The Genisys Spell Control System, which will give builders great control over spells & casting, even from items too..
The Genisys Intelligent Gear System - This will include many different items which will level up with the character, OnPCLevelUp, adding properties to the items as you deem appropriate, for the builder will have great control over this system by a few switches....
I'm trying my best to create as many good systems as possible, like the 1.69 Treasure & Crafting System(s), one for CEP v2.2 will be included as well, which will make it easy to Utlize my crafting / treasure systems in any module. This will include the Genisys Gems System as well, and my Persistent DM Store as well. (DMs can edit items in game and put them in a special store to be sold..)
When I'm all done with the Builder Resources I'll post them all, for this will be my last work for the community.. I'm retiring as a builder after that, way too much work, and not nearly enough time for me build anymore...
Cheers & Hope to see you on the vault..
Modifié par Genisys, 31 août 2010 - 04:32 .