Author Topic: NWN crashes. Cause: Logitech mouse  (Read 519 times)


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NWN crashes. Cause: Logitech mouse
« on: June 27, 2012, 10:25:17 am »

               Hello, community!

My game has been running steady for years up until recently. Now I'm experiencing the kind of crash that keeps the sound going but the game itself freezes and I get the windows mouse up instead. I eventually have to force close the game and restart it. It can go hours between each crash, or as little as minutes. Usually when I've started crashing it will keep on crashing rather frequently until I reboot the computer which helps for a while, but it always resumes. It is the same for both my laptop and my desktop computers.

Relevant system info (both computers)
OS: Windows 7 Professional x64
NWN: Both expansions and update v1.69

So, since I did not know what the problem was I started eliminating things one by one. I finally changed from using the USB bluetooth receiver on my G700 Logitech mouse to use the USB charging cable instead. That helped alot, but I still had the odd crash after a few hours. What eventually fixed it was changing to a different mouse (the only one I had - a 10 year old wireless logitech mouse). Now I can run for hours, and the only time I've crashed so far was due to a player who unshifted (don't confuse this with the topic crash as this is a different type of crash, and if anyone knows a fix for shifter crashes please do tell!).

I've been a steady NWN gamer for the past 7-8 years and I'm familiar with most of the crash fixes that has come up during the years. Right now all I've found necessary is having all executables running in compatibility mode: XP SP3 and Client CPU Affinity=0. I used to have the HotU movement fix override, but I tested it about a year back and figured it didn't seem to have any effect anymore, so I stopped using it as I prefer the HotU movements.

It seems to me that the issue might lie with the logitech driver, and I've talked to some other people I play with who had similar crashes (also using logitech mouses, but not the G700), and once they changed their mouse it stopped for them too.

I'd still like to use my G700, but I'm not sure I'll get much support from Logitech if I tell them their new drivers seem to crash a 10 year old game. Any ideas on how to fix or get around this issue? Does anyone else use a G700 that doesn't crash their game? Any other ideas at all?

Thank you for your time reading this post. I realize it got a bit long, but I figure the more information regarding crashes the better. If something is confusing please tell me so I can clarify it. All answers that can shed light on the topic will be greatly appreciated!




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NWN crashes. Cause: Logitech mouse
« Reply #1 on: June 27, 2012, 05:44:09 pm »

               I've been using a Logitech G5/G9 for... a while now and had no issues with NWN at all, so it might be a pretty specific thing. I know this might be a -really- odd thing to ask, but have you tried lowering the "Polling Rate" in the Logitech SetPoint (...I think that's what it's called) thingy? I don't know why but I seem to remember someone mentioning it.

the only time I've crashed so far was due to a player who unshifted (don't confuse this with the topic crash as this is a different type of crash, and if anyone knows a fix for shifter crashes please do tell!)

Should've been fixed with the 1.69 patch, hum. Might be something else, I guess! D:



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NWN crashes. Cause: Logitech mouse
« Reply #2 on: June 28, 2012, 01:29:30 pm »

               fix for shifter crashes is inside my unofficial patch



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NWN crashes. Cause: Logitech mouse
« Reply #3 on: July 01, 2012, 04:58:45 pm »

               Thank you for the replies. Took some time before I got around to this again. 

Rubies wrote...
have you tried lowering the "Polling Rate" in the Logitech SetPoint

I take it this is what's called Report Rate in SetPoint. I reduced it to minimum and so far there are no crashes. The game seems more smooth. So far it seems to have fixed it, but if the crashes return I'll update. Thank you so much for your help!



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NWN crashes. Cause: Logitech mouse
« Reply #4 on: July 01, 2012, 04:59:53 pm »


ShaDoOoW wrote...

fix for shifter crashes is inside my unofficial patch

I would use this, but sadly the server I play on has a strict policy not to use any haks :/



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NWN crashes. Cause: Logitech mouse
« Reply #5 on: July 02, 2012, 12:16:24 am »


Halgroth wrote...

ShaDoOoW wrote...

fix for shifter crashes is inside my unofficial patch

I would use this, but sadly the server I play on has a strict policy not to use any haks :/

CP isnt hak, it isnt even override, its patch, same as any official in past with the exception that it doenst changed version number and its oth backwards and forwards compatible.

Now I think I know which PW you are talking about - their claim that clien override lags their PW is total BS. Thats not true and they are the only one who claims that. Client stuff affect client not server (and they barely can proof you are using any of this stuff anyway). Likewise the shifter crash fix is server-side content only - it will have no effect on the PW in question since they dont use CP. I though you are builder/admin yourself - now if you were and ran your own PW, this bug would be taken care of (unless special circumnstances like you having the script for polymorphs modified inside your module as content from CP has lowest priority, everything in override/module/hak will overwrite it)



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NWN crashes. Cause: Logitech mouse
« Reply #6 on: July 02, 2012, 04:26:38 pm »

               I just assumed CP would have to be run on both Client and Server, but now that you explain it I understand that it doesn't have to be that way. If all it does is change the client and still allow you to play servers running v1.69 then I'll dl and install asap.

The PW I play on is not the one you think however. The idea is that having a certain hak-pak requirement will make it more difficult for new people to join, and so they don't want to use any.

Thank you for the input '<img'>


                     Modifié par Halgroth, 02 juillet 2012 - 03:29 .



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NWN crashes. Cause: Logitech mouse
« Reply #7 on: July 02, 2012, 04:54:40 pm »


Halgroth wrote...

The PW I play on is not the one you think however. The idea is that having a certain hak-pak requirement will make it more difficult for new people to join, and so they don't want to use any.

Guess I mistaken it with one PW that had in their rules that player mustnt use any overrides, said that it breaks their server and players with such content will be banned. Nvm then.



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NWN crashes. Cause: Logitech mouse
« Reply #8 on: July 03, 2012, 03:19:32 pm »

               The crashes persist using the G700 with reduced Report Rate. The moment I change to the old mouse it stops.