First I want to say I'm really new to scripting. I'm currently trying to slog through and learn the system, so I apologize if my questions are basic or ignorant. I've put together a handful of scripts but I really don't understand the hows and whys yet. I've been working on a module for some time (Mostly making: characters, maps, and an assortment of items.) and am attempting to dig in and learn the nuts and bolt of the toolset.
Anyways first question is about the <Race> token used in conversations or the journal. I'm writing a conversation where a NPC greets the PC by saying: "Greeting master <Race>... 'Tis a fine evening, is it not?"
My testing character is a dwarf, so I assumed the NPC would say: "Greeting master Dwarf... 'Tis a fine evening, is it not?", but instead he says "Greetings master "dwarven"... 'Tis a fine evening, is it not?"
Dwarven is a good racial description of my character but it is not a racial noun.
Grammatically this seriously bothers me... like, I want to gouge out my eyes when I see it. I noticed the same problem while playing through the Aielund saga with a dwarven character recently.
Is there another token that states the PC's race as a noun rather than an adjective? If not, does anybody have a script I can copy and paste that will accomplish this?
Secondly, I was curious how to set up conversations so there is an initial "first time" conversation which has some descriptive points to it, but the after the initial conversation, it reverts to a basic default conversation.
(The PC walks up to the inn keeper and initializes a first time conversation.)
start- [As you approach the elderly inn keeper is busy wiping down the bar with a dirty rag. As you draw near, he abashedly conceals the filthy rag under the bar, and produces a half smirk.]
"What can I do for you?" -end
Now on a second conversation, the descriptive part becomes unnecessary, repetitive, and stupid. I know it's probably just a simple script but after working on the module all day my brain is a bit tired and my problem solving skills are shot. I googled around for a copy and paste script I can alter but I'm not coming up with anything. Any help would be appreciated.