Author Topic: How does the toolset distribute custom sounds?  (Read 834 times)


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How does the toolset distribute custom sounds?
« on: July 20, 2015, 02:40:10 pm »


Basically, are they clientside or serverside?


There is this small element to custom sound placeables that they cannot 'resume' for a player. For instance, a character leaves the radius of a sound being played, that is suddenly interrupted. Only be entering the radius zone again makes it for the character to hear the associated sound(s) but also only after waiting the designated pause time set in the Sound Settings.


So for example, I have 2 player characters that enter the same area. One of the characters enters a zone that plays a noticeable audio clue that is meant to be played only once. What happens for the other player?


Can the sound pick up at the timeline it was playing for another player?

Will he hear it himself, despite being late (after the pause break), because it plays only once per player?

What if a script or some event follows the appearance of the sound? Will that fire up regardless if a character wasn't there?


Just trying to figure this out. More specifically I'm trying to find out if there is maybe a script available OnEnter where the condition could be that a specific number of players in present for the sound to play (or if ALL players on the server are present).