Well, this is weirder than my Freezing Creatures! Never heard of anything similar!
Anyway, I'm afraid I can't help you much in this matter. However, your initial post dealt on recommended settings, and after reading many of the contributors' take on this I must say it is a matter of perception and taste.
I have a GTX 285 and my NWN runs at about 30-60 FPS on a Full HD Samsung 32" LCD. If you turn off the V-Sync, you can get anything, from 35 to 100 fps, with an average of about 40. If your monitor supports a high refresh rate (about 120 htz) you may do just fine with V-Sync de-activated (from the NVidia control panel, not the in-game option).
Now, why do I have such low performance with this video card when some of the earlier posters mentioned a 240GT is good enough? Simple: Custom content. If you use many, many, many high-polygon models, high resolution textures (higher than the original, of course), and all visual settings at their highest (not only the in-game options, but those included in the NVidia control panel, overriding native ones), a 240GT or older GPU doesn't look that well...
If you add to it a FarSeeingGrass option of say... 6000, suddenly, a GTX 285 doesn't sound so great either. So bear in mind what kind of settings/content you're up to. If you're used to the graphical quality of Age of Dragons, olde NWN may look quite lame in it's original form. Hell, I'm not a fan of visual quality over other aspects (mainly why I still play NWN after all these years!) but you have to take all of this into consideration. I don't know about you, but I think games are meant to be played at their top-most config without any problem when it comes to performance. NWN's noble platform has spawned a tradition of personalization and customizing; it would be a waste not to peruse the results borne over a decade of modding.
Anyway, as I said, it's all a matter of taste and perception... and money... and the body parts you're willing to lose to acquire such money. (Why is it people don't believe I've actually sold organs to get my new PC?)
Good luck with your GUI problem, and may you join us soon in the Forgotten Realms!
Modifié par Jedijax, 01 février 2011 - 08:36 .