At first, game just crashed on startup. A dll file fixed this easy enough though.
Then, when I load up the game, it's extremely laggy once I get to character creation and the actual game.
I initially got the game running w/out lag by reinstalling outside of program files. However, in character creation, my character became chrome when I selected any colors.
So I google this latest issue, I'm used to old games giving me hassle, and read that I need the critical rebuild patch. So I patch this thing up. And I'm back to the lag issue again.
Win7 64bit, but running in compatibility for XP SP2. Also set to run as admin and disable visual themes.
nwnplayer.ini is tweaked with Client CPU Affinity=1
i5 2500k, radeon 6950 2gb, 8g ram, 7200 RPM 1 TB HD - doubt any of that matters beyond the quad core CPU which should be solved by that .ini tweak supposedly, but just in case it helps anyone help me.
Using the GOG version although I do have a disc I could use instead if that might be an issue - doubt it though.